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58 Cards in this Set

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Transcontinental railroad
A building process that was very costly and risky. The need for military and postal needs, congress decided to give some grants to two companies. Adding railroads to small towns can make them big. After the UPR and the CPR were done, the transcontinental line, was one of america’s most impressive undertakings during peacetime
Time zones
This quickly became known as Railway Time;Each railroad used its own standard time, usually based on the local time of its headquarters or most important terminus, and the railroad's train schedules were published using its own.
"iron horse"
Second Industrial Revolution
After the war, many people turn away from the political arena and go for corporations, having more corporations’ means more jobs, meaning economic boom. Railroads help alot
Union Pacific Railroad
Commissioned by congress after the guns of fort sumter commissioned by congress to go westward from Omaha, Nebraska
Central Pacific Railroad
From this line, California began to make the CPR. Went east from sacramento, eastward. The men who were the financial backers were the “BIG FOUR”, Leland Stanford, an ex governor of California who had political connections, and collis p Huntington, a lobbyist
Cornelius Vanderbelt
He founded Vanderbilt University in Tenn. He was a big man with little education but he established a shipping-land transit across Nicaragua after the gold rush. He built a railway that connected New York to Chicago in 1873. He offered superior service at low rates and was extremely successful
"The modern Colossus"
immigration, land also effected, mostly the area of the Louisiana purchase, settlers following the railroads plowed Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, and Nebraska. even time was effected, four timezones split America to get scheldules right and avoid wrecks and crashes.
Most importantly, it made millionaires. New aristocracy replaced the old slave holders
Pullman Palace Cars
Introduced in 1860s, they were said to be nice hotels but were terrible and called wheeled torture chambers
Robber barons
Corrupt industry owners who only cared about profit, i.e. Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, etc
Captains of Industry
Leaders of industry
Business Combinations
business partners? we'll ask pendry:]
A pool is an informal agreement between a group of people or leaders of a company to keep their prices high and to keep competition low. The Interstate Commerce Act in 1887 made railroads publicly publish their prices and it outlawed the pool
When a company has the rights to sell something and only them, like standard oil, who monopolized oil, there is no competition against a monopoy b/c they have everything
Horizontal integration
A technique used by John D. Rockefeller. Horizontal integration is an act of joining or consolidating with ones competitors to create a monopoly. Rockefeller was excellent with using this technique to monopolize certain markets. It is responsible for the majority of his wealth
Vertical Integration
It was pioneered by tycoon Andrew Carnegie. It is when you combine into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing. This makes supplies more reliable and improved efficiency. It controlled the quality of the product at all stages of production
Jay Gould
was an American financier who became a leading American railroad developer and speculator. Although he was long vilified as an archetypal robber baron,
A trust is an economic tool devised late in the 1800's. It was pioneered by men such as Andrew Carnegie of the steel industry and John Rockefeller of the oil industry. The purpose of a trust is to eliminate competition in business. One powerful company will have control of the stocks of many smaller companies in the same line of business, creating a monopoly. The monopoly allows price-fixing and benefits all companies involved. Trusts were outlawed in the early 1900's
Andrew Carnegie
steel king; integrated every phase of his steel-making operation. Ships, railroads, etc. pioneered "Vertical Integration" ; his goal was to improve efficiency by making supplies more reliable controlling the quality of the product at all stages of production and eliminating the middle man
U.S. Steel
After Carnegie sold away his steel company, JP morgan took over and made this. It was america’s first billion dollar corporation. A larger sum than the total estimated wealth of the nation in 1800. Bessemer steel caused everything to go good with America <3
J.D. Rockefeller
Rockefeller was a man who started from meager beginnings and eventually created an oil empire. In Ohio in 1870 he organized the Standard Oil Company. By 1877 he controlled 95% of all of the refineries in the United States. It achieved important economies both home and abroad by it's large scale methods of production and distribution. He also organized the trust and started the Horizontal Merger
Standard Oil
Rockefeller’s business that monopolized the world petroleum market. Inspired trusts
Mesabi Range
Near Lake Superior, it had a lot of Iron ore. It became the cornerstone of the vast steel empire
Interstate Commerce Act
Of 1887. probits rebates and pools and required the railroads to publish their rates openly.
Forbade unfair discrimination against shippers and outlawed charging more for a short haul than for along one over the same line. Most important, it set up the interstate commerce commission to administer and enforce the new legislation
Wabash v. Illinois
Decreed that individual states had no power to regulate interstate commerce
Interlocking directates
Putting your officers into someone else’s board of directors
J.P. Morgan
He was a banker who financed the reorganization of railroads, insurance companies, and banks. He bought out Carnegie and in 1901 he started the United States Steel Corporation
Gospel of Wealth
Idea that “the good lord gave me my money.” That God gave them the money. Even Steel Baron Andrew Carnegie agreed that the wealthy, entrusted with society’s riches, had to prove themselves morally responsible according to a “Gospel of Wealth”
These attitudes were roadblock for social reform
Social Darwinists
refers to various ideologies based on a concept that competition among all individuals, groups, nations, or ideas drives social evolution in human societies; theory of natural selection which explains speciation in populations as the outcome of competition between individual organisms for limited resources or "survival of the fittest
William Graham Sumner
Developer of the social Darwinist idea.
“millionaires are a product of natural selection. What do social classes owe each other?”
Sherman Anit-Trust Act
Forbade combinations in restraint of trade, without any distinction between good trusts and bad trusts. Bigness, not badness, was the sin.
Ineffective, because it had only baby teeth or no teeth at all.
Where it was effective, it curbed labor unions or labor combinations that restrained trade.
New South
Industrialists wanted people from agricultural south to go from fields to factories. They only had little successs.
New south was an idea, an ideal that the south becomes industrialized
Henry Grady
Editor of Atlanta constitution who tireslessly wanted ex confederates to become Georgia Yankees and outplay the north at the commercial and industrial game
Breaker Boys
Mine helpers. For hours they would sit on benches above a moving belt kicking large pieces of coal breaking the lumps to uniform size for shipment. Photographs of breaker boys became a icon for reform crusade against child labor.
Middle Class
You should know what this is already. However, they became annoyed by all the labor strikes and then grew deaf to the outcry of the worker
Gibson Girl
A magazine image of an independent and athletic new woman created in the 1890s became romantic ideal fo the age. For middle class women, careers often meant delayed marriages and smaller families
"women's jobs"
Most women workers toiled not for independence or for glamour but out of economic necessity.
Women’s jobs paid less even though they did the same thing as males did
Child Labor
EXACTLY what it sounds like. Reform against child labor didn’t really be effective until 1938
A list of bad workers and the list was sent to other employers and then they would not get hired (refered to in the jungle?)
Employers could lock their doors against rellious workers and then starve them into submission.
Yellow Dog contracts
Iron clad agreements, once signed, you can’t join a labor union
Imported by corporations, they were strike breakers and thugs who beat up labor organizers.

