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54 Cards in this Set

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Person Centered Therapy

To increase congruence between self and experience by reducing conditions of worth

Psychoanalytical Theory

To make the unconcious concious through free association with help from the therapists interpretation

Behavioral Therapy

To positively reinforce desired behavior and negative reinforce undesired behaviors to use modeling for behavioral change

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

To recognize cognitive distortions and the unclarifying schemes which changed in order to reduce cognitive disonance

Gestalt Theory

To enhance awareness by focusing on the polarities and boundary disturbances and by being in the here and now

Existential Theory

To create meaning in life by realizing that the client has freedom of choice and the responsibility for his/her life

Alderian Theory

To overcome feelings of inferiority in socially useful way so that the client has a sense of belonging

Reality Therapy

Discover new ways to get our needs met so that we are able to get along with important people in our lives

Biomedical Research

Research that measures animals and humans and the physiological changes accompanying of a type of tx.


Research with the use of surveys


Driven by sample size and the length of study

4 Types of counseling models



Discipline Specific

Generic/competency based models

Blended Model

Model of clinical supervision that is administrative, evaluative, supportive and clinical.

*Regularly scheduled

*Give what pc needs to know

Why have clinical supervision?

*Prevent burnout

* misguided staff turnover

*boundary violations

*ethical requirements

*develop professionally

*Improves morale

*monitor staff performance

What is the difference between clinical supervision and case management?

Supervision- Pc focused, educate counselor and skill development

Case management- Pt focused, discuss placement, tx plan, bx, continium of care

Supervision models 30's-60's

Psychoanalytical, psychodynamic

Focused on transferrance and countertransferrence

Supervision models of the 1960's

bx therapy by skinner/watson

*Focus of practice and observation skills

Supervision model of the 1950's

Client-Centered- Rogers

*Focus' on human growth

Supervision models of the 1970's-2000's

-Skill based models

*Mead's task

*Minechin Structure

*Haley's strategic model

*Kagens interpersonal recall

Supervision models of 1990's

-Blended Model

4 Keys to the Blended Model

*Know self- Personality, style of leadership, counseling model and feelings

*Define concept of health and your core philosophy of change

*further define your approach

*contextual factors shape your approach

10 Key areas that define supervision (Basue and Yalof)






*pc in tx

*Info gathering



3 factors to determine maturity of counselor development

1. Self and other awareness

2. Autonomy/ dependence

3. Motivation

Level 1 Counselor characteristics

* 1-5 years in field

* focus on basic skills

* Think categorically

*difficulty probing, confrontation, self disclosure,

*Dependent on supervisor

*Uses only one model

How to change from level 1 to level 2 counseling

* Motivate to change

*promote desire for autonomy

*Assist self awareness from self to client

Supervision techniques for level 1 counselor

*Expose models

*encourage autonomy

*introduce ambiguity

*balance, support and anxiety

*Assist in conceptulizing

*give control

*build on strengths

*must be structured

Characteristics of Level 2 Counselor

*test boundaries

*ct focused/ emeshed with patient

*frustrated with difficulties

*bx like 15 year old daughter

*ethically sophisticated

*assertive, evasive

How to move from level 2 to level 3?

encourage development of own orientation

focus on pc's reaction to cts

Supervision techniques for level 2 counselors

-don't give all difficult cases

-focus less on technique more on therapy

-be ready for confrontation

-watch for transferrence

-teach alternatives

-encourage independence

Level 3 Counselor chacteristics

-Know limits

-knows therapeutic style

-function autonomously

-no defensive

-understand diversity

-well developed ethics

Supervision techniques for level 3 counselors

-Be facilitative, supportive

-treat as co worker

-share experiences

-wisdom vs knowledge

-how to continue to grow stimulation

Level 1 of supervision development


-viewed as expert

-highly motivated

-wants pc to use same model

*struggles with counselor level 2

Level 2 of supervision development

-mixture of emotions

-easily frustrated

-less objective, needs to be right

*best fit- level 1 counselor.

*Okay fit, level 2 counselor

Level 3 of supervision development

-works autonomously

-sense of self and counselor

-sets boundaries/ roles

-has preferred level type

-fully integrated


The process by which a client is determined appropriate and eligible for admission to a particular program


The administrative and initial procedures for admission to a program


Rules of program, hours of service and tx costs.


A counselor/program identifies and evaluates and individuals' strengths, weaknesses, problems and needs for the development of tx plan


Verbal Drug abuse hx

6 Stages of counsling

1 info gathering

2. evaluation

3. feedback

4. counseling agreement

5. changing bx

6. termination


what exists in one form exists in another

Advantages of individual supervision

-protect confidentiality

-counselor safer, more comfortable

-more time to focus on individual counselor

-Supervisory relationship grows

Advantages to group supervision


-others with similar issues

-less isolating

-learn from one another

-wide range of experiences

-more role playing

Stage 1 of counselling skills

-attending skills


-content vs feeling


-accurate empathy



Stage 2 of counselling skills

-Accurate empathy

-self disclosure



Stage 3 of counseling skills

-Role playing

-values clarification

-goal setting

-problem solving


-giving advice

Basic skills of supervision

-Basic helping skills- attending, paraphrasing, summarizing, reflection

-affective qualities- empathy concreteness, respect for clients

-Differential diagnosis skills- particularly in regards to assessing co-occuring disorders

4 A's of supervision

1- available (open, receptive, trusting and non threatening)

2. Accessable (easy to approach, speak truth)

3. Able (knowledge and skills)

4. Affable- (pleasant friendly and reassuring)

Models of supervision should include

A philosophical foundation, descriptive demensions, stages of development of the counselor

9 Foundations of blended model

* ppl better with guide

*ppl don't always know what's best

*growth=blending insight + bx change

*change is consistent

*solution vs problem

*no need for cause to resolve

*greater way to see the world

*aim to make change

*true self

Respondeat Supervisor/ Vicarious liability

-supervisors may be held liable for damages by the negligence of a supervisee

5 key questions to ask a supervisee

1 anything happen that might put you in a different light with patients?

2. any concerns about patients?

3. any pts dangerous/suicidal?

4. failed confidentiality?

5. any duty to warn patients?

To protect patient's ethic, a supervisor must have:

-a defined frequency of supervision

-consistent format

-review all tx plans

-document feedback/directives

-directly supervise

Common ethical errors in supervision

-case management

-focus on pts needs than pc development

-utilizing therapy from supervisor

-sporadic supervision

-using power inappropriately