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34 Cards in this Set

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black codes
laws passed by southern state govts immediately after the civil war. designed to control former slaves and subvert intent of 13th amendment
northerners who went south after the civil war ;mixed group of idealists and selfinterested seekers of political and economic oportunity
civil rights act of 1866
stated that blacks were citizens of the us and denied states the power to restrict blacks from thei basic civil rights; congress overrode the presidents veto of the bill.
compromise of 1877
to settle election..
Hayes became president but as long as the reupublicans redraw their troops in florida
croplien system
to finance the sharecropping system. landownders borrow at high interest rates against future harvest. lenders insist they produce crops.
electoral commision of 1877
congress created a special electoral commission to decide the disputed outcome of the electoral college cote in the 1876 election. 8 republicans and 7 democrats on commission awarded all 20 disputed votes and won the presidency.
15th ammendment
this forbade all the states to deny the vote to anyone on the account of race and color of for having of been a slave.. intended to guarntee blacks the right to vote...
force acts of 1870
congress attacked kkk with 3 force acts in 70-71. these placed state elections under federal jurisdiction and imposed fines and imprisonment on those guilty of interfering with any citizen excerising his right to vote. they were designed to protect black voters in the south
14th amendment
provided citizenship to freedmen after the civil war and guaranteed them and all americans federally protected equal rights under the law. its provisions were used by radical republicans to enact a congressionally controlled reconstruction policy for the former confederate states.
name for all former slaves
freedmen's bureau
a federal postwar refugee agency set up to aid former slaces. it provide them with food clothing and other necessities as well as helped them find work and set up schools. Congress overrode presicent johnson;s veto of a freedmes bureau renewal bill in 1866
horace greely
those who hoped tio inflate the currency and lower debts by keeping wartime paper currency in circulation, they formed the greenback party in 1874
Rutherford B Hayed
Ohio governor who was the Republican nominee in 1876. he was elected when 20 disputed votes were given to him by a special electoral commision
to bring charges against a public officials for misbehaior in office. The house impeached Presient Johnson in `867 for violating the Tenure of Office Act and other allegations, but a senate triel failed to convict him of the charges
andrew johnson
democratic senator from Tenn. was Lincoln's vice prez. in 18764 for the union. succeded to the presidency when lincoln died. his reconstruction poilicies infuriated radical republicans in congress and he was impeached and nearly removed from the office
southerners who objected to congressional reconstruction policies founded several secret terrorist societies.. organized in TENN and became vigilante group
Liberal Republicans
1872 repblican reformers alarmed by the corruption and scandals in the grant administration, organized the liberal republicans and nominated hoarace greely they were laissez-faire liberals who opposed legistlation the benefitted any group
new south
an idea to convert the precivil war agricultural south into a nmore diversified economy southern industry did develop in textiles, steel,lumber, furniture and tobacco products
pocket veto
president can keep a bill from becoming law simply by the refusing to sign the bill before congress adjourns. lincoln pocket vetoed wade davis biill because he preferred his more moderate 10% plan
Radical reconsturction
the 1867 acts divided the south in 5 military didstricts, each governed by a general. they required southern sttes to guarantee black suffrage and they disfranchise many former confederates
radical republicans
headed by thaddeus Stevens and charlse sumner insisted on the black suffreage and the federal protection of the civil rights, they gained control of readmission for former concfederate.
were laissez-faire white supremacsist southern democrats who displaced post civil war radical republican
during reconstruction southerneers adopted the sharecropping system in it the landowners provided foor tools hosu8ing and seed to a farmer who provided the opportunity
solid south
tendency of southern states to vote the democratic party after 1876 this continuaed almost exclusively until the 1960 election with kennedy
specie resumption act
congress enacted to reduce gradually the amount of greenback currency in circulation and restore a hard money policy. this was dismaying toi debtor groups like farmers and workers who could benefit fromcurrency inflation...
thaddeus stevens
Pann. congressman was leader of the radical republicans in the house during the civil war and reconstruction he instisted on making emancipatiiona war goal and favored granting full time political and civil rights to blacks
swing around the circle
johnson treavled widely trying to really public suppout for his reconstruction plan his swing around the circle failed as many more republican swon...
10% plan
moderate and quick way to readmit former confederates states into the uniong. what the number eauzl to 10% of a states 1860 voters signed a loyalty oath the state coukd not begin the process of edmission..
10 % plan
quick way to admit former confederate states into the union. number equal to 10% of a states 1860 voters signed a loyalty oath, state began process
tenure of office act
prohibited the president from removing without senate approval any official who had been appointed with the consent of the senate. johnson challenged the act when he laid off this SOW
13th amendment
freed slaves, increasing the representation insouthern states in congress
samuel tilden
ny goveneror was deomcrat nominee for 1876 lost election by one vote...
wade davis bill
congress passed this bill to repspong to linsoln's 10%plan it required a majority of voters in a southern state to take a loyalty oath in order to begin the process of reconstruction. it also required the states reupdiation of its confederate debt.