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7 Cards in this Set

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Sterility assurance level (SAL)

Probability of a viable microorganism being present on a product unit after sterilization

Permissible exposure limits (PEL)

Maximum amount of concentration of a chemical that a worker may be exposed to under OSHA regulations

Time weighted average (TWA)

Amount of a substance employees can be exposed to over an eight hour day


Process by which several low temperature sterilization processes, including hydrogen peroxide gas plasma, vaporized hydrogen peroxide and ozone, destroy microorganisms. Oxidation involves the act or process of oxidizing, which is the addition of oxygen to a compound with a loss of electrons


A process in which sterilized packages are subjected to moving air to facilitate removal of toxic residuals after exposure to sterilizing agents such as EtO

Residual EtO

Amount of Eto that remains inside materials after they are sterilized

Safety data sheet (SDS)

A written statement providing detailed information about a chemical or toxic substance, including potential hazards and appropriate handling methods. An SDS is provided by the product manufacturer to the product buyer, and it must be posted and/or made available in a place that is easily accessible to those who will use the product