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51 Cards in this Set

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Chapter 2:

What lessons do you think English colonists learned from their early Jamestown experience?

Jamestown expectation: The colonists expected gold and Money and success. Financial support: the British empire provided them with everything. Started selling crops for cash and land. Leadership skills:

North Carolina was the least typical. Describe unique features of colonial North Carolina and explain why this colony was so unlike its southern neighbors.

North Carolina was unique because it was the only colony to

Rank the items in the following list, starting from most important. Justify. Speculate what might have happened had these events not occurred.

B. The intro of slavery into the plantation colonies.

C. The enclosing of croplands in England.

A. The cultivation of tobacco in Virginia.

Why was tobacco called a poor man's crop and sugar a rich man's crop?

Tobacco was easily cultivated. Sugar was harder and only the rich could afford to grow it.

Chapter 3:

Select any combination of two of the three colonial settlement areas (South, New England, middle) and compare and contrast them. Focus on the motives of their founders, religious and social orientation, economic pursuits, and political developments.

North: based on shipbuilding, lumbering, fishing, rum making. Founded by Puritans and Separatists. Religious freedom. Must be converted to be in politics. Where democracy grew.

South: making gold/money, founded for economic reasons. Primogenitures and young males populated. Not as religious as the north.

Explain how the Great Awakening, an intensely religious movement, contributed to the development of the separation of church and state in America.

It was an era in 1730-1740 where Edwards and Whitefield preached different beliefs. Emotional religion. Let the people decide so many religions, it wasn't practical to demand people to believe in one specific idea.

Write your definition of democracy. Then use this definition to argue that colonial politics had or had not become Democratic by 1760.

Democracy: is a term that means all the power of election and nationwide decisions are given to the people/citizens.

The colonies were not democratic because only rich landowners, men, were able to participate in anything related to politics

Chapter 6:

Compare and contrast the French colonies in North America with their British counterparts. Consider, for example, location, timing, economy, political organization, and religious influences.

France: located in Canada in 1608 supported by fishing, shipping, and trade with Indians, Roman Catholic.

GB: 1607. Jamestown. Triangular trade. A mix of self-governing and royal colony, Catholic: settled in Baltimore Maryland. Anglican, mostly in the south; tobacco, shipbuilding, timber.

Why did the Ohio Valley become the arena of conflict between the French and the British in America?

It became the area of conflict because the British cleaned it as theirs, but the French needed to do trade. British claiming land near the Mississippi River would interfere with their trade with the Canadians. The British wanted the land for farming.

Which of the following do you think attributed most to the British victory in the French and Indian war: the leadership of William Pitt, the aid of American colonist, or the skill of the British regulars?

The most important thing that contributed to the British victory in the French and Indian war was the leadership of William Pitt.

The French and Indian war has also been called the "Great War for Empire". Explain why this might be an appropriate name for this war.

This is an appropriate name because the British Empire won so much land off of it.

Sometimes observed that the roots of future wars line the result of past wars. In what ways does it appear that the French and Indian war helped to cause the American Revolutionary war?

French and Indian war gave way to the colonists possibility that they were strong enough to win an actual war.

The French and Indian war (1754-1763) altered the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies. Access this change with regard to two of the following in the period between 1763-1775:

a. Land acquisition

b. Politics

c. Economics

Economics change the relationship between Britain and the North America colonies because were and wanted more money and so it forced American colonist to work harder to make this money for them. This clearly anger them and frustrated them and made them dislike the British Empire everyday more and more.

Land acquisition was also altering aspect of the relationship because Britain would send a lot more colonists to different parts in America so that they could have more land. This caused Americans to come united and build a sort of hatred towards the British Empire.

Chapter 7:

Explain the relationship between mercantilism, The Navigation Laws, and the British efforts to create an administrative structure for their empire after 1696.

Because of mercantilism the British enforced the Navigation Laws which gave no freedom of trade between the colonists and other countries aside from Britain.

Given that the Quebec Act did not apply to the 13 seaboard colonies, why did the act created such a start of protest among them?

The Quebec act would help the French Canadians. Colonist thought it was a punishment for the tea party. It was actually an enlightened act to administer the French subjects.

To what degree was the government of Massachusetts Bay simultaneously theocratic, democratic, and authoritarian?

Authoritarian: strict bc of church. Similar to theocratic.

Democratic: they still had a right to vote if converted and owned land.

Theocratic: run by church. Government run by church.

What were the major advantages and disadvantages of the British and the colonists, respectively, as the American Revolutionary war began? What would Britain have to do to win? What would the colonist have to do to win?

Colonists: had no actual army, the British did. Had not supplies, Britain did. Had not troops and the people did not really agree with the war.

