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105 Cards in this Set

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Five Steps in software system lifecycle

Analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance

A single memory location storing one value


"in scope" through the entire program. Can be read and changed anywhere

Global variable

Only in scope through part of the program, a specific function or sub routine

Local variable

Whole number can be assigned to a variable


Real Data, not whole numbers. Can be assigned to a variable

Float or double

Data type that can be only true or false. If then else, and, not, or, else


Homogeneous array

Abstract data structure, all data must be the same type. i.e. int, char, real. May have rows & columns. char Letters (4)(5) is 4 rows 5 columns

Heterogeneous array

Abstract data structure with different data types. Object() Params;

Params (0) = ProductName

Params (1) = Price

Abstract data structure in straight line with Head at the beginning and Tail at the end


A list receives new entries at tail. FIFO


List data structure receives data at the head/top and removes from the head LIFO


Abstract data structure top node is root. No more than two children per node

Binary tree

One dimension, homogeneous array data location

X is first entry address. To find other array data element add number minus one to x. x +(5-1)

int Weight (15) would create array named Weight with 15 elements.

Rich text format is most useful because...

Easily transfer between applications

Best image file type for internet


The most appropriate way to use a library of program code is to access the...

Methods or functions by way of the interface.

Multi-byte data representation is stored in memory with it's most significant byte in the lowest memory address.

Big endian

Which development model is appropriate when requirements are well understood and the risk of failure is minimal.


Used by programming languages to intercept events that disrupt normal flow of program execution.

Exception handling

Most efficient for manipulating a list of integers, predefined size

An array

Binary heap data structure is best represented using a ...

Binary tree

Average case performance of a quick sort

O(n log2 n)


Uniform Resource Locator

A URL contains the ...

Protocol, host name, file name

If execution speed and direct communication with devices is essential to success, which programming language should be used?

C because it is small and efficient

Logical operators pseudocode

And, or, not

Boolean values

True, false

Pre increment


Post increment


Software design strategy, three common approaches

Top down, bottom up, object oriented

Top down software design is also known as...

Stepwise Refinement

Which software design approach starts with what is needed and breaks it into smaller tasks?

Top Down

What software design approach merges smaller, predefined tasks?

Bottom up

Which software system design approach uses interacting objects which combine critical data and processes into bundles?

Object Oriented

What are the three core tenants of object oriented design?

Abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism

Which software development model is a sequential design used in manufacturing with predetermined specifications?


Which software development model is a circular process using incremental design, implementation, and testing?


This software development model is risk driven?


This software development model uses incremental steps with short term gosls followed by testing and evaluate in a circular process?


The definition of a group of code...


The actual code in OOP


How an Object is defined, constructed, put together


"Is a" refers to...


"Has a" refers to ...


Over loading method, over riding method, multiple object reference method


Programming language easy for computer to understand

Low level

Language easy for humans but must be translated for computer

High level

Language written in binary, easiest for computer

Machine code

One step up from binary but this language must be translated for computer

Assembly language

Fortran, Cobol, Basic, Pascal, C++, Java are what level languages?

High level

Translating a language line by line ...


Translating a language all at once is ...


Cobol, C, and Fortran are which language paradigm?


Lisp, Haskell, and scheme are which language paradigm?


C++, Java, and Python are which language paradigm?

Object Oriented

First significant high level language develop in 50s

FORmula TRANslation

Develop in late 50s for business

COmmon Business Oriented Language

Family of general purpose high level language designed for ease of use

Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

Language designed in late 60s to teach good programming techniques


Language from late 70s introduce Object Oriented program

C and C++

Language from 90s not composed into machine language but byte code


Used to assign values to variables

= or <--

Used to check for equality between two expressions


Used to check for inequality between two expressions

!= Or <>

Two types of errors during compile process...

Lexical and Syntax

Error in programming, misspelled words, capitalize error, or reserved word.

Lexical error

An error associated with punctuation, indents, or braces/()

Syntax error

Two types of errors during program execution...

Runtime and Logic

An error that occurs during the execution of a program such as missing files or faulty input

Run-time errors

An error that causes the program to run incorrectly but does not prevent it from running

Logic error

What is a common debugging tool?

IDE integrated development environment

What is this operator %

Modulus. Means find the remainder

AND operator


OR operator


XOR operator

^ only true when operands are opposite. True ^False is true

Is assigned the value operator


A module that performs a task, like outputting the contents of a data structure or sorting an array


A method or procedure that performs a calculation and returns a value


A process in Java that is either a procedure (void) that performs an action or function (return) that returns a calculated value


Static list of names

Contiguous list

Dynamic list using pointers to separate linked locations.

Linked list

Binary tree search pattern

Left child then right child. Then children of left (left to right) then children of right

Type of sort used nested loop to find best place in array for an unsorted item

Insertion sort. O(N) to O(N^2) Moves lowest value to far left as it goes

Makes a copy of data in parameters foes not change original value.

Pass by Value

Gives procedure access to change parameters.

Pass by reference

A switch case statement will print all unless each condition is separated by what statement?


A method that acts like a function

Return method

A method that acts like a procedure

Void method

A pretest loop that checks a Boolean before taking action

While loop

Post test loop where action precedes the Boolean check

Do While loop

If, else is a...


Divide and conquer process

Binary search analysis O(logN)

Sorting routine uses nested loop to move lowest value to left starting with position zero

Selection sort (king, queen, jack) O(N^2)

Simple sorting algorithm loops through values swapping if in wrong order

Bubble sort O(N) to O(N^2)

Recursive algorithm splits list in half until each half is empty or one item then brings back together.

Merge sort. O(N log N)

Partition exchange sort (pivot point) efficient algorithm serves as systematic mthod for placing array elements in order.

Quick sort Of(N log N) or O(N^2)

Unique identifier assigned to a device on a network.

MAC address

Connects LANs to create a WAN


Connects nodes in a LAN(server, computer, printer..)


Creates a LAN but uses more bandwidth than a switch.


Web page protocol

HTTP hyper text transfer protocol

Email protocol


Protocol for storing email

POP post office protocol

Protocol for uploading and download files

FTP file transfer protocol