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33 Cards in this Set

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Define stability assurance level (SAL)

The probability of a viable micro organism being presents on a product after satellitzation

Define permissible exposure limits (PEL)

The maximum amount or concentration of a chemical that a worker may be exposed to

Define time weighted average TWA

The amount of a substance an employees can be exposed to over an 8 hour day

How does Ethylene oxide (Eto) sterilize items

A process called Alkylation. Destroys the cell's ability to metabolize or reproduce

How does hydrogen peroxide and 0³ destroy microbes

Oxidation, an addition of oxygen to a compound with a loss of electrons

How long does the 5 cycles of ethylene oxide sterilization take

2.5 hrs , excluding aeration time

Define aeration

sterilized packages that are subject to moving air to remove toxic residue

EtO is a toxic gas classified by ?

OSHA as a carcinogen and reproductive hazard

What environment should a ethylene oxide sterilization be stored in?

ventilated room with 10 air exchange per hour, negative pressure and Ventilation system venting to the outside

Define safety data sheets

A written statement providing detailed information about a chemical or toxic substances and appropriate handling method

How is EtO exposure monitored

Area monitoring air system and personal monitoring devices that attach to employees

Which items are not compatible for the use of ethylene oxide

Liquids, devices with energy sources, and leather items

Which packing materials are compatible with ethylene oxide sterilizations

Paper/plastic or tyvek peel pouches, approved fabric wrappers, medical crape papers, polypropylene and most container systems.

How long does Aeration take for ethylene oxide

8 hours at a 140 Fahrenheit and 12 hours at a 122 Fahrenheit

the bacterial spore used to test ethylene oxide sterilization cycles is

Bacillus atrophaeus

How is hydrogen peroxide packaged

In a sealed cassette containing chemical leak indicators on each side of the packaging

Which PPE is needed when handling hydrogen peroxide cassettes

Latex vinyl or Nitrile gloves

What items are not compatible with a hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizer

Liquids and powders, any material that absorbs liquid

Which packaging material is compatible with hydrogen peroxide sterilizers

Tyvek pouches and trays and container systems for hydrogen peroxide

Excessive moisture remaining on devices can result in

Aborted cycle

The micro organism of choice for hydrogen peroxide gas plasma is

Geobacillus stearothermophilus spore

How often should a biological test should be done in a gas plasma and EtO sterilizer

Daily, with each load

What is the biproduct of a vaporized hydrogen peroxide

Water and oxygen

How does 0³ sterilizer generate sterilant

Using medical grade oxygen and water.

What are some penetration restrictions on an sterilizer

length of lumens

How long is a sterilization cycle on an 0³ sterilizer

4 and 1/2 hours

Who regulates sterilization


OSHA, FDA and NIOSH regulate 0³ as a toxic


How often should a biological test be done on an 0³ sterilizer

Daily or in every cycle

What agencies has developed regulations on low temperature sterilization

Osha and nation institute for occupational safety and health (NIOSH)

How EtO penetrate instruments

Small molecule that has a high vapor pressure and low boiling point of 51.3°. Making is easy to maintain in a gas phase.

The microorganisms of choice for EtO is

Bacillus atrophaeus

The microorganisms of choice of vaporized hydrogen peroxide is

Geobacillas stearothermophilus