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27 Cards in this Set

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Separatist Puritans; non-separatist puritans
Separatist Puritans believed the Church of England needed to be Purified and that it was beneficial to just break away from the church; non-separatists believed there was still hope
joint-stock company
selling stock to investors; funded English colonies
the Northwest Passage
the French wanted to find a quick passage to the pacific via the northwest
Conversion experience
an experience in which a person accepts Jesus as their savior; caused controversy in doctrinal issues among Christians
social reciprocity
giving of one thing in exchange for another; form of trade; used by Native Americans
the Gold Coast
the coast of Africa that contained Gold; many Africans flocked there for profit
European concept of a "degree"
social rank
the family as a "little commonwealth"
the father earned most of the income, the mother raised the children and earned income, the children also earned income and would support parents after they grew up
Martin Luther; John Calvin
Martin Luther disapproved of the selling of indulgences and made a list of all the things that were wrong with the Catholic church - started the Protestant Reformation; John Calvin was a protestant who believed in predestination
Anabaptists; Jesuits
Anabaptists believed that you had to have a conversion experience before you could be baptised; Jesuits were militant religious order of royal advisers and missionaries
Church of England
formed by Henry VIII; broke away from Catholic church in 1534
the believe that the Church of England needed to be purified of Catholic influences
the "new slavery"
harsher form of slavery induced by Europeans in which slaves were treated more like property than like people
Vasco Nunez de Balboa; Ferdinand Magellan
Balboa discovered the Atlantic ocean in 1513; Magellan was the captain of the first voyage to sail all the way around the world
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado; Hernan Cortes; Juan Ponce de Leon
Coronado attempted to conquer the southwestern US from 1540-1542; Cortes conquered the Aztec empire from 1519-1521; Ponce de Leon established St. Augustine in 1565
Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain
Cartier was the first to attempt to colonize eastern Canada for France; Champlain established the first permanent French colony in North America (New France)
Elizabethan "sea dogs"
captains of Elizabeth's secret army ships that attacked the Spanish ships
conquistadors and encomiendas
conquistadors where Spanish leaders that conquered South America and brutally abused the Native Americans; encomiendas was the labor system under which Native Americans were subject to work
the "lost colony"
Roanoke, Virginia; established 1585; did not have enough supplies or good relations with Native Americans; disappeared in 1590 with the word "CROATOAN" carved on a post.
Atlantic slave trade
the Europeans bought slaves from Africa and shipped them under very harsh conditions to the Americas, where they worked under back-breaking conditions to produce labor-intensive crops
Virginia Company of Plymouth; Virginia Company of London
VA Comp of Plymouth was a failure - they all returned to England; VA Comp of London - Jamestown. Suffered hardships, and eventually became a royal colony
Captain John Smith
English military man who was young but experienced; captured by Powhatan Indians and saved the Jamestown colony; was injured by gunshot and returned to England
Colony in VA that was full of lazy colonists; was saved by the leadership of John Smith; however, after he left, the colony went back to before and was then converted to a royal colony
Pocahontas and Opechancanough
Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan; rumored to have saved John Smith from execution when she was 10 years old; married John Rolfe after she was captured by colonists; died in England of respiratory disease. Opechancanough was the brother of Powhatan and part of the reason the relations with colonists got steadily worse
Fort Nassau, New Amsterdam, New Netherland
Established by the Dutch in North America along the Hudson river by Henry Hudson in 1614
Mayflower Compact
Designed when the Mayflower drifted from Virginia to Massachusetts and said that the land was claimed for King James I and constituted themselves as a "civil body politic" or government
Squanto and Samoset
English-speaking Native Americans that helped the Plymouth Rock pilgrims learn how to thrive in America; Thanksgiving