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88 Cards in this Set

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Best captures the spirit of most individuals who study human development with regard to the nature/nurture question?
Which human behaviors are determined genetically, and which are determined by environmental factors?
Experiential, Environmental, Nurture, Hereditary: Which term does not belong in this group?
The notion that development is best described in terms of a series of abrupt shifts in behavior best fits with the ______ approach.
When Kayla says "It doesn't matter if they are French, Swedish or Chinese, kids are kids", she is espousing what position concerning human development?
Lotte is listening to a lecture in which her professor states, "Genetic and cultural factors are important, but they alone cannot explain the development of human beings." Lotte's professor seems to be supporting
the biopsychosocial framework
If you were going to study only psychological influences of human development, you would not research
the effects of television on development
Daisy and Rose are identical twins who were separated at birth. Daisy was raised in the United states, whereas Rose spent her childhood in Austria. Which force would likely explain most of the differences between their behaviors as teens?
Which is a problem encountered by researchers assessing the effects of sociocultural forces?
changing ethnic labels
Which best describes the relationship between biological, psychological and sociocultural forces in human development
An organized set of ideas that is designed to explain development
The epigenetic principle is a key component of what theory
The fact that hope is important in early childhood, that development of identity is most important in adolescence, and that wisdom is most important in late life is an example of
the epigenetic principle
How would Erik Erikson respond to the statement "A midlife crisis is a normal part of the human life cycle"
He would disagree and point out that there is no "normal" progression" of human development

Lynne always wants to go visit her grandparents because when she visits they give her a new toy. The grandparents have _____ her visiting behavior


In operant conditioning theory, reinforcement is to punishment as
increasing is to decreasing
When describing the development of his son Pitt, Brad says, "The best way to describe it is in terms of a slow computer with a small memory getting faster processor and more storage space." This type of description would suggest that Brad adheres to a(n) ______ approach to development
When Tina was given a huge salary increase, she was able to get things for her children that they had always needed and move into a nicer home. Bronfenbrenner would state that this increase in the mother's salary is an example of the impact of the children's
Multidirectionality, plasticity, historical context, and multiple causation are all key features of the ____ perspective
The selective optimization with compensation model is primarily associated with the _______ perspective
Dana studies how individuals' life goals change as people get older and how individuals maintain and enhance these goals. Dana is most likely a proponent of the ___ model.
Dr. Lund stages a fire drill at the elementary school in order to study how children respond to potential emergency situation. Dr. Lund's method would best be described as a(n)
structured observation
Virtually all studies done in psychology rely on studying people representative of a larger group. The groups of people who participate in these studies are most commonly known as
A publishing company does a study to determine whether using a study guide for a textbook improves performance on psychology exams. In this study, grades on the psychology exams would constitute the ______ variable.
Researchers studying of life satisfaction compared measures of life satisfaction over a 17-year period of time. This is an example of the use of a(n) _______ research design
Kelly is doing research on the effect of birth order on personality. Rather than collecting data on a new set of subjects, she is analyzing hundred of studies that have already been done on this topic and is going to attempt to come up with an overall estimate of what all these other studies have found. What sort of study is Kelly doing?
NOT consistent with ethical research
never tell subjects if they've been deceived
Which statement best reflects the views of the text regarding research in developmental psychology?
Research findings can be important in shaping social policy
Researchers believe that ___ may be able to successfully treat previously incurable conditions such as paralysis and Alzheimer's disease.
Stem cells
You are currently experiencing severe pain in your leg and go to your physician for a checkup. During the examination, your physician says, "The pain you are experiencing appears to be due to misshapen blood cells that are blocking the flow of oxygen to your leg." This would indicate that the most accurate diagnosis of your condition could be
sickle-cell disease
The threadlike structures in the nucleus of a cell that contain genetic material are called
If you were looking through a microscope at a normal sperm cell, you should see _________ chromosomes.
The first __ pair of chromosomes are called autosomes
A sperm cell that contains a total of 22
What combination would result in a boy
A 23rd pair of chromosomes with one X and one Y
Within a typical human cell, which number is the greatest?
The number of genes
Which process can be explained by alleles?
The fact that phenotypes produce genotypes
Linda has one allele for curly hair and another for straight hair. Linda's alleles are
How would you create an individual who will definitely have blue eyes?
Make sure he has a pair of homozygous chromosomes for blue eyes

Following a prenatal exam, your physician remarks, "It appears as if your fetus has 47 chromosomes," What would be the most likely response to this information?