“I could hire one half of the work force to kill the other half” – J. Gould
Labor Unions
An organization of laborers, they would strike, fight for higher wages, and all that stuff

By 1872, several hundred thousand organized workers turned into 32 national unions.
Company towns
A town owned by a company – it had high priced grocery stores and “easy” credit. The worker often sank into debt here.

“born in a company house, nurtured by high priced company store, and buried in a company graveyard”
National Labor Union
Organized in 1866, it represented a giant bootstride by workers. Lasted six years, had 600,000 members, skilled unskilled and farmers though keeping with the times. It exclueded Chinese and made efforts to include women and blacks.

Black laborers build the colored national labor union but their support for the republican party and racism of white unionists prevented the two national unions from working together.

NLU called for arbitration of industrial disputes and the eight hour workday. They only won the 8 hours.
Knights of Labor
Seized torch dropped when NLU falls. They were the officially called the “Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor” lol.

It began in 1869 secretively, (like the know nothings), they had private rituals, passwords, and a special handshake. Secrecy continued until 1881.

Sought to include all workers in one big union.
- took in unskilled, skilled, men, women, blacks, whites,
- they DID NOT take “nonproducers”
o liquor dealers, professional gamblers, lawyers, bankers, and stockbrokers.
Never got into politics, focused on economic and social reform (wanted the 8 hour thing)
Part of why they were destroyed (read anarchists and haymarket), they took in unskilled labor. The unskilled labor could easiliy be replaced by strikebreaking scabs. High class craft unionists enjoyed a semimonopoly over skills.
Terence Powderly
Terence V. Powderly was an Irish-American leader of the Knights who won many strikes for the eight-hour work day. Powderly led the Knights to become a major power in gaining rights for the workers in factories. Denounced wage-slaver. Shunned socialism, wanted laborers to save enough from their wages to purchase mines, factories, railroads, and stores. They would then make a toilers utopia, because labor would own tand operate those enterprises, workers themselves would be the owner producers
Mother Jones
Fiery mary harris “mother Jones” got her start agitating for the knights in Illinois.
American Federal of Labor
Knights of labor who were skilled. They got sick of having to help the unskilled and sought refuge in a federation of exclusively skilled craftsmen.
When a lot of skilled laborers leave the knights to go to the American federation, it dealt the nkngitsh a body blow. By 1890, the knights were down to 100,00 members and they fused with other protest groups.
Consisted of an association of self governing national unions, each of which kept independence. With the AF of L unifying the overall strategy. No individual laborer could join.
Nonpolitical organization that did not let women and blacks and unskilled come in
Haymarket Square Bombing
Labor disorders had broken out, and on may 4, 1886, the Chicago police went to a protest that was accused of brutalities. Suddenly a dynamite bomb was thrown that killed or injured several dozen people, including police.
A later John P Altgeld, a democratic liberal became governor of Illinois, pardoning the three haymarket square bombing suspects from their jail time, it demonstrated courage in opposing a “gross injustice”
Hardcore SOB’s who wanted violent overthrow of the American government.
After the haymarket square bombings, the knights of labor were associated with them and then the knights were looked at badly.
Samuel Gompers
Samuel Gompers is responsible for the formation of one of the first labor unions. The American Federation of Labor worked on getting people better hours and better wages. The formation of this triggered the formation of various others that would come later
Armour & Swift
? Ask Pendry;
Socialist Party
Advocated government ownership of the means of production
Eugene V. Debs
SOCIALIST was an American union leader, one of the founding members of the International Labor Union and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), as well as candidate for President of the United States as a member of the Social Democratic Party in 1900,
Womens Trade Union League
was a U.S. organization of both working class and more well-off women formed in 1903 to support the efforts of women to organize labor unions and to eliminate sweatshop conditions. The WTUL played an important role in supporting the massive strikes in the first two decades of the twentieth century that established the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and in campaigning for women's suffrage among men and women workers
U.S. v. EC Knight and Company
Congress charged that a single trust controlled 98% of refined sugar manufacturing in the US, but Court rejected case because trust was involved in manufacturing, NOT interstate commerce (which was what Congress could control), so, trust was not illegal
weakened Sherman Antitrust Act
Closed Shop
is a business or industrial factory in which union membership (often of a specific union and no other) is a precondition to employment. It is opposed to the open shop, which does not consider union membership in hiring decisions and does not give union members preference in hiring.