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23 Cards in this Set

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The anatomical location where the transition of squamous epithelium and glandular epithelium occurs

Dentate Line?

Describe 2 differences in the radiation management of rectal tumors versus anal tumors

Rectal tumors are treated with the patient prone at a dose of 5000 to 5500

Anal tumors are treated at 6000 cGy, supine because we have to treat the inguinal nodes with electrons

What is the Guaiac test

It is a FOBT fecal occult blood test and it detects blood in the stool

What is true about Colorectal cancer

It's a low incident in Japan and its anterior border or the lateral treatment field does not include the external iliac unless other pelvic organs are involved and 50% of Colorectal deaths are caused by local recurrences and Liver metastases and most patients present with early B stage

A colo rectal lesion that is less than 6 to 8 cm from the anal verge would most likely be treated with adrivent post operative radiation and chemo


If an elevated CEA (SERUM carcinoembryonic antigen) fails to lower post surgical reception for rectal cancer this might indicate residual disease


If a colo rectal patient has had an APR interior perenial resection for a rectal tumor then the radiation treatment field should include the...

Internal and presacral nodes, prostate tumor bed, scar and perineum

What is the most common symptom for rectal cancer

Blood in the stool

2 of the most important prognostic factors in Colorectal cancer are depth of penetration through the bowel and what else

Lymph node involvement

Where does the US rank in incidents of this cancer


What is the most commonly used staging system for colo rectal


What principal lymph node are usually involved with rectal tumors

Internal and presacral

What is the most outer cover of the lower 1/3 of the rectum

Muscularis layer

Patients with early stage rectal disease have a very high cure therefore adjuevent chemo is not required


Patients with familial adenopolyposis (fap) Will eventually develop colon cancer if untreated


What chemo agent is commonly used with radiation in adjutant treatment of GI tumors


The ideal conventional radiation fields and total tumor dose for adjevent treatment of rectal cancer would include what

PA plus opposed laterals to 4500 with a tumor boost to 5000

Which nodes are the 1st station nodes for tumor of the anal canal


At which skin dose will you see moist desquamation


Name 2 techniques that decreases the radiation dose to the small bowel

Have the patient prone and having a full bladder

What does a bolus do to the skin dose when added to the surface of a treatment field


What is Lomotil used for ? Imodium? Pyridium?




What is the term defined as a constant feeling of having to have a bowel movement
