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19 Cards in this Set

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What are nucleotides made up of?
Phosphate group, 5-carbon sugar, and a nitrogenous base.
T/F: DNA is soluble in water
T/F: DNA is soluble in ethanol
What's the process of producing a GMO?
Transgenesis - transferring genes as part of a virus genome or inserting extra DNA in the nucleus of the host.
What portions of the DNA molecule are connected by covalent bonds?
The sugars to the phosphate in a nucleotide.
What portions of DNA are connected by hydrogen bonds?
Nitrogenous bases
How does the size of the right atrium compare to the left atrium?
Right atrium is bigger.
Which is larger, the vena cava or the aorta? Which is thicker?
Vena cava is larger, aorta is thicker.
What does Rh+ signify?
The presence of an Rh antigen.
Which blood type does not form antibodies against A or B?
Type AB
Which blood type forms antibodies against A and B?
Type O
What is the clumping of blood cells called?
What anchors the AV valves inside the heart?
Chordae tendonae
What's the pigment responsible for the color of urine? What's the process that leads to it?
Hemoglobin > hematin > bilirubin > urochromogen > urochrome
What are the 5 general senses?
Temperature, touch, pain, pressure, and body position.
What are the 5 specific senses?
Smell, taste, hearing, vision, and equilibrium.
What passes information from sensory neurons to motor neurons in reflexes?
What's outside/inside of a resting nerve cell?
Na+ outside, K+ inside.
What's the most commonly tested reflex arc?
The patellar reflex.