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49 Cards in this Set

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Cut corners

do something the easiest, the fastest, or the cheapest way rather than doing it the best way with the most quality.

My competitors are always finding ways to cut corners, but I never cut corners because I always put quality first.

Whet your appetite

to increase your desire for something

Visiting the bakery will really whet your appetite for our cookery class next week!

Knock out

to impress someone very much

After I listened to her, she really knocked me out.

to find one's feet

to start to become confident and feel comfortable in a particular situation or activity.

It took me a while to get used to my new life in a city far from home, but now I think I've found my feet in London

let the cat out of the bag

to reveal a secret

We wanted the party to be a surprise, but he let the cat out of the bag.

Let sleeping dogs lie

to ignore a problem because trying to deal with it could cause an even more difficult situation

I thought about bringing up my concerns but decided instead to let sleeping dogs lie.

to your heart's content

until you feel satisfied : as long or as much as you want

They let him eat and drink to his heart's content.

Let's go somewhere where we can talk to our hearts' content.

iron out the wrinkles

to fix the small problems in something

We still have to iron out a few more wrinklesin the schedule.

money to burn


a large amount of money to spend.

expensive cars for people with money to burn

a big fish in a small pond

someone who is important in a small area

I want to be a big fish in this job.

a bone to pick with + object pronoun

have something to discuss or arguee with another person

Tell your brother I have a bone to pick with him about the money he owes me.

to go to the john

to go to the WC

I need to go the john.

a john

a man trying to buy sex.

Police caught many johns.

ugly, unattractive,





He's nasty.

She's butt ugly.

He's a dog.

She's ugly as sin / sh.t...

He's fugly (f.cking + ugly)

He has a face only a mother can love.


dishonest behavior

There are rumors of widespread corruption in the city government.


secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose

The company was acting in collusion with manufacturers to inflate prices



an amount of money that is given to someone in return for providing help in a secret and dishonest business deal

Several company executives were accused of accepting kickbacks.

to embezzle

to steal money that you have been trusted with

He was caught embezzling money/funds from his clients.


the crime of using dishonest methods to take something valuable from another person

He was found guilty of bank fraud.


A great fear

an extremely strong dislike or fear of someone or something

His fear of crowds eventually developed into a phobia.


thin especially in an attractive or graceful way

She has a slender figure.

Deer have slender legs.







Not unusual, Normal.

Thin especially in an attractive or graceful way

Not fat.

Very thin or too thin

Having noticeable bones, very thin.








Not unusual, normal

Slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive

Slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way – used especially about women or children

having great weight

weighing more than the normal or expected amount

having a lot of extra flesh on your body

fat in a way that is unhealthy

to vomit (Verb, noun)

to have the food, liquid, etc., that is in your stomach come out through your mouth because you are sick .

to throw up.

I feel like I am going to vomit. [=(less formally) throw up]

The dog vomited on the floor.

to puke (verb, noun)

to barf (verb, noun)

to throw up

The baby barfed all over my new jacket.

I had to clean up dog puke in the kitchen.


not liking or wanting to give or spend money

The company was too stingy to raise salaries


a selfish and unfriendly person who is not willing to spend or give away money — usually singular

His boss is a real Scrooge who never gives people raises.


careful about spending money or using things when you do not need to : using money or supplies in a very careful way

He's a frugal shopper.

a frugal meal of bread and cheese

to bully

to frighten, hurt, or threaten (a smaller or weaker person) : to act like a bully toward (someone)

A group of girls were bullying [=picking on] her at the playground.

He bullied his younger brothers.

Bully (noun)

someone who frightens, hurts, or threatens smaller or weaker people

My sister was the school/class/neighborhood bully.

bully for you

to express approval or praise especially when the approval or praise is not sincere

She won? Well, bully for her.

to tease

to bother others jokingly.

to laugh at and criticize (someone) in a way that is either friendly and playful or cruel and unkind

He and his wife enjoy teasing each other about their different tastes in music.

The other children teased her because she was wearing braces.

He was always teased by his brother about being short.

to haras

to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way

She was constantly harassed by the other students.

He claims that he is being unfairly harassed by the police.

He was accused of sexually harassing his secretary. [=of making unwanted sexual comments to her]


moving or doing things in a careless way, especially so that you drop things, knock into things etc:

A clumsy waiter spilled wine all over her new skirt.

A clumsy attempt to catch the ball.

klutz (slang, informal)

a person who often drops things, falls down, etc. : a clumsy person

I'm a complete klutz on the dance floor. I hit everyone around me.

All thumbs

extremely awkward or clumsy

He can't play the piano at all. He's all thumbs.

I tried to fix the toilet, but I'm all thumbs. I just broke it more.

The different states of being drunk:








Shitfaced (US, informal + offensive)

unsteady or foolish from drinking : slightly drunk

slightly drunk or intoxicated


very drunk or intoxicated

Sh.tfaced: very very drunk

I got a little tipsy at the party last night.

He was buzzed after only two drinks.

I don't like being around drunk people.

They went to the pub and got completely pissed.

He went out last night and got sh.t-faced.

to pass out

to fall asleep or become unconscious

to faint.

They both passed out in front of the TV.

I felt like I was going to pass out from exhaustion.

He drank until he passed out.


No memory

I drank so much I blacked out.

I can get by in Russian.

I can survive in Russian.

My German is a bit rusty.

I speak German well.

I'm fluent in German.

I've not spoken German for a long time, so I've forgotten some of it...




Your FLY is down.

Your ZIPPER is down.





My head hurts.

I have a headache.

I have a migraine.

I have a concussion.

I feel dizzy.

an injury to the brain that is caused by something hitting the head very hard.

She suffered a severe concussion after falling on the ice.

He went to hospital with concussion.

I feel dizzy.

feeling that you are turning around in circles and are going to fall even though you are standing still

The children were dizzy after spinning in circles.I'm feeling a bit weak and dizzy. I think I'm having a dizzy spell.

I forgot.

I can't remember.

It slipped my mind.

I can't think of it off hand.

I can't think of it off the top of my head.

I can't think of it right now/at the moment

When is your vacation time?

I can't think of it off the top of my head.

OK, tell me when you remember.



sucking up





always very nice to the boss.


Brown-noser (because of kissing ass...)

he always sucks up to the boss.

She is such a bootlicker. She actually hates the boss, but acts friendly to him.

You're a terrible worker.

you're fired.

Company sales are down.

I was layed off. (not because of me)

He was fired.

He was laid off (not his fault)

he was dismissed.

He was let go.

He was released.

He was terminated.

He was dumped.

He was sacked.

He was canned.

He was axed.

He was given the boot.

He was given the pink slip.