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32 Cards in this Set

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A Two House Legislature
Articles of Confederation
The first written plan of government for the United States.
Shay’s Rebellion
An uprising of farmers in Massachusetts that showed a need for a new government.
Virginia Plan
The plan written by James Madison for a new Constitution. The number of representatives were determined by population. Had a 3 branch government.
New Jersey Plan
Plan submitted in response to Virginia Plan by Smaller states. All states had equal representation in this plan. Had a 3 branch government.
The group of people who were for the ratification of the new Constitution.
The group of people who were against the ratification of the new Constitution.
Institutionalized Racism
When racism is incorporated into the law.
When government power is shared between the states and the national government
Separation of Powers
Separating the powers of the government between several branches in order to keep each branch from becoming too powerful
Checks and Balances
Powers that each Branch of government has over the other two branches
James Madison
Father of the Constitution. Madison was the principal author of the US Constitution.
Bill of Rights
The first 10 amendments of the Constitution. The Bill of Rights guarantees the rights of the citizens of the United States of America
Why Constitutions were important
The people wanted their rights spelled out clearly
The people were afraid that the government might become too powerful
Problems With Articles of Confederation
Weak central government - no authority over individual citizens - no authority over states
Congress didn’t have power to carry out laws
No Provision for a court system
Could not tax
Explain The “Great Compromise
Virginia Plan called for the number of representatives to be determined only by population
The New Jersey plan called for each state to have an equal number of representatives
The Compromise – A bicameral (two house) legislature - House of Representatives.- Number of representatives determined by population - Senate - each State has 2 Senators
Explain The 3/5 Compromise
Southerners wanted slaves to count for Population and representation purposes but not for tax purposes.
Northerners wanted slaves to count for tax purposes but not for population (representation in Congress)
Each slave counted for 3/5 of a person for both population (representation) and tax purposes
Effect of Institutionalized Racism
Social Effects:

Economic Effects:
The group discriminated against is kept poorer by law. In this Country the two groups most affected were African Americans and Native Americans
The West
The “West” was anywhere west of the Appalachian Mts.
People wanted to go there for cheap or free land
People in the west were farmers
Land Ordinance of 1785
An orderly way to settle land North of the Ohio River
Land was divided into townships and sold for a dollar an acre
Established definite ownership
Raised money for the government
The Northwest Ordinance
Made provisions for governing western territories
Gave western territories a way to become equal states
The Constitution and the Security of the Citizens
The Constitution provides for the security of it’s citizens by including the power and methods for the government to raise and equip a military to protect the nation from foreign powers.
The Bill of Rights - 1st Amendment
Freedom of Speech, Assembly, Press, Religion and Petition
The Bill of Rights - 2nd Amendment
Right to bear arms
The Bill of Rights - 3rd Amendment
Freedom from quartering soldiers
The Bill of Rights - 4th Amendment
No illegal search and seizure
The Bill of Rights - 5th Amendment
Rights in criminal cases including the right against self incrimination
The Bill of Rights - 6th Amendment
Right to fair speedy trial with due process of law
The Bill of Rights - 7th Amendment
Rights in civil cases
The Bill of Rights - 8th Amendment
Freedom from excessive bail, fines, or punishments
The Bill of Rights - 9th Amendment
Rights retained by people cannot be undone in Constitution
The Bill of Rights - 10th Amendment
Powers not delegated in the Constitution will be reserved for the states