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32 Cards in this Set

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agri'cultural land (np)

land which is used for or suitable for farming

archive (n)

a collection of historical documents that provides information about the past, or a place there they are kept

beehive (n)

a special container where people keep bees, or a place where bees live

brilliant (adj)

full of light or colour

colony (n)

a group of the same type of animals, insects or plants living together in a particular place

come u'pon (vp)

to discover something by chance

cut off (vp)

to stop the supply of something

desti'nation (n)

the place where someone or something is going

dis'tinctive 'markings (np)

marks on living creatures that make themeasy to recognise

e'cology (n)

the relationship between living things and the environment, or the scientific study of this

'estimate (v)

to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something

ex'tend (v)

to reach, stretch or continue for a particular distance

'farmland (n)

land which is used for or suitable for farming

'forcus 'efforts on 'something (vp)

to give all your attention or effort to something

get rid of (vp)

to make something unpleasant go away

'grassland (n)

a large area of land covered with grass

'harmless (adj)

not able or not likely to cause any hurt or damage

'hemisphere (n)

one half of the Earth

'hostile en'vironment (np)

a place where the weather or conditions make it difficult or dangerous to be

'indicate (v)

to show that something exists or is likely to be true

near-ex'tinction (n)

the state where a type of creature is so rate that it may soon not exists at all

ob'serve (v)

to watch someone or something carefully

'pattern (n)

a particular way that something is often done or repeated

'pesticide (n)

a chemical that is used to kill insects which damage plants

'poison (n)

a substance that can make you ill or kill you if it gets in your body

'risky (adj)

dangerous because something bad might happen

shift (v)

to change

soil (n)

the top layer of earth that plants grow in

source of food (np)

something that is used as food by a person or creature

spot (v)

to see or notice something or someone

under'estimate (n)

a guess that is lower than the real size or amount of something

a'chievement (n)

something good that you achieve