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23 Cards in this Set

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In microbiology, growth usually refers to

Increase in numbers

A cell that uses inorganic carbon source and obtains energy from light would be called


Which of the following elements is never a limiting nutrient in cells


In aquatic microbe that can only grow at the surface of water is probably which of the following


Which of the following forms of oxygen is detoxify to by the enzyme catalase

Peroxide anion

Used to protect organisms from the toxic by products of


Examples of growth factors used by microbes

Heme, NaDH, Vitamins ,amino acids

At temperatures higher than the maximum growth temperature for an organism

Proteins are denatured, cell membrane is damaged, hydrogen bonds broken, death

Human pathogens are classified as


Barophile refers to

Hydrostatic pressure

Forgan isms that can grow with or without oxygen present

Facultative anaerobes, aerotolerant anaerobes

A fastidious organism might be grown on which of the following types of media

Enriched media

All of the following would be expected to grow in a candle jar

Aerotolerant, facultative anaerobes,

Another term for the logarithmic growth of bacterial cells

Exponential growth

A device that removes fresh Wastes and adds fresh medium to bacterial cultures in order to prolong the log phase of a culture is called


1 ml is


During which growth phase are bacteria more susceptible to anti microbial drugs

Exponential growth phase

The use of salt and sugar in the preservation of various types of foods is an example of which of the following concepts

Osmotic pressure

All of the following are associated with the isolation of pure cultures

Pouring plates, agar, streak plates

True statements about biofilms

Bio film contains different bacteria, attach to surfaces, photo synthesis

True statements concerning binary fission of Microbial cells

Cell division, dna duplicated, elongation is preserved, common cells may be attached

All of the following ingredients are found in complex media

Animal blood, human blood, soil extract, milk proteins, seaweed

Which of the following quantification techniques can distinguish between living and dead cells in a culture

Metabolic activities