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122 Cards in this Set

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What is the key to everyone's achievements?
Life is governed by laws and principles. The key to everyone's achievements is his thought, which operates by an unchanging Law of Cause and Effect.
Life is governed by laws and principles. The key to everyone's achievements is his thought, which operates by an unchanging Law of Cause and Effect.
Those who fail have followed the laws of failure. Those who succeed have followed the laws of success.
The universe will give good health when we learn to build a proper health-pattern. It will give success when we learn to build a proper success-pattern.
We make our own misery or happiness. Let us then never blame anyone or anything but ourselves when things go wrong.
What is a treatment?
A treatment is a definite movement of mind, in a definite direction, to accomplish a definite purpose
What are the two phases of one Mind?
Mind has Surface and Depths
What are our thoughts and their relationship with our Mind?
Our thoughts are the only tools with which we work. Our mind is the only area in which we produce results.
What's another name for Surface Mind
Conscious Mind
What is the main power of the Conscious Mind?
The Power to choose. Surface mind can, therefore, be called "directing" mind.
Where are our choices made?
All our choices are made in surface mind.
What's the Deeper Mind?
The creator of our experiences. Deeper mind is the creating, the manufacturing, phase of
mind that takes what surface mind gives it and turns thoughts into things.
What's another name for Deeper Mind?
Subconscious Mind
What is the relationship of Surface Mind and Deeper Mind?
Surface Mind chooses, Deeper Mind creates
Characteristics of the Deeper Mind
It has no power of choice. It never reasons. It cannot refuse to take what surface mind gives it. It must always work from a pattern, and it has no choice but to work from the pattern of thought that comes to it from surface mind. Like the soil that must accept any seed, it must accept any thought.
What results from repeated negative thoughts?
A negative disposition is the result of repeated negative thoughts that have sunk into deeper mind and have become habitual.
Memory- Recollection
What we call "memory," or "recollection," is merely the call of the surface mind for something that has been stored in deeper mind.
Characteristics of Deeper Mind
Deeper mind is characterized by complete, unswerving obedience to surface mind. It has no power to choose; it can only obey. All its vast knowledge and creative Power are dedicated to the person who learns how to use it.
How does the Law of Cause and Effect affects our lives?
The great Law of Cause and Effect gives back to us what we have put in.
Nothing is ever forced upon us without our consent. Every moment we live, we are choosing something. Often our choices are made so rapidly that we are not conscious of the process of choice, but, nevertheless, it is there.
Where do our repeated thoughts go?
Anything that is repeatedly chosen by surface mind is eventually stored in deeper mind.
What happens when we change our inner mental state?
As we change our inner mental state, our outer experiences will change in conformity to it.
Why is important to look within a condition?
Every effect has an adequate cause.
Look Within for Causes!
What's another way to say that man's inner world of thought is translated into his outer world of things.
Thoughts become Things.
The higher the thought
The higher the manifestation.
Those who fail have followed the laws of?
Those who succeed have followed the laws of?
When does one receive a proper health-pattern?
The universe will give good health when we learn to build a proper health-pattern.
When does one receive a proper success-pattern?
The Universe will give success when we learn to build a proper success-pattern.
Who is responsible for one's misery?
We make our own misery or happiness according to our thinking.
Why do we treat?
We treat for results.
What is a treatment and its function?
A treatment is a definite movement of mind, in a definite direction, to accomplish a definite purpose.
What do we say about Truth?
Truth never changes, but our understanding of it does.
The key to man's freedom is?
His thought.
What do we say about Truth?
Truth never becomes our own until we apply it.
Whatever situation I am in today is the result of?
My past thinking.
In the Creative Soil of Mind, Thoughts are?
The Seeds
What tools do we use to change our thinking?
Our thoughts.
Thoughts are the only tools with which we work.
In changing one's thinking what role plays one's mind?
One's mind is the only area in which one produce results.
Who is responsible for one's miseries?
My own thinking.
The unscientific thinker always looks outside himself for the cause of his miseries.
Whatever situation I am in today is the result of?
My past thinking.
In the Creative Soil of Mind, Thoughts are?
The Seeds
What tools do we use to change our thinking?
Our thoughts.
Thoughts are the only tools with which we work.
In changing one's thinking what role plays one's mind?
One's mind is the only area in which one produce results.
Who is responsible for one's miseries?
My own thinking.
The unscientific thinker always looks outside himself for the cause of his miseries.
Why is important the practice of spiritual techniques?
Daily practice of spiritual techniques lead to happy, healthy, successful living.
One way to watch my words is?
Never say a thing about myself that you do not want to see realized in my life.
Whatever situation I am in today is the result of?
My past thinking.
In the Creative Soil of Mind, Thoughts are?
The Seeds
What tools do we use to change our thinking?
Our thoughts.
Thoughts are the only tools with which we work.
In changing one's thinking what role plays one's mind?
One's mind is the only area in which one produce results.
Who is responsible for one's miseries?
My own thinking.
The unscientific thinker always looks outside himself for the cause of his miseries.
Why is important the practice of spiritual techniques?
Daily practice of spiritual techniques lead to happy, healthy, successful living.
One way to watch my words is?
