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82 Cards in this Set

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a combination of a unique set of minerals with properties that differentiate them from others


It is naturally occurring, inorganic, homogenous solid, with a definite chemical composition, and an ordered crystalline structure.


This physical property of a mineral refers to the certain wavelengths of light that are reflected by a mineral and is perceived by the observer


Give the 3 classifications of minerals according to color

Idiochromatic, allochromatic, and pseudochromatic

This classification of minerals according to color are known as self colored minerals


ex: malachite green

sulfur yellow

rodochrosite red

This classification of minerals according to color are known as "color is not a reliable diagnostic property since small impurities may drastically change their color" (color not reliable)


ex: Quartz

This classification of minerals according to color are known as "False Colored minerals" (colors due to light diffraction)


ex: Bornite, Labradorite

This physical property of minerals is the appearance of a minerals surface and is dependent on how it reflects light


Give the types of luster

Pearly, Silky, dull, earthy, resinous, adamantine, vitreous, metallic

This physical property of minerals is the color of the powdered form of the mineral


This physical property of minerals is the tendency of minerals to break along flat surfaces


Types of cleavage

Basal, Prismatic, Non-prismatic, cubic, rhombohedral, octahedral, sphalerite

This physical property of minerals is the pattern in which minerals breaks aside from its planes of cleavage


types of fracture

Conchoidal, Jagged, Splintery, Uneven

This physical property of minerals is the resistance of the minerals to scratching


This physical property of minerals is the ratio of a minerals weight to the weight of an equal volume of water

Specific Gravity

This physical property of minerals is the characteristic shape in which a mineral grows and is a projection of the minerals crystal structure

Crystal habit

Types of crystal habit

Acicular, Blocky, Tabular, Fibrous, Bladed, Dendritic, Prismatic

This chemical property of minerals refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent at a specified temp


this chemical property of a mineral refers to the temp at which solid turns into liquid

Melting point

this is an aggregate of mineral or minerals which may or may not contain organic matter.


This is made out of rocks


Is a model used to describe how rocks are formed, broken down, and reformed into other types of rocks

Any types of rock can be a raw material of another rock

Rock cycle

Rocks are classified into three types

Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, Metamorphic Rocks

These rocks are formed from cooling of molten magma

Igneous rocks

these rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks and fossils of organisms.

Sedimentary rocks

these rocks are formed from pre existing rocks through heat and pressure

Metamorphic rocks

The formation of igneous rocks can be classified into 2 types

Intrusive and extrusive

This type of igneous rock is formed in Earth's interior wherein cooling rate is slower resulting in large crystal formation

Intrusive igneous rocks

this type of igneous rock is formed in earth r

surface where the cooling rate is faster resulting in smaller crystal formation

Extrusive igneous rocks

this is a formation of igneous rock, it is where molten rock is cooled instantly which may result in rock with glassy like texture example of this, volcanic glass and obsidian. This process usually happens in a volcanic eruption.


Formation of igneous rock can also be divided into 2 Based on mineral content

Felsic/Granitic Rocks


Basaltic/Mafic rocks

This formation of igneous rock based on mineral content are rocks that are generally composed of light-colored minerals

Felsic/Granitic Minerals

This formation of igneous rock based on mineral content are rocks that are generally composed of dark grey to black minerals

Basaltic/Mafic rocks

There are several processes involved in the formation of sedimentary rock.

Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Lithification

This process of formation on sedimentary rocks is a process of breaking down rock into smaller pieces it can be physical or chemical


This process of formation on sedimentary rocks is a process of transferring unconsolidated Earth's material via agents like human, animal,wind and water


This process of formation on sedimentary rocks occurs when all the unconsolidated materials setttle in one area


This process of formation on sedimentary rocks takes place when sediments turn into sedimentary rock. It involves the processes of compaction and cementation


This rock can classify according to its foliation.

Metamorphic rock

This refers to the sub-planar orientation of mineral grains or the layering found in the rocks


There are two types of metamorphic rock

Foliated metamorphic rock and Non-foliated metamorphic rock

This type of metamorphic rock has clear layers which are formed in areas where rocks are deformed by stresses like plate boundaries.

Foliated metamorphic rocks

This type of metamorphic rocks have no definite layers which are formed on areas where deformation is minimal

Non-foliated metamorphic rocks

Metamorphism came from a greek word _____ which means to change and ______ means form.

Meta and morph

It is the process of changing the characteristics of a rock as a result of changes in temp, pressure, or reactions with hot fluids.


Ex: Slate is a product of metamorphism from a protolith which is shale.

