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48 Cards in this Set

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What type of diet should a person c Chron's disease consume?
-low fiber, low-residue diet
What are some ex of food items that a person c Chron's CANNOT eat?
-raw veggies, veggies not strained, dried beans, peas, & legumes
-raw fruits, fruits c skins, seeds
-nuts, raisins, rich desserts
-whole grain breads/cereals
-fried, smoked, pickled/cured meats
-alcohol, fruit juices c pulp
When teaching a clt c dumping syndrome about meal frequency, what should the RN include?
-meal sizes should be reduced
-6 small feedings
A clt c Dumping syndrome asks "can I drink water c my meals?" how should the RN respond?
-no drinking fuilds c meals
-you can drink 30-45 mins before/after meals
--> this helps prevent distention or a feeling of fullness
What types of foods should a person c Dumping syndrome eat?
-dry foods c low carb content
-moderate protein & fat content
-restrict refined sugar intake
-proteins & fat are increase (meat, cheese, eggs, mild products)
-->to promote rebuilding of the body tissues & to meet energy needs (pg 1027 med-surg)
A clt c dumping syndrome asks the RN "Can I eat my favorite jelly donut toped with sugar?". How should the nurse respond?
-no, concentrated sweets (honey, sugar, jelly, jam) b/c these can cause dizziness, diarrhea, & a sense of fullness
A clt c recently dx dumping syndrome asks, "Should I go for my usual run after lunch?" how should the RN resond?
-no, short rest periods of 30 minutes is reccommended after each meal
What should the RN teach the clt c cholecystitis in regards to dietary restrictions?
-items low in fat
-a weight reduction diet is reccommended (4-6wks)
-take fat soluble vit supplements
What should the RN inform the nursing student about when explaining palative care?
-pallitive care is providing caring interventions rather than curing interventions
-palative care can be given for any age, dx, any time, & not just durring the last few months of life
What is the goal behind pallative care?
-preservation of dignity becomes the goal of palliative care
What are some positive aspects of palliative care?
-allows clt to make more informed choices
-achieve better allevation of sx
-have more opportunity to work on issues of life closure
What type of therapeutic relationship is the RN offering to the clt & clts family?
-the RN is establishing a caring relationship c both clt & family
Pallative care is managing...
-pallative care is managing the sx of disease & therapies
A family is going to perform care for their dying loved one. What are some nrsg objectives (r/t to the family) that are pertinate to providing physical care & psychological support to the clt?
1. family wil be able to provide appropriate physical care for the dying clt in home
2. family will be able to provide appropriate psychological support to the dying clt
A family is going to care for their dying loved one. What are some goals the RN must develop in order for the family to take over care?
-Describe & demonstrate feeding techniques & selection of foods to facilitate ease of chewing & swallowing
-Demonstrate bathing, mouth care, & other hygiene measures & allow family to perform return demo
-show video on simple transfer techniques to prevent injury to themselves & clt, help family practice transfers
-instruct family on need to enforce rest periods
-teach family to recognize ssx to expect as the clts condition worsens & provide info on who to call in an emergency
-discuss ways to support the dying person & listen to needs & fears
-solicit questions from family & provide info as needed
A family is going to care for their dying loved one. What kinds of items the RN should evaluate the family in order to care for the clt?
-Have the family demo physical care techniques
-ask family members to describe how they vary approaches to care when the clt has ssx such as pain/fatigue
-ask the family to discuss how they feel about their ability to support the clt
What are some ssx of stage 1(forgetfulness) Alzheimer's disease?
-short term memory loss
-decreased attention span
-subtle personality changes
-mild cognitive deficits
-difficulty c depth perception
What are some ssx of stage 2 (Confusion) Alzheimer's disease?
-obvious memory loss
-confusion, impaired judgement, confabulation
-wandering behavior
-sundowning (more confusion in late afternoon/early evening)
-irritability & agitation
-poor spatial orientation, impaired motor skills
-intensification of sx when the clt is stressed, fatigued, or in an unfamiliar environment
-depression r/t awareness of reduced capacities
What are some ssx of stage 3 (Ambulatory dementia) Alzheimer's disease?
-loss of reasoning ability
-increasing loss of expressive language
-loss of ability to perform ADLs
-more withdrawn
What are some ssx of stage 4 (End Stage) Alzheimer's disease?
-impaired or absent cognitive, communication, &/motor skills
-bowel & bladder incontinence
-inability to recognize family members or self in mirror
T/F: assessing teaching needs for the clt & esspecially for the family members when the clt's congnitive ability is progressively declining (Alzheimer's)
What are some appropriate interventions when the family is about to care for their loved one c alzheimer's?
-review the resources available to the family as the clts health declines
--> a wide variety of home care & community resources may be available to the family in many areas of the country. These resources may allow the clt to remain at home rather than in an institution
When providing daily care for a clt c progressing dementia, the RN should teach the care giver to perform a self assessment in regards to...
