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75 Cards in this Set

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"You need to scale a web project from phones to tablets to desktops by using Bootstrap. Which layout type should you use?"


"How many device sizes does Bootstrap include in the grid system?"


"Give two reasons would you use Bootstrap?"

"CSS can be tricky.

Cross–browser support can be a challenge.

Web applications should scale for differing device resolutions and sizes."

"Which type of project does Bootstrap build?"


"Does boot strap require JQuery ?"


"Is bootstrap Open Source ?"


"Give four reason why you would use Bootstrap Components"

"They Look Good
They are Themeable
Replacement for HTML Server Controls
Great for Ajax / SPA"

"What is the differnce of bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.css"

"The bootstrap.min.css is the optomized version for browsers by removing all white spaces.
The Bootstrap.css is the human readable one."

"List three types of grouping controls"


"How do you create a Jumbotron Component ?"

"set class to "jumbotron""

"How do you create a label Component ?"

"set class to ="label""

"How do you set the color of the label ?"

"Add one of the following class's after label
label–danger, label–default, labelinfo, label–primary, label–success"

"How do you create a plannel Component ?"

"Add class="panel""

"What is the keyboard shortcut to lanch the snipit menu."

"Ctrl + K + X"

"How do you create a Glyphicon ?"

"Add the glyphicon and glyphicon–modifier class's"

"How do you create a button Component ?"

"Add a "btn" class to the HTML element and btn–modifier
eg btn btn–default or btn btn–primary ect"

"Bootstrap Snippet Pack Extention"

"Adds bootstrap snippets."

"What is the minified version of the Bootstrap CSS file?"


"What is an example class that is used to create a Bootstrap button?"

"btn btn–default"

"A combination of classes is required to display a component."


"What is one way to create a jumbotron component?"

"Add a class named jumbotron to a DIV element."

"Which two navigation components are included with Bootstrap?"


"List the four grid classes for colums"


"How many Grids are there ?"

"4 One for each screensize
Large 1200px and up
Medium 992 – 1200px
Small 768px – 991px
Extra Small (less than 768px)"

"How can you easily add a surronding tags round Html ?"

"Select Content then press Ctrl + K + S
Press Escape to stop editing"

"If you only want to duplicate styles for Lg and md and for sm and xs what two classes do you use ?"

"col–md–# and col–xs–#"

"List three Controlling Placement Methods"

"Offset – Flows in order, leaves specific columsn blank
Pull – Move an item to the left,
Push – Move a item to the right"

"What are the two display options"


"How do the display options work ?"

"If you set the display for a item then the opposite will apply for the larger or smaller display"

"When defining form placements is form–group a also a row ?"

"Yes, you dont need to add row"

"What class do you use to indentify a form ?"

"form–horizontal and form–"

"Class will you use in Bootstrap include to support a large screen (greater than 1200 pixels) and to take up 6 columns?"


"List two characteristics do Bootstrap forms defaults ?"

"vertical display
focus highlighting"

"How do you add Visual Studio IntelliSense for bootstrap and Jquery Javascript files?"

"adding a new script file named _references.js to the Scripts folder
dragging and drop the Bootstrap and jQuery JavaScript files to the new script file"

"Where will content be moved when it exceeds the maximum amount of columns within the Bootstrap grid?"

"the next row"

"Which two Bootstrap items are included in a new ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Web Forms template by default?"

"fonts (glyphicons)

"Where should updates to the Bootstrap website design be completed?"

"Theme CSS"

"Which two items should be changed when you modify the templates?"

"table classes

"Creating a new ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET web forms project in Visual Studio 2013 includes Bootstrap by default."


"In which two ways can you change project scaffolding?"

"Per–project using scaffolding templates
Shared, using project templates and a custom scaffolder"

"How do you define a Model popup in Bootstrap ?"



"How do you flag a button to hide a modal ?"

"add data–dismiss="modal""

"How do you create an alert component ?"

"set class to alert alert–type"

"How does an alert differ from a modal dialoge ?"

"Modal dialog's require the users attention and action before they can use any of the site.

Alerts place information on the page for the users to view."

"How do you make an alert dismissable ?"

"add the alert–dismissible class"

"What two methods does bootstrap offer to provide help ?"


"How do you create a tooltip"

"Add data–toggle="tooltip"
Add data–placement="top|bottom|left|right"
Add title= "Text To Show""

"How do you display tabs ?"


"You must write additional JavaScript to ensure Bootstrap tabs, scrollspy, affix, and accordion components function correctly."


"What must be configured to use a modal dialog box?"

"dialog, launcher, and closer CSS classes"

"In which two ways does Bootstrap provide help within a web application?"

"popover for a click
tooltip for mouseover"

"Which two actions must you perform to create a Bootstrap alert?"

"add a CSS class of alert
add a CSS class of alert–type (for example, alert–danger)"

"Which action must be done by using a modal dialog box?"

"Interacting with the dialog box before returning to the application"

"What is LESS ?"

"LESS = CSS + Variables + Funcstion + Mixins
allows you to create css using variales, functions and mixins."

"List three ways you can compile less"

Bundling (BundleTransformer.Less install via nuget)
Visual Studio Pre Compileing"

"A mixin is a way to include properties from one CSS rule set to another rule set."


"Which two options are examples of utility mixins?"

"image dithering
horizontal centering"

"Vendor mixins are deprecated and not recommended for use because Bootstrap provides an autoprefixer to provide the functionality of a vendor mixin."


"What does LESS combine?"

"CSS, variables, functions, mixins"

"Which technology was used to build the source code of Bootstrap?"


"You must purchase additional Bootstrap themes from only the official Bootstrap site."


"Which file should you modify when you create your own Bootstrap theme?"


"The Microsoft CDN is required to receive the Bootstrap JavaScript and CSS files."


"Which character must you prepend to the word class to add a CSS class to an MVC view?"


"Which two reasons why you would use a content delivery network (CDN)?"

"It serves up Bootstrap resources, such as CSS or JavaScript, for your web application.

It enables a web browser pull content from more than one server."

What can you do to make your site look better on a mobile device?

Add a viewport tag, it keeps the sizing of your site larger on a mobile device so that it won't look too small


What should you do to make your Html more readable? And give an example you should do when working with your navigation elements

Symantics, you should place your navigation elements within a

How do you link your own external javascript

What is the difference between the container class and the container-fluid class?

The container class will only change the size of the grid at certain break points where the container-fluid will change it as the size of the browser is changed.

What are the functions of columns?

To create breakpoints and adjust padding

What can you do to make your Html easier to read and follow and to help prevent getting confused?

Adding comments after your closing divs and also making sure your html had the proper indentation.

The nav class is the parents to nav elements, give examples of nav classes/



How do you add a navbar?

need to add class="navbar navbar-default/inverse" in main <nav> tag.

How do you create and alter the way a heading looks in your navbar?

<div class="navbar-header"></div> - for a heading in the navbar

add class="navbar-brand" - gives look and feel of heading.

How do you remove rounded borders for your navbar or anything that may have rounded borders by default?

In styles sheet. make border radius of navbar class to 0 to remove rounded edges.