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79 Cards in this Set

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During _______ alternative contraction and relaxation of the intestinal smooth muscle occur. Slows the passage of intestinal content to permit more complete digestion and absorption of nutrients.
_______ propels the intestinal content along the entire length of the small and large intestines.
_______ Nervous system input affects the rate of intestinal motility.
_______ stimulation slows the peristalsis and delays the passage through the intestine.
______ stimulation increases bowel motility and emptying.
Partially digested food (also known as _____ empties from the small intestine, where digestive process is completed and the absorption of nutrients and fluids begins.
Most nutrient and electrolyte absorption occurs in the _____ and _____.
duodenum & jejunum
Some vitamins, iron, and fluid are absorbed in the _______.
Final absorption of nutrients, especially the absorption of fluid and electrolytes, occurs in the _____ intestine.
Although, the distal ______ principle function is storage of feces, some sodium, chloride, and water continue to be absorbed during storage.
The process of ______ begins when peristalsis propels feces into the rectum and causes rectal distention.
When stool distends the rectum, parasympathetic afferent nerve fibers in the sacral segment of the spinal cord are stimulated, causing contraction of the descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, and anus and relaxation of the internal anal sphincter. This stimulus response sequence is a sacral reflex, not under voluntary control. It is called the _______ _______.
defecation reflex
Defecation will automatically follow unless the external anal sphincter (a striated muscle under voluntary control) remains _______.
Defecation is assisted by taking a deep breath against a closed glottis (to move the diaphragm down), contracting the abdominal muscles (to increase intra-abdominal pressure), and contracting the pelvic floor muscles (to push the feces downward.) These actions are called the _____ _______.
Valsalva maneuver
Feces consists of _____% water and _____% solids.
75% & 25%
_______ is the major undigested fiber left in the feces after digestion and absorption have occurred.
between _____ and 300g of feces is produced daily.
The 25% of feces that is solid comes chiefly from the intake of food that has a high ____ or _____ content.
cellulose or fiber
Cellulose or fiber is contained in _______ foods.
_____ are enlarged or varicose veins in the anal canal. Pain and rectal bleeding are sometimes associated with _______ and may lead to frequent denial of the defecation reflex to avoid pain.
An ______ _______ is an ulcerous crack or split in the anal mucosa. Bleeding and pain occur as the stool passes.
Anal fissure.
Narcotics & Iron (constipation)
Antibiotics (diarrhea)
Antacids (Diarrhea or constipation)
Laxatives & Stool softener, and enemas administered to promote stool evacuation.

