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70 Cards in this Set

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angle of mandible
The point where the body of the mandible meets the ramus.
body of mandible
The inferior part of the mandible which carries a bony upper rim (alveolar margin) to support the lower teeth.
bony palate (palatine process of maxilla)
Is made up of the palatine process of the maxilla anteriorly and the horizontal plate of the palatine posteriorly.
condylar process of mandible
The posterior vertical process of the mandible.
coronal suture
The suture separating the frontal bone from the mandible.
coronoid process of mandible
A vertical projection of the mandible which provides attachment for the temporalis muscle.
crista galli (ethmoid)
A midline crestlike elevation of the ethmoid bone. It divides the cribriform plate into two halves.
ethmoid bone
A central bone of the nasal cavity. It includes a midline perpendicular plate, two set of paired lateral elevations (superior and inferior conchae), and the ethmoid air cells.
external auditory (acoustic) meatus
The external ear opening as seen in a skull. It lies within the temporal bone.
external occipital protuberance
A bony projection of the occipital bone between lambda and the foramen magnum.
foramen magnum
The large hole on the underside of the skull, through which pass the spinal cord and vertebral arteries.
frontal bone
The bone underlying the forehead.
frontal sinus
A paranasal sinus within the frontal bone.
greater wing of sphenoid bone
A lateral extension of the sphenoid bone which contributes to the wall of the orbit and the temporal fossa, a depression behind the orbit on each side.
grove of middle meningeal artery
A groove formed by a large artery that supplies the meningela coverings of the brain.
head of mandible
The upper end of the condyle of the mandible.
internal auditory (acoustic) meatus
A small opening of the interior of the skull which transmits the vestibuolocochlear nerve from the inner ear, and the facial nerve to supply the muscles of facial expression, submandibular, sublingual, and lacrimal glands.
internal occipital protuberance
A bony projection of the skull interior. It provides attachment for the fall ciboria and tentorium cerebelli (dural sheets that separate compartments within the skull interior.)
lacrimal bone
Forms part of the medial wall of the orbit, as well as the upper medial wall of the nasolacrimal canal.
lamboid suture
The suture between the single occipital and paired parietal bones. It is shaped like the Greek letter lambda.
lateral pterygoid plate
One of two vertical plates projecting from the sphenoid bone. It provides attachment for the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles.
The bone of the lower jaw. It has an alveolar margin to support the teeth, paired condylar processes for articulation with the temporal bone, and paired coronoid processes.
mandibular foramen
An opening on the medial side of the mandible. It transmits the inferior alveolar nerve and vessels.
mandibular notch
The notch between the condylar and coronoid processes of the mandible
mastoid process
A bony projection of the temporal bone witch provides attachment for the sternocleoidomastoid muscle.
The bone of the medial cheek. It contributes to the inferior margin of the orbit and the support of the upper teeth.
medial pterygoid plate
One of two vertical plates projecting from the sphenoid bone.
mental foramen
A tiny opening at the from to the mandible which transmits the nerve for sensory supply to the chin.
mental protuberance
A bony projection of the mandible which provides strength and stability to the mandible.
nasal bone
A small bone which forms the superior and lateral margin of the piriform aperture of the bony nose.
Nasolacrimal canal
A bony canal which contains the nasolacrimal duct for the passage of tear fluid to the nasal canal.
occipital bone
The large bone on the underside of the skull. It provides attachment for the post vertebral muscle so the neck and bears occipital condyles for articulation with the atlas.
parietal bone
A flat bone of the braincase (calvaria). It articulates with the frontal, temporal, sphenoid, and occipital bones.
perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
The vertical midline part of the ethmoid bone.
petrous part of temporal bone
The hard part of the temporal bone. It houses the inner ear.
pituitary fossa
The bony depression housing the pituitary gland.
ramus of mandible
The vertically projecting part of the mandible which gives rise to the condylar and coronoid processes.
sigmoid sinus
One of the dural venous sinuses of the skull interior.
sphenoidal process
One of the paranasal sinuses, which connect with the nasal cavity. It is found int he center of the skull within the body of the sphenoid and lies inferior to the pituitary fossa.
squamous part of temporal bone
The flattened part of the temporal bone. It contributes to the lateral wall of the skull.
styloid process
An elongated spine projecting inferiorly form the temporal bone. It provides attachment for several muscles.
supraorbital notch
A small notch on the upper rim of the orbit. In life, it is filled by the supraorbital nerve.
temporal line
A subtle system of lines on the frontal and parietal bones. They demarcate the margins of the attachment of the temporals muscle.
transverse sinus
One of the dural venous sinuses of the skull
tympanic plate of temporal bone
Forms the anterior wall and floor of the external auditory meatus.
wisdom tooth
The third molar tooth. It is the last permanent tooth to emerge, erupting around the eighteenth birthday.
zygomatic bone
The bone of the upper lateral cheek. It articulates with the maxilla, temporal, and frontal bones.
zygomatic process of temporal bone
An anterior projection of the temporal bone.
anterior nasal (piriform) aperture
The front opening of the bony nasal cavity of the skull. It is pear-shaped, hence the name piriform.
anterior nasal spine
A bony projection from the inferior margin of the anterior piriform aperture in the midline. It is formed by the maxillae of each side.
The dagger like tooth between the lateral incisor and the first premolar. Although small in humans, it is large in other primates.
The region between the eyebrows in life, or between the superciliary arches in a dried skull.
Chisel shaped teeth at the front of the mouth. They cut the food into bite sized pieces. Each of the four quadrants of the mouth has a medial and lateral incisor.
inferior nasal concha
A bone which forms a scroll like elevation on the lower lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The conchae are covered with mucous membranes, which warm and moisten the air. They also produce turbulence in the airstrip so that dust drops out of inhaled air.
inferior orbital fissure
A fissure in the posterior floor of the orbit. It is crossed by the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve.
inferior orbital margin
The lower rim of the margin of the orbit. It is mainly formed by the maxilla and zygomatic bone.
infraorbital foramen
A small hole in the maxilla below the orbit. It transmits the infraorbital nerve, which supplies the skin of the cheek below the orbit.
The point where the sagittal suture meets the lambdoid suture. It corresponds to the posterior fontanelle of infants.
lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
The smaller medial extension of the sphenoid. It forms the medial margin of the super orbital fissure and contributes to the anterior rim of the middle cranial fossa.
lower teeth
The teeth inserted into he mandible. In an adult, each side has two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars.
mental tubercle
The lateral end of the mental protuberance.
middle nasal concha
One of the scroll like elevations on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. It is part of the ethmoid bone.
Posterior teeth which provide grinding surfaces for reducing food to a paste. Each quadrant of the mouth has three molars, the last of which is the wisdom tooth.
nasal septum
The midline wall between the paired nasal cavities. It comprises a bony part (ethmoid and vomer bones)superiorly and posteriorly and a septal cartilage anteriorly.
The bony cavity containing the eye, lacrimal gland, extra ocular muscles, nerves, vessels, and orbital fat. It is bound by the maxilla, frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and lacrimal bones.
Crushing teeth situated between the canine and first molar. There are two in each of the four quadrants of the mouth.
sagittal suture
The suture running down the middle of the skull between the parietal ones of each side.
superciliary arch
An elevation of the frontal bone that extends laterally from the glabella.
superior orbital fissure
An opening which allows the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves, and branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, to enter the orbit from the middle cranial fossa.
upper teeth
The teeth inserted into the maxilla. In an adult, each side has two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars.