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10 Cards in this Set

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Enters stage with basket

There isn't much firewood about today. But at least I should be able to find enough to light a fire and keep us warm.

What as interesting life it must be to live in the woods like a rabbit or a squirrel. No taxes. No worries. As long as you remember where your acorns are buried the day is yours to spend as you wish.

Sing "I have a dream"

You have an enchanting voice.

Thank you kind sir. I thought I was on my own and didn't expect to be heard.

I am principally Dandini. Valet to the Prince.

The prince? Your know prince charming?

... we were just walking in the woods together and we saw you gathering wood.

You mean the Prince is here somewhere?

My man and I were just happening to come this way and found you on the path.

Your Highness. Please tell your prince I had no idea that anyone was about. If I had known that his Highness was --

You can tell him yourself.

But he is royalty and I am just a girl of his people.

Feel free to speak directly to me as if I was like a servant. Rather like Dandini here.

Your Highness it is an honour to meet you. If I had known that you were on the path ahead of me I would have stepped I to bushes and made way for you.

Now that we are alone, can I help you on your task?

Thank you, yes. I was collecting wood for the fire. If you can help me find any kindling sticks or fine cones then we will have a good warming blaze tonight.

It must be nice to be free to do what you want and go where you please.

Funny you have the same freedom? The palace must give you some time to yourself every now and then.

... and to find someone as lovely as you here was a nice surprise.

Why thank you for the compliment, sir. But look how the sun is starting to dip. It's getting late and I must finish my task. Father will be waiting for me. And thank you for your help with the wood. You can think of my family warming ourselves around the fire tonight.