Antidiarrheal medications may be given to decrease stool frequency.
general anesthetics may slow gastrointestinal motility, causing client to experience a period of decreased bowel functioning for 1-2 days.
GI tract with require 3-4 days for bowel activity to return to normal. Preoperative laxatives or enemas may be prescribed. Narcotic analgesics, reduce activity, and fear of pain.
The portion of the intestine brought through the abdominal wall is known as a _______.
A bowel diversion surgery that brings a segment of the large colon out to the abdominal skin is called a ________.
When a portion of the ileum is used to make the stoma on the abdomen, the procedure is called an __________.
stool produced from an ileostomy is __________ and contains large quantities of electrolytes
In a person with a descending colostomy, in which only the rectum has been removed, stool is ______ in consistency, and elimination may be controlled with daily colostomy irrigation.
A _____ pouch involves construction of an internal pouch by removal of the colon and attachment of a limb of ileum to the anus.
J pouch
A ______ pouch is made from 30 cm of ileum and an outlet valve is constructed. Client can drain at their convenience rather than continuous draining from stoma.
Kock pouch
______ is the infrequent, sometimes painful passage of hard, dry stool. It occurs when stool moves through the large intestine too slowly or remains in the large intestine too long.
A ____ ______ is the accumulation of hardened feces in the rectum.
Fecal Impaction: suspect impaction when there is a history of absence of regular bowel movements for several days. Followed by passage of liquid or semi liquid stool.
_______ is manifested by frequent evacuation of watery stools. Stool may have increased mucus.
Diarrhea-stool is highly acidic
Medications, inappropriate use of laxative can cause diarrhea. Antacids especially those containing ______ cause diarrhea. Antibiotics can promote diarrhea by irritating the GI mucosa or inhibiting normal growth of intestinal flora
Normal intestinal flora inhibit the growth of ______ ______.When broad spectrum antibiotics especially third generation cephalosporins, normal flora is altered.
Clostridium difficile (C-Diff)
When traveling some people experience diarrhea after ingesting food or water from unfamiliar locale. A waterborne foreign strain of ____ _____. causes intestinal inflammation.
Escherichia coli
The _______ of parenteral tube feedings may precipitate a diarrheal response.
______ is the accumulation of gas in the GI tract. Swallowed air, bacterial action in the large intestine, and diffusion from the blood.
certain foods eg. cabbage, onions, legumes often increase the amount of flatus produced. ____ _____ foods that are recommended to promote normal bowel elimination can cause excess flatus.
High fiber foods
An accumulation of excessive amounts of flatus or liquid or solid intestinal contents cause ____ _____.
abdominal distention
_____ _____ and ____ ______ are types of bowel obstruction that produce distention
Paralytic ileus & abdominal tumors
Long periods of bed rest or relative inactivity can slow peristalsis and lead to accumulated flatus in the large intestine. Peristalsis also slows after surgery with general _______.
an abdomen that appears more than slightly rounded is called _____ or distended; and abdomen may be ______ because of excess subcutaneous fat, pregnancy, or accumulated fluid or gas.
bowel sounds, which are a result of peristalsis throughout the intestine, are heard as a _____ or ____ noise.
bubbling or gurgling
Stomach "growl", these loud bowel sounds are termed __________.
Starting in the ______ lower quadrant, because bowel sounds are heard best at the ileocecal junction.
Normal bowel sounds are hear in each quadrant within 5-_____ seconds.
A continued absence of bowel sounds beyond 72 hours may signal _____ _____, a condition in which bowel is temporarily paralyzed and distention occurs.
paralytic ileus
Continuous bowel sounds or sounds heard more frequently than every 5 seconds can be termed ______.
Clients with diarrhea usually have hyperactive, _____-pitched bowel sounds indicating hypermotility in the intestine.
A client with a ____ ___ may have a combination of hypoactive and hyperactive bowel sounds.
bowel obstruction: hypoactive sounds below the level of obstruction and hyperactive sounds above the level.
Is used to identify ___, fluid, or solid masses in the abdomen.
begin percussion in the quadrant that was first auscultated. It is normal to hear a high pitched, hollow sound, called _______, over the left upper quadrant (LUQ)
The normal percussion sound heard in the other 3 quadrants is a hollow sound that is not quite as high-pitched as tympany
reflecting a mixture of air and fluid in the intestines.
When an abdomen contains and excess fluid accumulation, ______, low-pitched sounds are heard over the fluid-filled areas.
It is recommended that beginning nursing students _____ perform palpation independently
Not perform, this can be highly dangerous.
An assessment technique that nurses can perform independently is the measurement of abdominal girth. For the comparison of abdominal girth measurements to be valid, measure the same abdominal circumference each time.
Mark "X" with a marking pen on the client's abdomen at the point of greatest distention, ensuring that any subsequent measurement will be made from the same location.
Abdominal girth is especially helpful in assessing _____, an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum, usually from liver failure
Perirectal Examination:
Place client in a _____ _____ position with one or both knees flexed.
Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
hidden blood in the stool is called a ______ or Hemoccult test.
guaiac; blue is a positive diagnostic finding, indicating the presence of blood in the stool sample.
If blood is on the surface of the stool, it is likely to be caused by bleeding from hemorrhoids and is not occult. If blood is mixed in the stool mass itself,
its likely source is intestinal. When collecting a stool specimen for occult blood, a stool sample obviously contaminated by hemorrhoidal or menstrual blood should not be used.
Items that can provide a False Positive or negative for FOBT
False + red meat, iron preparations, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, aspirin, bismuth compounds, steroids, nonsteroidal antiinflamatory drugs (NSAIDs)

False - Vitamin C may cause a false negative
Stool Culture:
Salmonella & Shigella-cause diarrhea
C. Difficile-diarrhea
Ova (eggs) and parasites, Giardia lamblia or Entamoeba histolytica.
Radiologic Procedures
Purpose is to visualize the segments of the small and large bowel and detect abnormalities in the shape,
motility, and functioning. Barium enema is used, can cause constipation so laxative is often prescribed. Monitor BM and Bowel Sounds after procedure
Proctoscopy or ________ examines the rectum and sigmoid colon using a flexible, fiberoptic instrument.
_____ can visualize the colon up to the ileocecal valve. More painful, client is often given IV pain medications
The _________ is an endoscopic procedure that visualizes the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
A ______ (retrieval of a small piece of mucosa or tumor for analysis) or _____ (complete surgical removal of a colonic lesion) can be done during endoscopy.
Biopsy & polypectomy. Monitor for signs of rectal bleeding or the onset of continuous dull abdominal pain, possibly indicating colonic perforation.
Common Meds for Constipation:
Bulk=Fibercon, Metamucil
Emollient=Colace, Surfak, Dialose, DOSS

Saline=Milk of Magnesia (MOM), magnesium citrate, Fleet enema
Stimulant=Castor oil, Dulcolax (bisacodyl), Pericolace (casanthranol), Ex-Lax, Correctol (phenolphthalein, Senokot (senna)
Kaolin/pectin (Donnagel)
Attapulgite (Kaopectate)
Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol)
Absorbs, excess fluid and bowel irritants; provides soothing effect to irritated bowel.
Bulk-Forming Agent
Psyllium (Metamucil, Effer-syllium)
Attracts water to absorb excess fluid
Decrease Intestinal motility
Increase Intestinal water and electrolyte absorption
Synthetic Opiates
Loperamide (Imodium)
Decrease Intestinal motility
Increase Intestinal water and electrolyte absorption
Tincture of belladonna
Decrease Intestinal motility
Antiflatulence agents, such as simethicone, are used to relieve gas.
Antiflatulence medication is usually given in combination with an antacid.
An ______ is the cleansing of a portion of the large bowel by insertion of fluid rectally
Narcotic analgesics ______ intestinal motility
____ _____ is the irrigation of the stomach
Gastric lavage
For clients who cannot obtain adequate nourishment orally, liquid food can be instilled into the stomach through the nasogastric or nasointestinal tube. This type of feeding is also called______
enteral nutrition or gastric gavage