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49 Cards in this Set

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Cogito ergo sum

I am thinking therefore I exist - Descartes


Complex ideas form from combinations of simple ideas (john Locke, blank slate). So when operations of the mindare applied to simple ideas complex ideascan be formed

Tabula Rasa

Blank Slate - These ideas can then be acted on andrearranged by the operations of themind thereby giving rise to new ideas (Associationism)


Against dogmatism. Promoted suspension of belief in anything (similar to pragmatic Orientation)


Against dogmatism. Promoted suspension of belief in anything (similar to pragmatic Orientation)


Question the value of intellectual pursuits. Nature should guide all behaviour, because nothing natural can be bad. Nonhuman animals are best model for human conduct


(Epicurus of Samos) based on Democritus' atomism - nature of atoms and their activity that gave humans freedom (not the soul) no afterlife, so good life must be attained in this world (free,simple,rational, moderate)

Robert Whytt

Principle of Sentience: organisms response to stimuli involves volition (faculty or power of using one's will) with the main function being preservation of the organism

Organology (phrenology)

Discerning mental abilities by reading the bumps on someone's skull. The size of the brain area would determine the strength of the function at that site. Franz Joseph Gall (his own brain deficient in reason & reflection)

Method of Doubt

(Descartes) The only certainty was that he was doubting, doubting is thinking, thinking needs a thinker (cogito ergo sum)

Christine Ladd-Franklin

Attempted to explain the evolutionary development of the eye and it's anatomy & visual abilities. One of American psychologies first-generation woman psychologists. Believed that human eye carried vestiges ofits earlier evolutionary development.


World is ruled by divine plan. Everything in nature is there for a reason and everything that happens, happens for a reason. The good life came from accepting one's fate. Compatible with Roman law & order.

Christian Religion

Knowledge of good and evil is revealed by God and this knowledge should guide human conduct. Centered around Jesus. Major shift from rational to spiritual. Good life is defined in terms of our willingness to surrender to God's will. Church dogma consisted of fixed truths and when these truths were challenged, questioning escalated rapidly, which church tried to discourage.


During this time (14th-17th century) the critical tradition of the early Greek philosophers was rediscovered and revived. From God-centered to human-centered. Return to open minded method of inquiry without intervention of theological considerations.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Heliocentric Theory - Earth and planets revolve around the sun at the center of the universe. (Mathematical Orientation)

Johannes Kepler

embrace Copernican theory. Found that path of planets was elliptical, not circular. Planetary motions can be described by a single mathematical statement, and true reality was the mathematical harmony that existed beyond material world.

Galileo Galilei

Discovered at least 11 bodies in the solar system, wrote book accepting Heliocentric Theory, believe in experiments (up to a certain point) and believed in mathematical realities that existed beyond appearances.


The universe is a complex, lawful machine, created by God. Universal Law of Gravitation - all objects in the universe attract each other (apple fell on head). This single law can explain the motion of physical bodies everywhere in the universe. God is a mathematician.

Thirty Year's War

Series of wars in Europe. 1618-1648, 8 million casualties. Fought for many reasons - religious, dynastic, territorial, commercial, and conflict widened because of political ambitions. In the end, the notion of the Roman Catholic Empire was abandoned and Europe became a community of sovereign states.


knowledge gained through the senses.

William Harvey

Discovered that the heart is what causes blood circulation (understandable in naturalistic terms)

Robert Whytt

Principle of Sentience - Organism's response to stimuli (mental or physical) involves volition (using one's will) and can be conscious or unconscious. Main function is preservation of the organism.

Franz Joseph Gall

The brain is the organ of the mind and it's functions could be demonstrated empirically. Argued that there had to be a physical, innate foundation for organizing the knowledge that came to us through senses. No division of mind and body (no need to reserve higher function for province of god).

Jean-Pierre-Marie Flourens

Committed to Cartesian position that reserved higher function to divine influence. Had to prove experimentally his belief that divisions of cerebral function did not exist. In birds and mammalian species, removed/ablated parts of the brain and did not find any specific loss of functions, rather general loss across multiple functions, therefore retaining unity of the soul.

Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud

Collected more than 100 clinical cases that supported Localization of Function. Argued that language must be localized - loss of articulate speech associated with frontal lobe.

