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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the common elements of food

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus


Common (Dissolved) Salts

Sodium, Magnesium, Chlorine, Potassium, Calcium

Sophie Makes Chopped Potatoes Carefully (S.M.C.P.C)

What are trace elements

Iron, Copper, Zinc


What are the biomolecules of food

Carbohydrates, Protein, Lipids, Water, Fibre, Vitamins and Minerals

What elements are in carbohydrates

Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

What is the general formula and the formula for glucose?

General formula- Cx(H2O)y the ratio is 1:2

Glucose formula- C6H12O6

What is a Monosaccaride?

A single ring of carbon atoms smallest unit of a carbohydrate

What is a Disaccharide?

Double ring structure

What is a Polysaccharide?

Many ring structure

Metabolic role examples

-Energy release (glucose) fruit (Mono)

-Sucrose in table sugar (Disa)

-Starch in bread (Poly)

Structural role examples

-Cellulose in plant cell walls

-Chitin in cell wall of fungi

Sources of carbohydrate

-Fruit (Mono)

-Sugar and Milk (Disa)

-Bread, Pasta, Rise and potatoes (Poly)

Characteristics of carbohydrates

-Mono- Soluable in water/ Tastes sweet

-Disa-Soluable in water/ Tastes sweet

-Poly- NOT Soluable in water/ Doesn't taste sweet

What is amino acids

Basic unit of protein

What elements are in proteins

Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen

Structure of protein

20 different amino acids

Metabolic role examples

Formation of enzymes and hormones

Structural role examples of protein

-Collagen in skin

-Myosin in muscle

-Keratin in hair

Sources of protein

Meat, fish, eggs, milk and nuts

What is lipids

Fats and oils

What elements do they contain?

Carbon Hydrogen and oxygen

2 main types of lipids are?

Triglycerides and phospholipid

What is the difference between the 2?

Triglyceride- Has glycerol and 3 different fatty acids

Phospholipid- Has glycerol and 2 different fatty acids and phosphate

What if the difference at room temperature?

-Fat solids at room temperature

-Oils liquids at room temperature

Metabolic role examples

Release and storage of energy (releases energy in respiration)

Structural role example of lipids

Phospholipid in cell membrane

Sources of Lipids

Butter, oil and cheese

What are vitamins

Essential organic

Catalyst of metabolism

Name things about vitamin C

-Water soluble

-Formation of skin and blood vessels

-Helps healing and the immune system

-Scurvy if lack of Vit C

Name some things about vitamin D

-Fat soluble

-Absorption of Ca (Calcium) in gut (for bones and teeth)

-Causes Rickets in kids and oesteomalacia if lack of Vit D

What is minerals needed for?

Minerals in needed in plants and animals in small amounts

Calcium in plants

Formation of middle lamellar in cell wall

Calcium in animals

Forming bones, teeth and muscle formation

Magnesium in plants

Formation of Chlorophyll (Chloroplast and photosynthesis)

Iron in animals

Formation of Haemogobin (found in blood which oxygen binds to red blood cells)

What is the most abundant chemical in living things


Major functions of water are?

Good solvent- Water is able to absorb a wide range of molecules

Transport- movement of dissolved materials in and out of cells

Chemical reactions- Condensation reactions, Photosynthesis, Respiration

Temperature regulation- Good observer of heat helping to maintain homeostasis

What is C.R.A.P

Catabolic- Respiration

Anabolic- Photosynthesis