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21 Cards in this Set

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Cellular organelles and viruses are generally Measured in


Which of The following are magnifying lenses

Ocular and projective

If you were trying to Visualize flagella without staining, which microscope would you use?

Face contrast

Why does oil immersion improved resolution

Reduces refraction, increases aperture

Capable of generating 3 dimensional images of specimens

Confocal, differential interferons, Scanning electronic microscope

Common to both the gram stain and acid fast stain

Both have primary stain, uses the colorizing agent, gram stain use of iodide

A patient suffering from to berculosis could be diagnosed by use of the

Acid fast stain

Which of the following staining procedures uses heat to drive the stain in

Endospore staining

Malachite green Is used in which of the following staining procedures

Endospore staining

The kingdoms in the linnarus system includes

Animals and plants

Kingdoms proposed by Robert whitaker

Animal, plant, fungi, protista, prokaryotes

Characteristics of a genus name

1st name is genus, always capitalized, and italics, underlined

Carl woese Proposed the concept of domain based on differences of which cellular molecules

Ribosomal rna

Which of the following classification methods relies on the morphology of organisms

Physical characteristics

The size of most cells is measured in

Micro meters

Why is visible light relatively limited in its usefulness for microscopy

Wave lengths too long

Which of the following phenomena produces magnification

Refraction of radiation as it passes through lens

All of the following type of microscopes are limited to magnification of about 2000x except

Scanning or electronic microscope

Acidic dyes

Are used to stain basic tissues

The gram stain works due to differences in the

Cell wall of bacteria

Taxonomic groupings in order