Paul Broca

Firmly established localization of articulate speech (Broca's area - rear portion of left frontal lobe) Case of Monsieur Leborgne. (died and autopsy revealed damage to this area)

Gustav Fritsch & Eduard Hitzig

Used recent improvements in the control of electricity to stimulate what is now called the motor cortex of a dog. They found five sites that, stimulated, resulted in distinctive movements—on the opposite side of the body . Support for cerebral localization of motor control. Still were Cartesian boys

David Ferrier

Demonstrated experimentally the wide extent of cerebral localization. Found 15 areas of motor control. Referred to work as Scientific Phrenology (50 years after Gall, dedicated book to Gall, and Gall predicted it!!)

Charles Bell & Francois Magendie

11 years apart, but both contributed to the discovery of the distinction between sensory & motor nerves. pointed out that each type of sensory nerve was specific to a sensory modality—vision, hearing, touch, and so on.

Bell-Magendie Law

Research on anatomical and functional discreteness of sensory and motor nerves

Johannes Muller

Made physiology a truly scientific field. Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies - different types of sensory nerves respond in unique ways. Objects in the world do not determine sensory experience, rather it is the structure and function of nervous system. Nerve conduction is instantaneous.

Herman Von Helmholtz

What is physically present is not the sameas what is experienced psychologically. He explained the discrepancy in terms ofthe properties of the receptor systems andthe unconscious inferences of the observer. Important contributions - Measurement of nerve impulse, Theory of Perception, Trichromatic theory of color vision, and law of conservation of energy

law of conservation of energy

(von Helmholtz) Energy cannot be created ordestroyed; it can only be transformed from onekind to another. Showed that applied to human beings as well as to the inorganic world.

Measurement of the Nerve Impulse

(von Helmholtz) Previously thought to occur instantaneously. This indicated the possibility ofmeasuring aspects of mental activity, using whatwas soon called the reaction time method

Theory of Perception

(von Helmholtz) Sensations are merely the raw data that comes through our senses. Perception is a psychological processthat depends on the brain, prior learning, andour experiences (unconscious inference). Sensations are made meaningful because of perceptions.

Trichromatic Theory of Colour Vision

(von Helmholtz) suggested that color vision resulted from thestimulation of specific receptors in the retina.It is a trichromatic theory because there arethree primary receptor types—one each for red,green, and blue-violet. Other colors result fromstimulation of more than one receptor; whiteresults if all three receptor types are stimulated.

Fovea & Periphery

(Ladd-Franklin) Fovea - good visual acuity and colorsensitivity during the day. Periphery of the retina - good vision andmovement perception at night. So peripheral vision more primitive thanfoveal vision because night vision andmovement detection are crucial for survival.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
By observing fossils of various species showed that earlier forms were different from current forms. Theory of Evolution - spontaneous generation of living matter from non-living matter, then, progression from simple to more complex forms of life.

Argument from Design

The view that all species had been designed by a Divine Creator for their specific place in nature. Darwin was a believer of this at the time he set out to sail on the Beagle.

Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics

(Lamarck) This mechanism meant that changes in the adult organism can be passed on directly to the offspring.


An organism's ability to survive & reproduce

Adaptive features

Features that allow adequate adjustment to an organism's environment. Organism's with adaptive features are fit. As environment's change, the features that are adaptive change. Evolution just happens, there is no direction or purpose involved. Darwin's theory is based on random occurrences of adaptive features.

Theory of Evolution (Darwin)

Evolution is a slow processthat results from naturalselection of adaptivecharacteristics

Charles Darwin

Key contributions were: Convincing evidence that humans are part of nature, subject to the same natural laws, Importance of considering the function of attributes and behaviors, Study man in comparison with other animals (comparative psyc) and understanding the development of humans(developmental psyc), Emphasis on individual differences

Rene Descartes

Natural processes were valid and thatknowledge of the physical world gainedthrough the senses could be accepted. Sensory info must be analyzed rationallyin order to determine its validity. All animal behavior andmuch human behaviorand internal processescould be explainedmechanically. Center of brain is the pineal gland, which is not duplicated like the other parts of the brain and only found in humans. What was cerebral brain fluid, he suggested were animal spirits
There is an interactionbetween the human body that operatesaccording to physical principles and amind/soul that does not.

John Locke

How do we gain ideas? Human experience, no innate ideas.

Luigi Galvani
Suggested that neural impulses areelectrical.Demonstrated that application of electricalcurrent caused a dead frog’s leg to twitch

Unconscious Inference

(Theory of Perception - Helmholtz) The past experiences of the observer is what converts sensation to perception