Discuss the similarities and differences between the Confederation of New England and the Dominion of New England.

Colonial (4 New England colonies) decision; did not come from Britain. 1640. New Confederation was a step to coming together. The Dominion gave control (Navigation Laws) to the colonies.

Explain why you would or would not have been in favor of banishing Roger Williams and/or Anne Hutchinson from Massachusetts Bay.

Roger Williams wanted separation from church which sounded like a good solution to the colonies' issues.

Anne Hutchinson opened the minds of people and the church. She shouldn't have been punished for having a mind of her own.

Construct a definition of Puritanism using the concepts of predestination, calling, covenant, Protestant ethic, and conversion.

Predestination: term meaning God chose who was saved and who wasn't before they were born.

Calling: a sign or call that God made to people to have them worship him or follow him.

Covenant: group or organization that consisted of only converted men.

Protestant ethic: very strict about religion and Rebels in their village.

Conversion: An interaction or experience someone has with God and that changes then forever.

Write your interpretation of John Winthrop's comment that Massachusetts Bay was to be "as a city upon a hill" and "a beacon to mankind." In your opinion do Americans still hold this view of their nation's role in the world? WoWN?

John Winthrop meant that America, or just Massachusetts Bay at the time, was a refuge for people all over Europe to find shelter and refuge from religious persecution, poverty, and other problematic aspects they may experience. This is still true. People from all over the world come to seek job opportunities, freedom of religious, or to escape from wars and dangers of their own country.

Chapter 4:

Why did colonial masters first adopt the institution of indentured servitude rather than Indian or black slavery to meet their demands for labor? Why, then, did black slavery replace indentured servitude?

Black slaves were very expensive. Indians knew the land and could easily escape and rebel. Indentured servants were promised land to own if they worked for the masters.

Were distinctions of wealth and status widening or narrowing as the seventeenth century drew to a close? Why?

Wealthy people kept getting slaves and land and other people struggled without money. Owners were more wealthy thank workers.

Which do you think was the main cause of Bacon's Rebellion: resentment felt by background farmers, Governor Berkeley's Indian policies, or the pressure of the tobacco economy?

Main cause was the pressure of the tobacco economy because there was such a high demand for it and the servants were constantly pressure and pushed and never payed fairly for their work.

Chapter 5:

Summarize the key features of the American population in the early eighteenth century. Consider the different peoples in America in 1775. List their nationality, percentage of population, characteristics, and where each group was located.

Scots-Irish: Ireland, 7%, rebellious hated the British Empire, was located in the northern colonies.

French: France, 5%, located in the west unsettled land. Lived off fur trade.

Germans: Germany, 6%, traded and settled in the middle colonies.

What does the phrase point of no return mean to you? Identify the point in colonial-British relations between 1760 and 1776 and explain why you would pick that event/date.

Know the acts. Point where war became inevitable: the Lexington and Concord, Boston massacre, tea party.

Write your definition of conspiracy. Then use this definition to argue that the colonist were or were not victims of a British conspiracy to rob them of their liberties.

British plan to pass laws and eventually completely take away their liberty. Therefore they were victims of a British conspiracy.

Which of the following do you think was the most responsible for the conflict between Britain and it's American colonies: the ineptness of parliamentary leadership, the colonists' behavior, the high-handed was of King George III, the British mercantilist system and navigation laws, or the actions of British officials in the colonies?

The biggest most important reason for the conflict between Britain and the American colonies was the high-handedness of King George III. just because he passes navigation laws and enforce them so seriously that it angered the colonists and he was just overall trying to slowly passed laws that we can take that with just because he passes navigation laws and enforce them so seriously that it angered the colonists and he was just overall trying to slowly passed laws that would completely take away their liberty.

List the following an order of their importance to colonial protest: pamphlets, boycotts, mob action, committees of correspondence.

a. Mob actions

b. Boycotts

c. Pamphlets

d committees of correspondence

It might be said that it was the British who revolutionaries in 1763 and the colonist who were conservatives attempting to preserve the status quo.

Look up.

Chapter 8:

What qualities and George Washington made a good choice for commanding the Revolutionary Army what were his most valuable contributions to Independence?

Washington was a great role model he was patient, his presence give off a demand for respect, he had military experience but was not the best, and he was very kind but confident and strict.

Colonists had protested with Parliament and protested it's actions since 1763. Why, then, did the declaration of independence single out King George III as the tyrant threatening their liberties?

King George the third was an individual so he was one person who is easy to blame and put a face on as the villain. Thomas's book common sense was very unpopular because he singled him out. Symbol of the British Empire. Was the most determined to prevent independence.

List the three most important battles of the Revolutionary war. Justify your selections.