-feelings of frustration, anger, or fear
T/F: use consistent repetition of daily health routines as a means of establishing them in regards to a person c Alzheimers.
-memory loss impairs clt's ability to plan & complete specific sequential activities
Is it appropriate for the RN to assist the clt in accepting dependency in regards to a clt c Alzheimers to ensure that all needs for the clt are met?
-yes it is appropriate for the RN to help the clt with their feelings of accepting the dependency their disease brings
What should the RN teach a family caring for a loved one c Alzheimers in regards to the clts independence?
-Teach the family to encourage independence & to intervene only when the pt is unable to perform
When bathing or performing basic hyiene to a clt c Alzheimers, how should the RN facilitate the experience?
-provide desired personal articles (ie bath soap & hairbrush)
-facilitate clts bathing self as appropriate to facilitate independence
-provide appropriate help in hygiene
When assisting a clt in dressing/grooming, what are some things the RN should keep in mind?
-provide clt's cloths in accessible area to facilitate dressing
-be available for assistance in dressing as necessary to facilitate independence & provide appropriate help in dressing
When assisting a clt c Alzheimers c toileting what should the RN help the clt c?
-assist clt to toilet as specified intervals to promote regularity
-faciliate toilet hygiene after completion of elimination to prevent discomfort & skin breakdown
If a clt is having trouble sleeping & resting, and this issue has not been resolved. What are 3 problems this clt is at risk for?
1. Insomina
2. Abnormal movements or sensations during sleep or when awakening at night
3. excessive day time sleepiness
What are 4 categories that are possible culprits for sleep disorders?
1. Dyssomnias (originating in body systems)
2. Parasomnias (undesirable behaviors that occur during sleep)
3. Sleep disorders associated c Med-Psych disorders
4. Proposed sleep disorders
Dyssomnias (origins in the body systems) sleep disorder are made up of....(3)
1. Intrinsic (initiating & maintaining sleep)
2. Extrinsic (outside the body)
3. Circadian Rhythm sleep disorders (misalignment of timing & what is desired)
Parasomnias (undesirable behaviors that occur during sleep) include...(4)
1. Arousal Disorders
2. Sleep-wake transition Disorders
3. REM sleep disturbances
4. Other Parasomnias
Sleep disorders that are associated c Med-Psych disorders include... (3)
1. Psych disorders
2. Neurologic Disorders
3. Other med disorders
Proposed sleep disorders include... (3)
1. Menstruation-associated sleep disorders
2. Sleep choking syndrome
3. Pregnancy associated sleep disorders
Intrinsic factors that cause sleep disturbances include... (4)
1. Psychophysiological insomnia
2. Narcolepsy
3. Periodic limb movement disorders
4. Sleep apnea syndromes
Extrinsic factors that cause sleep disturbances include...(4)
1. inadequate sleep hygiene
2. insufficient sleep syndrome
3. hypnotic dependent sleep disorders
4. alcohol dependent sleep disorders
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders include... (3)
1. Time zone change
2. Shift work sleep disorder
3. Delayed sleep phase syndrome
Arousal sleep disorders include... (2)
1. Sleep walking
2. Sleep Terrors
Sleep-wake transition disorders include...(3)
1. Sleep talking
2. Sleep Starts
3. Nocturnal leg cramps
REM sleep disturbances include...(3)
1. nightmares
2. REM sleep behavior disorder
3. sleep paralysis
Other parasomnias sleep disorder includes...(3)
1. Sleep bruxism (teeth grinding)
2. sleep enuresis (bed wetting)
3. SIDs
Psych disorders associated c sleep disturbance include...(4)
1. Mood disorders
2. Anxiety disorders
3. Psychosis
4. Alcoholism
Neurologic disorders that cause sleep disturbances include...(3)
1. Dementia
2. Parkinsonism
3. Central Degenerative Disorders
Other medical disorders that cause sleep disturbances include...(3)
1. Nocturnal Cardiac ischemia
3. PUD
What questions can the RN ask a clt to assess for insomnia?
1.How easily do you fall asleep?
2. Do you fall asleep & have difficulty staying asleep? How many times do you awaken?
3. What time do you awaken for good? What causes you to awaken early?
4. What do you do to prepare for sleep? To improve your sleep?
5. What do you think about as you try to fall asleep?
6. How often do you have trouble sleeping?
What questions can the RN ask the clt to assess for Sleep Apnea?
1. Do you snore loudly?
2. Has anyone ever told you that you often stop breathing for short periods during sleep?
3. Do you experience HAs after awakening?
4. Do you have difficulty staying awake during the day?
5. Does anyone else in your family snore loudly or stop breathing in their sleep?
What questions can the RN ask the clt to assess for Narcolepsy?
1. Are you tired durring the day?
2. Do you fall asleep at inopportune times?
3. Do you have episodes of losing muscle control or falling to the floor?
4. Have you ever had the feeling of being unable to move or talk just before falling asleep?
5. Do you have vivid lifelike dreams when going to sleep or waking up?