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7 Cards in this Set

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Historians use the term New Imperialism to refer to the West's use of?

Industrial technology to impose its on non-industrialized countries.
Which of the following was NOT a factor in starting WWI?

The Monroe Doctrine.
The Suez canal inadvertently assisted imperialism by?

Creating lower shipping costs, stimulating shipping and steam ship construction for overseas trade.
The Platt Amendment?

Gave the United States the right to intervene to maintain "Order" in the Caribbean.
The colonies offered job opportunities to women who?

Often became missionaries, teachers, and nurses.
Free trade imperialism in Latin America meant?

Economic dependence instead of Direct colonization.
The Economic motive for imperialism was?

Euro. Merchants needed to secure new markets for goods. Euro. Businesses wanted to look for new chances in Asia and Africa. Industrialization called for high resource demand. Euro. needed to protect their home markets.
The side effect of the two benefits of colonial rule to S.E. Asia (Peace & Food) was?

Time to develop a systematic rebellion.
The last area to be connected to Europe by telegraph cables was?

The Pacific.
Russian conquest of Central Asian lands yielded a new resource of?

One important factor in colonial administration depended on?

The number of Euro. Settlers in the are that could be counted on to rule themselves.
The Ethiopian victory over Italy at Adowa was due to?

The Ethiopians being armed with rifles, machine guns, and artillery.
Egyptian modernization brought an accumulation of foreign debt which caused?

The gov't to sell its shares in the Suez canal to the British. The Ottoman empire to depose Ismail. Egypt to borrow money from Euro. at high interest rates.
Europeans controlled equatorial Africa by?

Selling monopolies on resources and trade to private companies.