Concern, as this may indicate that your child has Down syndrome

Trisomy 21 (three 21st chromosomes) best describes
down syndrome
Which combination of sex chromosomes is not possible in a living human being?
A single Y chromosome
John and Wayne have the exact same genes. This indicates that they must be
monozygotic twins
As dizygotic twins, Jewel and Bjork
share about half of their genes
Monozygotic is to dizygotic as
one egg is to two eggs
Despite being raised in two very different environments, identical twins Tina and Gina receive a similar score on a shyness scale. These results suggest that correlation between genetics and shyness is
____ occurs when an individual intentionally seeks out an environment that matches characteristics driven by his or her genes
Low birth weight can most effectively be prevented through
regular prenatal care
Infant mortality rate is defined as the percentage of infants who die
before their first birthday
Jamal was born 34 weeks after he was conceived and weighed 6 pounds. Jamal is best described as
preterm and normal birth weight
The cutoff between normal and low birth weight is about
5.5 pounds
Postpartum depression
may be reduced via breast-feeding
What is expelled during afterbirth
While observing a special monitor, a physician tells an expectant mother, "As you can see, the legs and arms have just begun to emerge." From this description, you should realize that the two are looking at a(n)
A woman who consumes alcohol ___ has the greatest risk of giving birth to a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.
moderately and consistently
Jeffrey is a three-year-old who is beginning to make connections between people's thoughts, intentions, and behaviors. According to Wellman, Jeffrey is developing
a theory of mind
If Donna is a normal three-year-old, her definition of herself will consist largely of her
Recent research indicates that newborns have a natural attraction for tracking a
moving face
When Sheila uses motion to determine the depth of an object, she is using a ___ cue.
A visual cliff is designed to assess
depth perception
About how old will an infant be when it can perceive the same colors adults perceive?
4 months old
can perceive few colors

Dr. Quillan is measuring the point at which an infant can no longer differentiate between a striped-patterned stimulus and a gray square. Dr. Quillan is probably attempting to measure the infant's

visual acuity

Marcie sings the same lullaby to her infant son every night because she believes he has learned to recognize it. Does recent research support her claim?
Yes. Her son could be able to recognize a particular lullaby
Nathan suddenly lets out a high-pitched cry, lowers his eyebrows, and purses his lips. You would be safest in assuming that Nathan is
experiencing pain
The process by which the brain receives, selects, modifies, and organizes incoming nerve impulses is referred to as
Because Akosua is a typical nine-month-old, she is most likely to use
her right and left hands interchangeably
Tomomi has mastered balancing, stepping, and the perceptual skills necessary to negotiate her way around. Putting all these skills together to enable her walk is a process called
Twelve-month-old Callum is barely able to walk a few steps before losing his balance and falling down. What is the term that best describes Callum's current ability to move around?
What would be the best example of a fine motor skill?
feeding yourself with a spoon
Blane deals with people who have suffered some sort of brain damage, helping them try to use different areas of the brain that perform functions that were previously performed by the areas that are now damaged. Blane's specialty would be best described as
While observing brain activity, Dr. Smith proclaims, "This brain is definitely experiencing a downsizing in the number of connections between neurons." This indicates that the brain Dr. Smith is studying is undergoing
synaptic pruning
Each neuron contains many ____ but only one ___.
dendrites; cell body
Terminal buttons are located on which part of the neuron?
the end of the axon

Yvette is a malnourished child. If her parents are typical, they will probably

interact less with Yvette because she is so lethargic

UNICEF estimates that about one in __ children under age five suffers from malnutrition.
If a baby is breast-fed, it is more likely to
transition to solid food more easily
Maria is a typical, healthy one-year-old who weighs 24 pounds. Which is the best estimate of her birth weight?
8 pounds
Carla is researching temperament by determining how often different babies exhibit irritability and anger. Which dimension of temperament is Carla assessing?
Negative Affect
The "Back to Sleep" campaign was aimed a reducing
Which statement concerning co-sleeping is accurate?
It can reduce the need for elaborate rituals aimed at having children sleep in their own rooms
Five-day-old Max has his eyes closed and a breathing pattern that alternates between regularity and irregularity. This indicates that he is currently in the ___ newborn state
Pain cries can usually be differentiated from basic or mad cries by their
sudden onset
Two-month-old Joanne is lying quietly with her eyes wide open and appears very interested in a toy dangling in front of her face. Joanne is exhibiting
alert inactivity
NOT an Apgar factor
NOT an example of newborn reflex

A ____ is best described as any unlearned response triggered by a specific form of stimulation

Donnie slipped his little finger into the hand of his newborn infant, who immediately grasped onto it. The infant was exhibiting the ___ reflex
If you were going to check for the Babinski reflex in a newborn, which part of the newborn's body would you be observing?