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57 Cards in this Set

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Vesicles - multiple small serous fluid containing epidermal elevations
(Grouped in plaques with erythematous base typical of herpes)
large, tense, purulent-filled bullae
Pustules - circumscribed, raised lesions with purulent exudate
Herpes simplex
note: vesicles grouped into a plaque with erythematous base
test and indication
test and indication
Tzanck stain showing giant multinucleated cells indicates herpes virus
Orolabial herpes
Note: plaque on vermillion border of lower lip
Orolabial herpes - more progressed
note: yellowish crust indicates secondary bacterial infection (probably staph)
Genital herpes
Note: tiny, very painful vesicles
Will also see edema, erythema, erosions
Herpetic whitlow
Note: grouped vesicles, plaque and area of erosion all present
also, associated sx
also, associated sx
herpetic keratoconjunctivitis
Note: vesicles on upper and lower eyelash border
Also have edema, tearing, photophobia, preauricular lymphadenopathy
note: macules, papules, erosions, some with secondary infection - different phases all present
Herpes zoster
Note: linear (dermatome) distribution of vesicles
Herpes zoster - scalp dermatome also involving the eye
Herpes zoster - trigeminal dermatome
note: yellowish crust indicates area of secondary bacterial infection
note: symmetrical red papules and vesicles with intense pruritis worse at night
"burrow" = linear area - what the female mite does in order to lay eggs
also, most common areas
also, most common areas
Most common areas are axilla, groin, web spaces, body folds, under breasts, wrists, ankles, feet, buttocks
Scabies in finger webbing
Characteristic sign: presence of itchiness of genitalia and nodules on the scrotum
Dishydrotic eczema
note: small vesicles along the digits and on the palm
Dishydrotic eczema
note: small vesicles along the digits and on the palm, moistness
Contact dermatitis (from face cream)
Contact dermatitis from nickel on pants button
Contact dermatitis from nickel on the back of a watch
note: vesicles can be present, very itchy
Contact dermatitis - linear distribution is common in poison ivy and other plants
Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis - allergy to neosporin on ear piercing, exacerbated by scratching
Bullous impetigo
note: single or few blisters, annular lesions
Bullous impetigo
note: single or few blisters, annular lesions
Erythema multiforme
note: targetoid lesions on palms, soles, extensor surfaces
Erythema multiforme
note: targetoid lesions on palms, soles, extensor surfaces - papules, blisters, all have targetoid distribution with halos
Pemphigus vulgaris
note: falccid vesicles and bullae - very superficial, rupture easily
Pemphigus vulgaris
note: vesicles and bullae - very superficial and flaccid, rupture easily
Pemphigus vulgaris
note: vesicles and bullae - very superficial and flaccid, rupture easily (erosions seen here)
intercellular deposits of IgG - typical of pemphigus vulgaris
linear IgG deposits in the basement membrane zone = characteristic of Bullous pemphigoid
Bullous pemphigoid
note: tense (very full - subepidermal) bullae
Bullous pemphigoid
note: tense (very full - subepidermal) bullae
Bullous pemphigoid
note: tense (very full - subepidermal) bullae
yellow crust = bacterial infection
Comedone in Acne vulgaris
Comedone in Acne vulgaris
Comedone in Acne vulgaris
Papule (inflammatory reaction) in acne vulgaris
Pustule (inflammatory reaction) in acne vulgaris
Inflammatory lesions in acne vulgaris
Inflamed nodule (cysts) in acne vulgaris
Inflamed nodules (cysts) in acne vulgaris
Vascular Rosacea
note: flushing and facial erythema
Vascular Rosacea
note: flushing and facial erythema
Vascular Rosacea
note: flushing and facial erythema
Papulopustular rosacea
note: central facial distribution with papules and/or pustules
also, associated sx
also, associated sx
Ocular rosacea
associated with burning, itchy eyes with photosensitivity and blurred vision
Granulomatous rosacea
note: firm brown/red papules and/or nodules
note: pustules at hair follicles, especially on extremities
Folliculitis with inflammatory reaction
Folliculitis with inflammatory reaction causing a cyst
also, 2 characteristic findings
also, 2 characteristic findings
Candida intertrigo
note: multiple erythematous papules forming a big plaque
Findings: compromise of "holes" and presence of satellite lesions