The three most important battles of the Revolutionary war were Lexington battle or Bunker hill because it was the first fight, Saratoga because it was the first battle in which the French aided the colonists, and then Yorktown because it's the one where Britain surrendered and America won it's in independent

Many historians argue that without French aid the colonies could never have won their independence. Do you agree or disagree?

I agree bc they supplied them with troops, money, and other necessary supplies.

Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner. Why, then, did he stated in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal"?

Is Jefferson was only talking about white man in the US and Europe he was excluding black people because he did not consider them as human and this helped because it would be reference to eventually towards the slaves and it was sort of a hope and it helped overtime implant a democratic idea.

It is often argued that the British "lost" the revolutionary war more than the American won it. Do you agree or disagree?

I disagree because for Britain it was sorted just fighting for land but for the Americans it was their independence. If they would have lost the war the British would have done terrible things to punish them and they'd be treated like slaves.

Chapter 9:

Why didn't the leaders of the American revolution extend their spirit of equality to the abolition of slavery and giving women the right to vote?

Man were the main subjects. Women were not mentally capable of understanding politics, according to these white Whiteman. Slaves were not considered human.

Compare and contrast the articles of Confederation and the Constitution, especially in regard to the specific powers granted by each to the national government.

Articles of Confederation divided the people; the states were ruled separately. In the constitution all the states were under one government and they were united.

Articles were divided by states bc they were separating from a all powerful government.

Write your definition of democracy. Then use this definition to evaluate the Constitution as it was spent in 1787. In what ways was it a democratic document, and in what ways did it garlic against democracy?

Get revolution was going on at the time; the articles of Confederation were lawmaking at only had the legislative branch. Tariffs/taxes. The articles week and will slowly disintegrating the country. The Constitution was basically a blueprint for government.

Write your definition of democracy. Then use this definition to evaluate the Constitution as it was spent in 1787. In what ways was it a democratic document, and in what ways did it garlic against democracy?

Voting was very restrictive. The legislative branch served for two years, the executive branch served for four years, the judicial branch was for life. The states elected the Senate which consisted of two from each state. The great compromise: one house = population(House of Representatives) , one house = fix number (Senate House).

Are you Charles Beard describe the Constitution as the reactionary phase of the revolutionary era. What did he mean by this, and what could have led him to this conclusion?

Charles beard was historian and he wrote in the 1900s. His interpretation of the Constitution was economic based on Madison and Hamilton wrote most of the constitution he thought it was written by wealthy people for selfish reasons. To protect their own well

Chapter 10:

What was the purpose of the National Bank? What particular functions would it perform?

Standard currency


Money could be handled better.

2. What was the importance of the Whiskey Rebellion?

It was significant because it shows the power of the new federal government.

3. Compare and contrast the Federalists and Republicans especially their views on democracy, government power, the economy, and foreign affairs.

Federalists: Believed in a strong central government. Pro taxation.

Republicans: believed in local government. Weak central government. No taxes. Rich v poor.

4. How would you have voted on funding, assumption, the National Bank, and protective tariffs in Hamilton's program? Explain why you would advocate strict or loose constructionism.

Assumption unfair bc some states had already paid off debt. The National Bank was smart and convenient. Protective tariffs was unfair bc it's just money stolen from the people for debt.

Loose construction gave the government more freedom to make flexible laws. However, not too much to be unconstitutional.

5. Summarize the central argument of the Kennedy and Virginia resolutions. Explain why they are key documents in American history.

Kennedy and Virginia resolutions: states had the right to nullify any law passed by government that they felt was unconstitutional.

6. Very early in its national history, the U.S. established a tradition of isolationism in its foreign policy. How did the Neutrality Proclamation and Washington's Farewell Address contribute to this tradition?

Washington advised in the Farewell Address to stay away from other country's war bc not strong enough. The NP said that the U.S. was not going to choose a side in fights.

7. Before 1790, American leaders denounced political parties. Why did parties came to exist anyways and what functions did they perform in early Republic.

The parties happened bc different opinions. They gave everybody with differing opinions a representative.

8. List as many 1st Amendments as you can. Explain outrage of Jeffersonians bc of Alien and Sedition Acts.

Freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly. Jeffersonians were not allowed to vote bc they had to be citizens for 14 years. Took away their rights as citizens.

9. List the provisions of Jay's Treaty. Which were the most unsatisfactory to American interests? Why?

Jay's Treaty made Britain leave their posts and pay for ships damages. Southerners mad bc New England has ships paid for and they still have debts to pay.

10. John Adams called his peaceful resolution of the problem with friends in 1800 "the most splendid diamond in my crown". Why did he think so? What's his pride justified? Why or why not?

John Adams was right to feel prideful of his resolution with France because it involved no violence and they did not succumb to France's ridiculous demands.