The ______ is a pre existing rock that undergoes metamorphism. it can be any types of rock


Metamorphism of the pro-tolith changes the _____ and _____ (mineral components) of the original rock

Texture and mineralogy

Different processes involved in metamorphism,

this is the process where there is growth in the size of mineral grains of pre-existing materials.

it is also the most common process involved in metamorphism.


Ex: Limestone to marble; clay into muscovite mica.

Different Processes involved in Metamorphism,

it is the formation of new minerals from the pre-existing minerals due to heat.

Example: Phyllite is a mica-rich mineral rock. When clay undergoes _______ it forms mica.


Different processes involved in metamorphism,

this refers to the change in mineral structure but with the same chemical formula. Example: Andalusite to Kyanite.

Phase change

Minerals with the same chemical formula but diff mineral structure are called ______ of each other.


Different processes involved in Metamorphism,

this takes place when minerals are dissolved in areas with high pressure and recrystallize in other areas with low pressure.

Pressure solution

DIFFERENT processes involved in Metamorphism,

occurs when miner grains soften and deform at high temp.

Plastic deformation

Types of metamorphism,

this refers to the relative temp and pressure conditions during the formation of metamorphic rocks.

Metamorphic Grade

Mwtamorphic Grade,

The spectrum includes the following scale:

Low-grade metamorphism, Intermediate metamorphism, and High-grade metamorphism

This tye of metamorphism on the metamorphic grade occurs in environments where the temp is between 200 C to 320 C and low pressure values. Example shale to slate.

Low-grade Metamorphism

This tye of metamorphism on the metamorphic grade takes place at approximately at 320 - 450 C and at moderate pressures

Intermediate Metamorphism

This tye of metamorphism on the metamorphic grade takes place at temps greater than 450 C and at high pressure. Example granite to gneiss

High-grade metamorphism

This type of Metamorphism takes place when temp and pressure are increased.

it occurs when rocks are buried deeply.

It haplens when water molecules from minerals are usually squeezed out, forming "drier" rocks. Example phyllite form from slate.

Prograde Metamorphism

This type of metamorphism on the other hand, happens when temp and pressure decreases.

This process requires the addition of hydrothermal fluids or water. Example chlorite schist form from muscovite.

Retrograde metamorphism

Types of metamorphism,

occurs when heat is transferred from igneous intrusions to nearby rocks.

Contact or thermal metamorphism

Types of metamorphism,

Occurs when rocks are buried to depths of several hundred meters and form new low grade rocks due to the temp increase.

Burial metamorphism.

Types of metamorphism

occurs when two bodies of rocks slide past eachother along faults, where some rocks are heated and pulverised to form new rocks. Ex of this is myolite.

Dynamic Metamorphism

Types of Metamorphism,

Occurs over large areas that experience stress, such as in convergent boundaries, where one tectonic plate goes under another tectonic plate.

Regional Metamorphism


takes place mostly along mid-ocean ridges, where ocean water is heated by nearby magma to form hydrothermal.

Hydrothermal Metamorphism

Types of Metamorphism,

occurs when a meteorite hits the surface of the earth and transfers a lot of heat to the place of impact, causing rocks to change.

Shock metamorphism

the Factors controlling Metamorphism,

Temperature, Pressure, Chemically active fluids, and time

It is affected by heat or thermal energy which triggers the chemical reaction to the rock, which can come from two sources: ____ & _____

Igneous intrusions and Earths geothermal gradient.

Two sources of thermal energy

Intrusive bodies/plutons and geothermal gradient of the earth

this type of source of thermal energy alters the texture and mineralogy of surrounding rocks to form metamorphic rocks.

Intrusive bodies or plutons

This type of source of thermal energy is the rate of increase in temp with increasing depth from earths surface

Geothermal gradient of earth

this type of factor controlling metamorphism is when minerals with spaces in their lattices are subjected to high amounts of pressure, the minerals collapse forming much denser crystals.


pressure increases with depth and can be classified into two types:

Uniform and Differential Stress

This type of pressure refers to pressure with equal amounts of force coming from all directions

Uniform/hydrostatic stress

This type of pressure refers to the pressure that is unequal in diff directions.

Differential stress

this type of Differential stress compressed objects from two opposing directions.

Normal stress

This type of Differential stress smears objects in the direction of the stress

Shear stress

Types of factors controlling metamorphism,

It enhances chemical reactions which alter the composition of rocks

Chemically active fluids

Is the change in the Composition of rock due to the addition or loss of substances or elements


This type of factor controlling metamorphism is a slow process that involves several processes.

These processes are slow since metamorphic rock is formed with the protolith rock remaining in solid form.

Metamorphic rocks that contain large crystals need ___ to form, on a scale of tens of millions of years



bigger process after lithification