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35 Cards in this Set

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'atmosphere (n)

the feeling which exists in a place or situation

a'ttractive (adj)

beautiful or pleasant to look at

cite (v)

to mention something as an example or proof of something else

con'sist of (vp)

to be formed or made from two or more things

cool (v)

to make something become less hot

'demonstrate (v)

to show someone how to do something or how something works

de'sign (n)

the way in which something is planned and made to have a particular appearance

de'vice (n)

a piece of equipment that is used for a particular purpose

di'agonally (adv)

going from the top corner of a square to the bottom corner on the other side

drop (n)

a small, round-shaped amount of liquid

end up with (vp)

to finally have something

en'sure (v)

to make certain that something is done or happens

'entrance (n)

a door or other opening which you use to enter a building or place

e'quipment (n)

the things that are used for a particular activity or purpose

ex'tent (n)

the amount or importance of something

'factor (n)

one of the things that has an effect on a particular situation, decition, event, ect.

go on to do 'something (vp)

to do something else in the future

hu'midity (n)

a measurement of how much water there is in the air

in'terior (n)

the inside part of something

in'terior de'sign (np)

the job of choosing colours,designs, ect for the inside of a house or room

in'vestigate (v)

to try to discover all the facts about something, especially a crime or an accident

'moisture (n)

very small drops of water in the air or on a surface

'money-conscious (adj)

not wanting to spend too much money

per'mit (v)

to allow something

per'suade (v)

to make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it

'printing (n)

when writing or images are produce on paper or other material using a machine

'reasonable a'mount (np)

an amount that is not too much and not too little

'smoothly (adv)

happening without any sudden movements or changes

'special 'occasion (n)

an event that is important and enjoyable, such as a birthday or a wedding

take up 'space (vp)

to use an amount of space

three-di'mentional (adj)

having length, depth and height

trans'fer (v)

to move someone or something from one place to another

twist (v)

to turn something using your hand

'widespread (adj)

affecting or including a lot of places, people, etc.

world'wide (adv)

in all parts of the world