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30 Cards in this Set

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Define special education and the key terminology related to special education.

Individually planned, specialized, intensive, goal directed instruction.

Trace historical influences of exclusion to inclusion

Historically children who are different because race culture language S ES or exceptionality have often been denied access to education. Brown versus the Board of Education set a precedent that all children deserve equal access to an education

Describe the six major principles of the IDEA act 2004

Zero reject: schools must educate all children with disabilities. Nondiscriminatory identification and evaluation: evaluation must be unbiased and in the child's native language. Free and appropriate public education: including IEP individualized education plan. LRE least restrictive environment: presumption in favor of inclusion.

Due process safeguards: parental consent/mediation/due process hearing. Parent and student participation in shared decision-making.

Explain special education from its primary focus of instruction

The purpose of special education is to teach exceptional students both as much of the general education curriculum as possible and other skills as spelled out in the IEP. The skills may be a functional curricula such as self help skills. A team of teachers and specialists work together to achieve this.

Discuss key federal legislation concerning the education and rights of exceptional children.

Special education act of 1961 provided funds to train teachers for deaf children. Education for all handicapped children act 1975 is the first IDEA. Gifted and talented children's education act of 1978 – funds for training and research.

The ADA of 1990 civil rights protections to citizens with disabilities.

Describe the three basic types of special education intervention

Preventative, remedial, compensatory.

Describe the continuum of LRE placements

Regular classroom maximum 21% of the day out of the classroom, resource room 21% to 60% of the school day outside of the regular classroom, separate classroom 60% to 100% of the school day outside a regular classroom, separate school, residential facility, homebound/hospital.

Articulate the steps in the special education process.

1. pre-referral peripheral interventions or behavioral management. RTI equals response to intervention. 2.referral

3. nondiscriminatory multifactored evaluation

4. identification

5. developing an IEP

6. ongoing collaboration

Discuss the importance of collaboration and key elements for success

As inclusion of students with special needs increases in our schools the need for strong collaboration between general and special education becomes important. Each step in the special edition process requires teaming of professionals. Collaboration between teachers parents and support professionals is key to successful program

Discuss the IDEA 2004 mandated components of an IEP

An IEP has seven components:

1. a statement regarding the annual functional/ academic goals of the student

2. a statement of what special education and supplemental aids and services will be provided

3. the degree to which the student is expected to participate in the general education classroom

4. what accommodations will be made regarding district and state assessments

5. details regarding the special education services that will be provided including start date frequency duration of services and location

6. statements of managing accountability regarding how and when goals will be measured and achieved.

7. A statement of where the student currently stands in functioning and academic performance

Discuss the significance of the PLEP in IEP goals

The PLEP is the starting point for the goals in order to know where a child is going to go what he can expect to achieve it is important to have a thorough understanding of where his starting.

Discuss the application of LRE

Regular classroom students receive more than 79% of their education in the regular classroom resource room students receive more than 21% less than $.60 of their outside the regular classroom majority of their Tatian and related services outside of the classroom within the regular school separate school students receive more than half of their dictation in a specialized a school for student disabilities residential facility students receive their education and related services in a residential facility where they can receive care services 24 hours a day homebound or hospital educational services are delivered to them in their homes were in hospital

Describe the differences between inclusion and mainstreaming

Both mean to me and including describe an educational system in which the special-education student spends a large portion of his or her day in the general education classroom mainstream implies the student doesn't actually belong in general classroom to spending time there. Primarily belong in a special-education classroom. Includes means that the student is fully included in their home general education classroom when at all possible their needs are served in the general classroom and interventions occur there or time away is minimized to what is necessary means doing versus inclusion comes down to a sense of belonging

List the necessary attendees at an IEP meeting

The following people would be at an IEP meeting the parents the homeroom teacher the special-education teacher representative service providers involved such as a speech path all a just a therapist and if appropriate the student also a person from the district you can interpret the results.

Explain components of IDEA 2004 that relate to Parental rights

Parents have the right to inspect all relevant records to requested an independent evaluation to request an impartial due process hearing and appeal in court if necessary

Discuss Wilson's five principles of effective communication with parents

1. Accept parents statements

2. listen well

3. question actively

4. encourage

5. stay focused

Describe issues related to students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgroundsWho are considered for special education

Three reasons for disproportional placement have been identified.

