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25 Cards in this Set

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Dispersal/mass-movement of a group of people.
European trading fortresses + compounds with resident merchants; utilized throughout Portuguese trading emp. to assure secure landing places and commerce. Built on the coast with the consent of local rulers
The Atlantic Slave Trade (1450's-1850's)
-Estimated 12 million slaves in the slave trade.
-Estimated mortality rate = 10-20%
-Cut Africa's population by 50%
-As a country's power grew, so did their power in the slave trade. (Portuguese --> Spanish --> Dutch)
The Trans-Saharan Slave Trade
-Before the Atlantic Slave trade across the Sahara Desert (Pre-European).
-Ran by the Berbers in the Sahel.
-Largely women sold into Arab Harems or as house slaves.
People able to buy their way out; were treated better.
Middle Passage
The voyage crossing the Atlantic from Africa to America.
The Great Trek
Movement of Boer settlers in Cape Colony of Southern Africa to escape influence of British colonial government in 1834; led to settlement of regions north of Orange River and Natal.
Mixing of races.
Ottoman infantry divisions that dominated Ottoman armies; forcibly conscripted as boys in conquered ares of Balkans, legally slaves; translated military service into political influence, particularly after the 15th century.
Battle of Lepanto in 1571
A battle between Spain and the Ottomans over the Mediterranean Sea. Shows Spain's supremacy and the Ottoman's decline in power in the Mediterranean.
The Safavid Empire
The Shi'a's largest empire; nomadic warrior tribes from the Turkic group.
Site of battle between Safavids and Ottomans in 1514; Safavids severely defeated by the Ottomans; checked western advance of the Safavid empire, and Eastern advance of the Ottomans.
Geometric forms of plant and animal life.
Ottoman equivalent of the Abbasid wazir; head of the Ottoman bureaucracy; after 15th century often more powerful than sultan.
Wars of 19th century in southern Africa; created by Zulu expansion under Shaka Zulu; revolutionized political organization of Southern Africa.
Boers and Afrikaners
Descendants of Dutch settlers in Southern Africa.
The Asante Empire
Develop along the Gold Coast; heavily contribute to slave trade because of European weapons.
The priests who made up the highest class in the Indian caste system.
Nagasaki Bay
The bay in Japan traders were limited to to cut off foreign influence with Japan by Tokugawa Ieyasu in the early 1600's.
School of National Learning
New ideology that stressed Japan's unique history and de-emphasized Chinese influence. Indigenous culture more important than anything else.
Asian Sea Trading Network
The trade network that connected Africa, Europe and Asia together and facilitated the exchange of goods, culture, technology, ideas, art, and architecture.
The island where the Dutch set up the tribute system.
The islands in which the Spanish set up the tribute system.
The Tribute Sytem
A system in which defeated people were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and/or labor.
Catholic missionaries as a result of the Catholic Reformation and fundamentalist revival in the Catholic Church (also a result of the Catholic reformation).
The lowest people in the Indian caste system. Francis Xavier ministered to them and converted tens of thousands to the Christian faith.