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31 Cards in this Set

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Which blood vessels are typically used to measure pulse rate?

Carotid artery (neck)

Radial arteries (wrist on thumb side)

Popliteal arteries (behind knee)


Arterial palpation of heart beat by finger tips

Pulse Rate

Number of pulses within one minute

Average resting pulse rate for adults?



Pulse rate above 100bpm


Pulse rate less than 60bpm


Instrument used to detect heart sounds


Closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves


Closure of aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves

Heart murmur

An extra sound caused by failure of valves to close properly


Blood pressure cuff

Blood Pressure

The force exerted by blood on the walls of the blood vessels

Brachial artery

Found in upper arm

Systolic Pressure

Higher number on top

Represents pressure when heart contracts

Diastolic Pressure

Lower number on bottom

Represents pressure when heart relaxes

Korotkoff's sounds

Sounds heard through a stethoscope as blood moves through a blood vessel

Pulse pressure

Systolic - Diastolic

Pressure of pulse


High blood pressure as defined by a blood pressure of 130/80 on two out of three separate office visits


A procedure which measures the electrical activity of the heart

Nodal cells

Specialized cardiac muscle cells that spontaneously depolarize and make the heart contract


The ability of nodal cells to stimulate the heart

Is a unique feature of cardiac muscle

Cardiac conduction system

Aka nodal system

Sets rhythm and speed of heart rate

Comprised of 5 main structures which conduct action potential:

- Sinoatrial Node

- Atrioventricular Node

- Bundle of His

- Bundle branches

- Purkinje fibers

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Recording of the electrical changes of each cardiac cycle


The instrument used to record electrical changes in the heart


An app that acts as an elecrocardiograph

P Wave

Atrial Depolarization

Membranes of cardiac muscle preparing to contract

QRS Complex

Ventricular Depolarization

Activity within ventricular cells leading up to contraction

T Wave

Ventricular Repolarization

Electrical signal from ventricular tissue leading back to relaxation

When does atrial repolarization occur?

During the QRS complex


Abnormal heart beat


Rapid, irregular contractions in the muscle fibers of the heart