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16 Cards in this Set

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1. Which of the following is NOT a unit of analysis in quantitative data collection?

a. school district
b. gender
c. family
d. individual
2. A graduate student plans to conduct a study about the use of computers in the middle school classroom. To obtain permission for this study, the student visits with the head of research and evaluation in the school district, the principal of the middle school, and the university institutional review board. What permission is also needed before the student begins the study?

a. permission from the Apple computer company
b. permission from the informed consent group
c. permission from the technology center in the school
d. permission from parents of the students
3. The researcher has a list of all students in the elementary school that have been designated as “gifted” students. In the process of quantitative data collection, this list represents:

a. the target population of “gifted” students
b. the population of “gifted” students
c. the random sample of “gifted” students
d. the mailing list of “gifted” students
4. Which one of the following sampling procedures illustrates nonprobability sampling?

a. Every nth student is selected from the population list.
b. Students are sampled so that they are representative of the population.
c. The probability of the sample in the population is low.
d. Students are sampled who are available to complete the instrument.
5. What is the most rigorous sampling procedure that a quantitative researcher could use?

a. simple random sampling
b. systematic cluster sampling
c. randomized design sampling
d. selective study sampling
6. Assume that a researcher wants to select individuals from a population so that an equal number of people from different ethnic groups (e.g., African-American, Hispanic, Asian-Americans) are selected. The procedure the researcher would use is called:

a. proportional population selection
b. stratification sampling
c. ethnic sampling
d. convenience sampling
7. Snowball sampling is illustrated with which of the following procedures?

a. A researcher accumulates participants over time in the design.
b. A researcher asks a principal to have her teachers fill out instruments.
c. A researcher uses a random numbers table to select participants.
d. A researcher selects individuals who are willing to participate.
8. Why do we systematically determine sample size? (check all that apply)

a. draw inferences to a population
b. because of the size needed for statistics
c. because our advisor recommends it
d. because our findings require it
9. Of the following options, which one is an example of an “attitudinal” measure?

a. negative views toward school choice
b. data about how many students choose a school
c. basic skills of students attending a school
d. career choices of students attending a school
10. A researcher would like to study the predictability of behaviors over time. This researcher would locate an instrument such as:

a. an interest inventory
b. an aptitude test
c. a personality assessment
d. a behavioral checklist
11. If you decide to design your own instrument for quantitative data collection rather than modify or locate an existing instrument, you should know that:

a. the instrument will reflect your own biases
b. the instrument will be difficult to design
c. your advisor will need to give approval
d. the instrument will likely modify an existing instrument
12. You decide to locate an instrument to use in your quantitative study. Which one of the following is NOT a recommended strategy to use to locate this instrument?

a. look in the guides available for commercial instruments
b. consult the ERIC Web site for instruments
c. ask your faculty advisor to recommend an instrument
d. look in published journal article studies for an instrument
13. Various forms of evidence can be used to establish the validity of scores on an instrument. Which of the following forms is NOT a source of evidence that you would use?

a. Evidence based on test content
b. Evidence based on the consequences of testing
c. Evidence based on the reliability of the scores
d. Evidence based on the relationship of test scores to external variables
14. You are administering an instrument about weapon possession to high school students in a drama class. As you give instructions for completing the instrument, several students interrupt you and say that they will not complete the instrument. What should be your course of action?

a. Call their parents after school lets out.
b. Ask if they would consent to interviews.
c. Ask them to complete “safe” questions.
d. Allow them to not participate in the study.
15. You and four other supervising individuals are observing a practice teacher conduct a classroom activity in a school. What factors listed below are NOT required for good observational research practices? (check all that apply)

a. All supervisors need to have completed a practice observation.
b. The results of all supervisors need to be compared to detect differences.
c. The supervisors need to have permission to enter the classroom and observe.
d. The supervisors need to be experienced educators who know good teaching.
32. Which of the following is NOT an ethical issue that a researcher might face in
conducting quantitative data collection?

a. The need to protect the anonymity of individual participants.
b. The need to mask names so that individuals cannot be identified.
c. The need to clearly communicate the purpose of a study.
d. The need to disrupt the research site as little as possible.