Never say a thing about myself that you do not want to see realized in my life.
Why does our thought have power?
Because they have a direct effect on the Deep Mind (Subconscious).
What does our outer world reveal about the state of our thought-life?
It says about our thinking habits and how we apply the Principles of the MInd.
What is the first fundamental in successful treatment?
To treat for results. A treatment is a definite movement of mind, in a definite direction, to accomplish a definite purpose.
Inner Change
Outer Effect
Life is governed by?
Laws and Principles
What must always precede the outer experience?
Inner Change
A simple test for positive speech is?
Do I want this thing that I am saying about myself (or about another) realized in my life?
A mental attitud
Never Belittle Yourself
Inner Change
Outer Effect
Life is governed by?
Laws and Principles
What must always precede the outer experience?
Inner Change
A simple test for positive speech is?
Do I want this thing that I am saying about myself (or about another) realized in my life?
A mental attitud
Never Belittle Yourself
Inner Change
Outer Effect
Life is governed by?
Laws and Principles
What must always precede the outer experience?
Inner Change
A simple test for positive speech is?
Do I want this thing that I am saying about myself (or about another) realized in my life?
A mental attitude
Never Belittle Yourself
Mental Attitude
Act Out the Part of the Person You Want to Be
Mental Attitude
Turn Away from Past Failures
Mental Attitude
Turn to Past Successes No Matter How Small
Mental Attitude
Never say a thing about yourself that you do not want to see realized in your life.
Mental Attitude
Act out the part of the person you want to be
We can decide what sort of person we would like to be and begin at once to act the part.
Why is important to think positive about ourselves?
What we think of ourselves is the chief thing.
Today's Thoughts will become?
The pattern of tomorrow's experience.
I speak only of those thinks...
I want to see realized in my life.
Life pays us what we...?
Life is never unfair to us. We are unfair to ourselves. Ours is the choice
Power flows to the focus of...?
Consider the difficulty of constantly maintaining positive attitudes.
What is the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is that activity of Mind that draws to us that which is like our Dominant Inner Pattern of Thought.
What is Thought Atmosphere?
It is the image of our thought, and which people tend to sense no matter what we say.
Ex: "I'm feeling well..."
How does our Thought Atmosphere affect people around us?
Our Thought Atmosphere determines people's response to us.
Our Dominant Inner Pattern of Thought becomes...?
Our Dominant Outer Pattern of Experience.
As a Principle of the Law of Attraction, we attract...?
What we love, hate, fear, expect, or steadily contemplate.
Our outer world is...?
Our inner world objectified
Why does one attract negative experiences?
Man tends to attract that which he loves, fears, or steadily expects; that is, those things that he keeps at his central (focal) consciousness.
What can stop one's demonstration?
man cannot demonstrate his own good while wishing that someone else be kept from his good. Grudges, resentment, and criticism can effectually stop one's demonstration,
Explain Power Flows to the Focus of Attention.
One tends to attract that which one loves, fears, or expects. That's the Law of Attraction.
What determines one's habits?
One's thoughts.
Spirit Selects and Initiates, and Mind?
Mind obeys
Body, Unformed Structure, is Molded into...?
Surface Mind Selects and Initiates
Deeper Mind Obeys
Body Reflects Man's...?
Progress Comes from Using selection and...?
Reason and Choice Must Control the...?
Something true about Deeper Mind is...?
It can be Re-educated
According to The New Oxford American Dictionary
Matter is: n. 1 physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass.
Matter-even though it is hard and solid and has weight- is only energy, or force, in form
What is the similitude of Matter and Thought?
The energy that caused the universe to be formed could only have been an energy that does not originate in the material sphere. The only known form of energy that does not arise out of matter is-thought.
Relationship between Spirit and Mind
Mind is characterized by obedience. Its function in the Creative Process is to carry out unswervingly whatever Spirit selects for creation.
Relationship between MInd the Builder and Form (body)?
Mind the Builder, or Fabricator, takes the original, identical idea, or concept, of Spirit and condenses it down into actual form.
What is form (Body)?
Form is the original idea lowered into visibility to us. It was just as real when it was only a concept.
What does Surface Mind represents in man?
Man's surface mind corresponds to Spirit in the Infinite Trinity.
What is the greatest power a man can have?
The power to choose is man's greatest power
What does Deeper Mind represent in man?
Man's deeper mind corresponds to Mind in the Infinite Trinity
Two powers of the Spirit are?
Surface Mind must select?
Every thought has two sides - .
The positive and the negative
Poverty is the absence of?
Failure is the absence of?
Deeper mind depends on surface mind to protect it from error. Explain
Surface Mind must act as a gate keeper to protect the deeper mind from negative thoughts.
Thus negativity or positivity is nothing but a mental habit to which deeper mind has become accustomed.
The encouraging feature of this is that deeper mind is highly educable; it can be re-educated.
Through repeated choice, a certain type of thought becomes?
Deeper mind, the feeler, must always remain the servant of?
Surface Mind, the Chooser
Reason and choice must control the?
There are three classes of persons who live by their feelings, or allow their feelings to dictate their actions. They are:
The savage, the child, and the insane - all unstable, undeveloped types.
Another name for Body?
Unformed Sustance