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46 Cards in this Set

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Chris Baldick - extended fictional prose narrative.

It disregards the constraints that govern other literary forms and acknowledges no obligatory structure, style or subject matter.

Can be distinguished by their greater length

Has at least one character, a plot,

What is a drama?

Performances in which actors impersonate the actions of a fictional or historical character.

Expected the represent stories showing situations of conflicts between characters

Define symbolism

A symbol is an object, action or event that represents something, or creates a range of association, beyond itself.

What are some forms of symbolism in the glass menagerie?

The fire escape - where Tom hangs out. Symbol for his wish to escape.

The glass figures - symbolizes laura. She is delicate just like them.

Jim - the long delayed but always expected something we live for

The smiling photo of the husband - smiling because hes not there

Define pathos

The evocation in the audience of pity, tenderness, compassion and sorrow.

Explain the glass menagerie and escape

Amanda - her escape is into the past. Talking about having 17 gentleman callers in one day etc.

Laura - her escape is the glass menagerie and her father's old records.

Tom - movies and booze. He goes out every night to the movies as he tells Amanda.

Define irony

A subtly humorous perception of inconsistency in which an apparently straight forward statement or event is undermined by its context

Define dramatic irony

Dramatic irony occurs when characters say or do something that has meaning the audience can recognize but the characters do not.

E.g. the school for scandal

When sir Oliver pretends to be Stanley or Mr premium to his nephews to test them. The audience knows sir Oliver is wearing a mask but the boys do not. Everything the nephews do and say is ironic as they would not act this way if they knew it was sir Oliver.

Lady travel behind the screen hears everything sir Peter is saying to Joseph about the money and he tells him not to tell her. Its ironic because the audience knows she can hear him but he doesnt.

Define verbal irony

Verbal irony consists of implying a meaning different from and often the complete opposite of the one explicitly stated.


E.g. school for scandal

Mrs. candour. Her name expresses she is truthful but she spreads a lot of untrue gossip

Define a foil

A foil is a character who by sharp contrast serves to stress and highlight the distinctive temperament of the protagonist

E.g. - School for scandal

The surface brothers are profound fould they Sheridan both exploits and renews.

Define history play

A play representing events drawn wholly or partly from recorded history

Richard the III

Depicts the rise and fall of Richard plantagenet whole ruled English as king Richard III

Soliloquy - define

An act of speaking ones thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers especially by a character in the play

The school for scandal - when (aside) is written the character is speaking to the audience as if the person in the room with him cannot hear him. When selling the paintings there are many times he speaks to the audience his horror and disbelief of charles selling the paintings

Define essay

Shirt composition that undertakes to discuss a matter, Express a point of view, persuade to accept a thesis.

Differential between formal and personal essay

Formal essay - relatively impersonal- author writes as an authority or someone with vast knowledge of the subject. Will refer to scholarly journals etc.

Personal - author assumes a tone of intimacy with its readers. Tends to deal with every day dealings. Writers in a relaxed whimsical tone.


Character or attitude of the peocr if writing. The mood.


Paradox is a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement in logic that superficially cant be true but also cant be false.

E.g. Jorge Luis Borges in blindness

"Through being blind i am able to see"

Metaphor and simile

Metaphors and similes are used to make comparisons

Similes use the work like to compare themselves to things

Metaphor directly state a comparison

Define poetry

Language sung chanted, spoken or written according to some pattern of recurrence

This pattern is always a rhyme or metre

Makes poetry more condensed

Common traits

An emphasis on the connections between the sound and sense of words

Controlled patterns of rhythm and syntax

Viva often figurative language

Close attention to the visual and other sensory effects of the arrangement of words on the pape

What is prosody

A collective term that describes the technical aspects of verse relating to rhythm, stress and meter

What is scansion

Determining where emphasis falls

Stressed and unstressed syllables

What is meter in rhyme

The recurrent pattern of emphasis or the expectation of such pattern

What is rhythm in poetry

A conversational tone, more various and unbounded

What are Substitutions in poetry

The variations from the expected pattern

What is an iambic pentameter

A metrical form in which the basic foot is an iamb and most lines consist of Five iambs

da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM

Used in traditional English poetry and verse drama

E.g. how do I love thee/let me count the ways

What is a trophic substitution

Substitute a trochee for the initial iamb

E.g. Shakespeare in Richard the III

Now is the winter of our discontent

He stressed the first word when in iambic pentameter would be unstressed

What is an iamb

A metrical foot used in various type of poetry

What is epic poetry?

Epic poetry is a long narrative poem on a serious and exalted subject

Paradise lost by John milton

They combine legend, oral history and moral exemplum to inspire and guide future generations

What is blank verse?

