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53 Cards in this Set

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99% of gases are in the
most abundant (78%)
The bad ozone is in the
CFCs are getting trapped in the
We are ____________ the ozone in the stratosphere and ____________ the ozone in the troposphere
decreasing, increasing
VOC ex.
Primary Gases
CO, CO2, NO, NO2, SO2

photochemical smog =
brown air smog
Industrial smog =
Grey air smog
_____________ helps produce photochemical smog
_____________ helps produce industrial smog
burnign fossil guels (coal)
Los angeles has bad _____________
thermal inversion
thermal inversion:
Layer of dense, cool air trapped under a layer of less dense, warm air. This prevents upward-flowing air currents from developing. Prolonged areas increase human risk.
Layers of the atmosphere are separated by ______________
content of troposphere
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1-4% water vapor (varies)
In the _____________, the ozone layer blocks _______% of the harmful ______ rays.
stratosphere, 99, UV
UV filter
- allows life to exist
- helps protects us from sunburn
- prevents much of oxygen in troposphere from being converted to photochemical smog
How do humans deplete the ozone layer?
CFCs in aerosol cans
_____________ emitted directly into the atmosphere
primary pollutants
Secondary Pollutants:
when two or more primary pollutants react with one another and or sunlight
Ex. of natural pollutants
- dust from wind
- sulfur oxide from volcanoes
- methane and hydrogen sulfide from decaying plants
A photochemical reaction is any reaction _____________________________
activated by light
Formation of photochemical smog
a. N2 + O2 -- 2NO
b. 2NO + 02 -- 2NO2 is responsible for brownish haze
c. 3NO2 + H2O -- 2HNO3 + NO
d. some NO2 reacts with UV and creates NO + O
e. O2 + O = O3 ground level ozone
Industrial Smog (Gray-Air Smog) occurs in winter months, consists of mostly
- sulfur dioxide
- suspended droplets of sulfuric acid
- suspended solid particles
Acid Deposition:
Two Forms Wet and Dry, the falling of acids and acid-forming compounds from the atmosphere to earth’s surface.
Typical rain in eastern U.S. is ___ more acidic, pH ___. Some areas
10x, 4.3
When pH falls, it weakens trees so they will become more susceptible to other types of damage. Ex.
bugs, fungi, disease, drought
Scientists site the _________________ for improvements
Clean Air Act of 1990
removes sulfur
Clean Up Acid Deposition
Acidified lakes can be neutralized by treating them with limestone or lime. Cost would be extremely high b/c it would be annually.
4 most dangerous indoor pollutants
- cigarette smoke
- formaldehyde
- asbestos
- radon-222 gas
- lead
formaldehyde emitted by:
- plywood
- furniture
- drapes
- upholstery
developing countries burning of wood causes:
many problems poorly vented stoves for cooking
- chronic disease impairs one's breathing
Radon-222 gas:
colorless, odorless, tasteless, naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the radioactive decay of uranium-238
EPA considers ____________ of air unsafe
4 picocuries per liter
Carbon Monoxide:
CO reacts with hemoglobin in red blood cells and thus reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen
What air pollutant causes reproductive problems?
volatite organic compounds (benzene, formaldehyde)
Air pollution typically doesn't kill the tree, it
weakens it to pests, disease, fungi, and drought
Troposphere contains _______ % of gases in the atmosphere (most primary and secondary pollutants)
Air becomes thinner in the _____________________
Ozone, formed from chemical reactions, is a _______ pollutant
biological pollutants include....
dust mites and mold
3 health effects of both indoor air and outdorr air pollution
- Emphysema
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
Acid deposition effects humans by
- an increase in asthma
- dry cough
- headaches
5 ways to reduce acide dopsition
- use coal contain less sulfur
- wash the coal
- using scrubbers to reduce sulfur
- switch fuels that releases less sulfur (natural gas)
- power plants can use technologies that don't burn fossil fuels
Ground level ozone's effects on human health
- make it more difficult for you to breathe as deeply and vigorously as you normally would
- aggravates asthma
- inflame and damage lung tissue
- reduce the immune system
Ground level ozone's effects on plants
- enters throught the stomata or opening in leaf, causes dislocoration in plants
Summarize the Clean Air Act.
defines EPA's responsibilities for protecting and improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer
3 criticisms that environmentalists make about the Clean Air Act.
- they rely on pollution cleanup instead of pollution prevention
- failing to increase the fuel-efficiency standards for cars and light trucks
- Doing too little to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
Sick Building Syndrom
a series of ailments associated with a person’s workplace or residence, includes: headaches, coughing, sneezing, chronic fatigue, burning eyes
Radon comes from....
Uranium-238 decay, underground wells and spaces
Lead comes from...
pain. Lead in paint have been removed in the US and UK