1. The cultural mismatch of teachers and students. That's majority of teachers are Anglo females while the student population make up reflects a different gender and culture competition.

2. In accuracy of the referral and assessment process for culturally and linguistically diverse students

3. Effective instructional practices and curriculum

Examine the steps or process towards becoming a culturally proficient educator

Knowledge and understanding and respecting cultural diverse city is an E sensual attribute of every teacher is equally important to understand the potential impact that being educated in the system that serves apron dominantly Caucasian middle-class culture can have on the learning outcomes of children from culturally diverse backgrounds

Define intellectual disabilities according to the current American Association on intellectual disabilities (AARM) and IDEA 2004 guidelines

Significantly sub average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental. That adversely affects a child's educational performance

Discuss prevalence figures of intellectual disabilities

Prevalence rates vary greatly from state to state due to widely different criteria.

They range from a low of .33% to a high of 2.47%

Historically the definition was based solely on IQ changing the definition to I Q and adaptive skills any for support the number drop significantly

Identify causes of intellectual disabilities

Two main causes of intellectual disabilities are biological in an environment with 85% of those with intellectual disabilities have mild impairment and most of those have no discernible biological cause

Articulate key instructional approaches for education of students with intellectual disabilities

Applied behavior analysis. Space task analysis breaks down the skill into basic steps teach in a manner that involves maximum active student response provide frequent feedback mediated scaffolding positive reinforcement specific immediate correction generalize knowledge direct teaching

Define and discuss adaptive behavior

Adaptive behavior is a collection of conceptual social and practical skills needed to function in everyday life

Discuss "intensities of support" for individuals with intellectual disabilities

Intensities of support describe people with intellectual disabilities based on what kind of support they require intermittent support the short-term occasional support Limited it is time-limited but not intermittent. Extensive is regular daily involvement needed at least in some environments and pervasive is constant intensive support potentially life-sustaining

Compare and contrast the national joint committee on learning disabilities and idea 2004 definition of learning disabilities

Both defined learning disabilities as a student was difficulties with specific learning areas such as reading speaking writing reasoning and mathematical ability. The difference between the two is that idea excluded adults and and Njcld indicates that these difficulties can manifest across the lifespan in addition the Njcld the definition reduces the redundancy of including spelling as well as writing and Poorly defined labels the NJcld definition also clarifies the exclusion that a learning disability candy concurrent with another disability but it cannot be caused by the disability

Discuss the prevalence figures of learning disability

Since the 1970s the number of students categorized as learning disabled have doubled they make up half of all students are by special-education.

There is controversy regarding whether or not students are being misdiagnosed and over identified

Identify causes of learning disabilities

It is presumed by many that brain damage or dysfunction is the underlying cause of learning disabilities heredity is also a potential contributor bio chemical imbalances were once suspected as being involved but there's no evidence to support this environmental factors such as poverty and in adequate care contribute

Articulate key instructional approaches for education of students with learning disabilities

1. Explicit instruction is on ambiguous direct teaching.

2. Content enhancement help students organize information for comprehension and memory

3. Learning strategies explicitly teach students how to learn not simply want to learn

Discuss the three criteria used in most states for identification of learning disabilities

1. Either show significant discrepancy between intellectual ability and cheap meant or alternately not respond after a significant period of research-based. Interventions

2 . The students difficulty is not primarily caused by disability in another category

3. Student actually requires special education services to succeed

Describe the five forms of assessment that are frugal used with students with learning disabilities

1. Norm-referenced standardized tests are often used to establish the discrepancy between performance and Intellectual ability

2. Criterion-referenced test are used to evaluate a student mastery of skills learned and to identify areas of needed instruction

3. Informal reading assessments are used by teachers to assess ongoing learning in reading and provide meaningful feedback

4. Curriculum-based measurement is an ongoing process were teacher monitors the students progress through the curriculum in a systematic way in order to evaluate student learning and make adjustments

5. Direct daily measurement involves recording a child's performance on Contin every day to start this is particularly useful for having continual monitoring of progress