A verse makeup of unrhymed lines in iambic pentameter

What is a heroic couplet?

Rhymed pairs of lines in iambic pentameter. Used in epic poetry

iambic pentameter. Used in epic poetry

iambic pentameter. Used in epic poetry

iambic pentameter. Used in epic poetry

iambic pentameter. Used in epic poetry

iambic pentameter. Used in epic poetry

Ten beats in each line


The running over of words from one verse line or couplet to the next without punctuated pause

E.g. paradise lost


Somehow I know not how as if she ranked

My gift of a nine hundred year old name

My last duchess Somehow I know not how as if she ranked My gift of a nine hundred year old name With anybody's gift. Who'd stoop to blame This sort of trifling

With anybody's gift. Who'd stoop to blame

This sort of trifling

Extensive enjambment in paradise lost in which the opening sentence run 16 lines in enjambment and the entire invocation consists of two sentences

What is dramatic poetry?

The writer creates the voice of an invented character or characters. It's a monologue e.g. my last duchess

Egocentric arrogant Italian Duke narrarating who is looking to marry the counts daughter and speaks of his last duchess

In dramatic monologue there is only one speaker speaking to an audience

The poems do not reveal the poet's own thoughts but the mind of them and their personality is revealed unwittingly

What is a rhyming couplet

Two lines of the same length that rhyme and complete one thought

Define lyric poetry

In it an individual expressed what he or she feels percieves and thinks.

Although the point of view is first person its important to distinguish the I of the speaker from that of the actual poet

What is a sonnet?

Form of lyric poetry

A verse consisting of 14 lines usually in iambic pentameter

Italian sonnet - divides the poem into sections of eight lines and a second section of 6 lines usually following the ABBA ABBA cdecde rhyme scheme

English sonnet - divided the poem into three units of four lines each and a final unit of two lines.

Classic rhyme scheme is abab ccd efef gg

What sonnet is how do I love thee

Italian sonnet with 14 lines of iambic pentameter with the octave rhyming abbaabba and the sextet rhyming is unusual in cdcdcd

What is anaphora as it relates to how do I love thee

The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive sentence or clause or line

E.g. line 2, 5,7,8,9 and 11 all begin eight I love thee....

What is an elegy

A form of lyric poetry

A formal and sustained lamentbin verse for the death of a particular person usually ending in consolation

For sombreros meditations or mortality

What is a quatrain?

Four line stanzas

Heroic quatrain uses iambic pentameter and rhymes abab which gray uses in elegy written in a country courtyard

What is an ode

A lyric poem

Serious in subject and treatment elevated in style and elaborate in its stanzaic structure

What is the difference between a regular/pindaric ode and horatian ode

Regular- all the strophe and antistrophes written in one stanza and all the epodes in another

Turns on the attempt to solve either a personal emotional problem or a generally human one

Horation - modelled in the matter, tone and form of the odes

In contrast to the passion visionary boldness and formal language in regular odes many horation odes are calm meditative and colloquial. They are usually written in a single repeated stanza form

Ode to the west wind

By percy Shelley

Written in iambic pentameter and structure in five fourtine line stanzas

Rhyme scheme is composed in terms rima which is a verse form consisting of a sequence of interlinked tercets rhyming abs bcb cdc ded

A tercet is a unit of three verse lines

Four tercets followed by a couplet

What is the effect of closing on a couplet?

Quickens the pace as it's a rhyming couplet

The poem is about resurrection and rebirth but Shelley is praying for deep seated chsngrd in the way the world is run and hes looking to humankind to make these changes invoking the power of the wind to change not only the seasons but society

Ode to a nightingale

By John Keats

Composed of eight stanzas of ten lines each

In each stanza the eighth line is in iambic trimester (three rather than five poetic feet)

The first four lines of each stanza rhyme Abab and the last cdecde


By William Blake

Not in iambic pentameter

Made up of quatrains(a stanza of four lines)which rhyme abab

Verse form is trochaic tetrameter

Trochee stressed followed by an unstressed syllable whereas iambic is unstressed followed by a stressed

Tetrameter is a four foot verse line

London is comprised of lines that have eight beats and that follow a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables

A few lines fall outside of this pattern because they lack the final unstressed syllable and is only seven beats long. These lines are known as catalectic.

What is A tercet

A tercet is a unit of three verse lines

What is a cataletic line

When the verse lacks the final unstressed syllable E.g. in William Blake London

But most/ through mid/night streets/I hest

How the /youth ful / hait lots / curse

Tintern abbey

William woodsworth

Written in blank verse (not rhyming)