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Carry blood away from heart and toward capillaries



Carry blood towards the heart and away from the capillaries



Carry blood from the arterioles to the venules

Two structures the capillaries lie between

Arteries outer layer

Tunica externa- outer layer of fibrous connective elastic tissue

Arteries middle layer

Tunis media- smooth muscle, thick in arteries, some elastic tissue, important in blood pressure regulation

Capillary layer

Tunica intima- microscopic vessels, only one layer thick

Vein inner layer

Tunica intima- inner layer, valves prevent retrograde movement of blood

Vein middle layer

Tunica media- smooth muscle, thin in veins

Vein outer layer

Tunica externa- heavy layer of fibrous connective tissue you in mini veins

Function of arteries

Distribute nutrients and gases, carried in the blood by way of high-pressure, assist in maintaining arterial blood pressure, serve as blood reservations

Function of Capillaries

Serve as exchange vessels for nutrients, waste and fluids. Example oxygen exchange

Function of Veins

Collect blood for return to the heart, low pressure flow of blood compared with arteries


Hardening of arteries caused by calcification of fatty deposits on atrial wall

May be corrected with vasodilators, angioplasty or surgical replacement


Lipids and other matter blocked arteries


-Abnormal widening of arterial wall

-Promotes the formation of thrombi that may obstruct blood flow to vital tissues


Ischemia of brain tissue caused by an embolism or hemorrhage

Varicose veins- vein disorder

Enlarged veins

- blood pools

- example: hemorrhoids in the rectum

Thrombophlebitis- Vein disorder

Vein inflammation that is accompanied by a clot formation, may result in fetal pulmonary embolism

Systemic Circulation

Carries blood throughout the body. The path goes from the left ventricle through the aorta, smaller arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins,vena cava, to right atrium

Pulmonary Circulation

-Carries blood to and from lungs

-Arteries deliver deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gas exchange

-The pathway is from the right ventricle through pulmonary arteries, lungs, pulmonary veins, two left atrium

Blood Circulation

Refers to the flow of blood through all of the vessels, which are arranged in a complete circuit or circular pattern

What happens with low to no BP?

Hepatic Portal Circulation

- A unique blood route through the liver.

- Veins, the hepatic portal, exist between two capillary beds.

- Assists with homeostasis of blood glucose levels, stores glycogen and detoxifies the blood

Blood Pressure

- The push or force of blood in the blood vessels.

- Exist in all blood vessels, higher pressure and arteries and lower pressure in veins.

Blood Pressure Gradient

- Causes blood to circulate.

- Liquids can only flow from high pressure to areas of low pressure

Low or Nonexistent Blood Pressure

Fatal if not corrected

Hypertension (HTN)

Cause a blood vessel to rupture.

Can eventually lead to a CVA or MI

What are the factors with BP?

- Blood volume

- Strength of heart contractions

- Heart rate

- Blood viscosity

- Resistance to flow (peripheral resist)

Heart Rate- its effect on BP

Increased heart rate increases pressure, decreased rate equals decreased pressure

Blood Volume- its effect on BP

The larger the volume the more pressure exerted on the vessel walls

Strength of Contractions- its effect on BP

After cardiac output the stronger contraction increases pressure the weaker contraction decreases pressure

Blood Viscosity- its effect on BP

- With less than normal thickness the pressure is lower. - With greater than normal thickness the pressure is higher

Resistance to Blood Flow (peripheral resist)- its effect on BP

Affected by many factors including vasomotor mechanism (vessel muscle contraction and relaxation)

Fluctuations in Arterial BP

- BP varies within normal range from time-to-time

- Central Venous Pressure (CVP) influences pressure in large peripheral veins

Venous return of blood to heart depends on five mechanisms

- Strongly beating heart

- An adequate arterial BP

- Valves in Veins

- Pumping action of skeletal muscle contraction

- Changing pressure and chest cavity caused by breathing


- Alternate expansion and recoil of the blood vessel wall.

- 9 major pulse points and named for arteries it's near


- Occurs when blood pressure exceeds 140/90

- 90% of cases are primarily idiopathic

- Risk factors: genetics, age, stress, obesity

Circulatory Shock

Failure of circulatory system to deliver oxygen to the tissues adequately resulting and cell impairment

Cardiogenic Shock

Caused by heart failure

Hypovolemic Shock

- Drop in blood volume that causes blood pleasure and bloodflow to drop.

- Often caused hemorrhage or loss of intestinal fluid, causing blood plasma chain out of the vessels

Neurogenic Shock

- Caused by nerve condition that relaxes blood vessels and that's reduces blood flow.

- Occurs when sympathetic stimulation is disrupted

Anaphylactic Shock

- Results from acute allergic reaction, anaphylaxis.

- Causes same kind of blood vessels that occur in neurogenic shock

Septic Shock

- Results from complications of septicemia.

- Toxins dilate blood vessel's, including shock

Trace the Blood Flow

See pic

Pre-capillary Sphincters

Smooth muscle cells that guard the entrance to the capillaries

Superior Vena Cava

Largest vein


Carries blood out of left ventricle

BP Gradient

The difference between two blood pressures