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30 Cards in this Set

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What types of people are said to have discovered America, aside from Columbus?
Asian immigrants, Romans, Phoenicians, Irish and Norse all claimed to settle there.
Why is Columbus credited with "discovering" America?
-He had more publicity, since he went through the crown of Spain.
-Thought they could get to Spice Islands (Marco Polo's fault)
-Good timing, since the world was in an Age of Discovery.
How was Spanish colonization different from English colonization?
Spain was:
-Official, through the crown
-Very brutal methods
-Went to convert, not just get money.
England was exact opposite.
When did Britain become a great power over Spain and how?
The Spanish Armada, largest ever, was defeated by the quick and agile British fleet, as well as a storm. Half of Armada was defeated, and Spain's goals of power were dashed. Would never recover. (Crossing the T used).
How did England's colonization begin?
It was unofficial, done by Joint Stock companies out for profit, NOT GOD or TO START A COLONY.
Who truly saved Jamestown; Capt. John Smith or John Rolfe?
While Captain John Smith DID get the colonists working for themselves, Rolfe was the one who planted tobacco, which made them prosper.
Why was 1619 an important year?
The Virginia Company realized that it needed to form a civilization if they wanted to survive, so they brought women. It made life more civilized.
What were the personalities of the people who came to Jamestown?
They were thrill-seekers or people striving to get a better life.
What was the House of Burgesses and when was it formed?
It was formed out of an economic need to settle conflicts in 1619.
When did slave trade begin?
What led to Puritanism being formed?
After Martin Luther, a priest, sent the 95 theses to churches, people read it again agreed with him. Lutheranism started. Henry III becomes protestant eventually => Anglican church. Was not too different from catholic church, since hierarchies existed still. Puritans wanted to purify the church.
What did the Mayflower Compact do?
Provided laws and planted the seed of just and equal laws.
What was the goal of Plymouth?
When and where did John Winthrop land and what was so important?
They landed in Boston, Mass. in 1630. "City on a Hill" This planted the seed of "American Exceptionalism."
What where the Puritans like and how is that still true today.
God favors those with money, hard work is prided, productive, prompt, reliable, responsible, honest, frugal (not wasteful, especially with money), modest.
What are some characteristics about New England towns?
-Green with churches and houses of the prominent that served as a meeting place
What did Roger Williams do?
He criticized the Puritans and started Rhode Island
What did Thomas Hooker do?
Criticized Puritans and formed Connecticut. First constitution with separate powers, elected officials.
What did Anne Hutchinson do?
Criticized Puritans, went to Long Island and was killed by Indians. She was used as an example by the Puritans.
What was New York City like during the colonial period?
It was interested in money, not freedom, so religion wasn't an issue. They weren't out for tolerance, though. Founded by Dutch, taken by British.
What was Pennsylvania like during the colonial period?
It was a Quaker refuges, set up by William Penn. They honored the Indians and set out to be tolerant.
What was Maryland like during the colonial period?
Lord Baltimore founded it for the Catholics. When they began to get outnumbered, a Religious Toleration act was set up and allowed any CHRISTIAN to worship.
Why was Georgia formed?
James Oglethorpe founded it as a barrier from Spanish, but also as a place to restart life if you were down on your luck.
What was life like in New England in general in the colonial period?
-Made of MA, RI, CT and NH, it was mainly small, family-owned farms who grew their own food.
-The main industries were fishing, lumber and oversees trade.
-Had much better education for farming and religion.
-Better life than in Old England, due to less disease, steady food, clean water and longer life span.
-Large families, since men remarried if wife died and women cranked out kids.
-Slavery impractical there
What were the Mid-Atlantic colonies like during the colonial period?
-Made of NY, NJ, PA and DE, they were the most diverse population.
-Most mixed economy because of Agriculture, trade, banking, manufacturing.
-Most diverse religion.
-SOME public schooling in PA.
What was the South like during the colonial period?
Made up of VA, NC, SC and GA. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY, of tobacco, rice and indigo. Most rigid society. Planters on top, then Yeoman farmers.
What was the Quaker Awakening?
John Edwards and George Whitefield conducted fiery sermons to make religion personal again.
What was Bacon's Rebellion?
Nathaniel Bacon and others rose up and attacked Indians without governmental help and then marched into Williamsburg to take over. Lower class could not be controlled, so indentured servants used less.
What led up to the French and Indian war?
French went into Canada for fur trade for money, so befriended the Indians. They started founding forts near colonies, and the colonies got angry.
What involvement did George Washington have in the French and Indian war?
Washington had a skirmish at Fort Necessity. Lost, signed a French treaty. His career took off.