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8 Cards in this Set

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when an organism decreasingly responds to a repeated stimulus

e.g. water slug stops its defense against squirts because water naturally squirts him
associative learning
learning that some events occur together
- events = two stimuli (class. cond.)
- events = response and consequences (oper. cond.)
classical conditioning
learning by association, in which an organism links two or more stimuli to anticipate events

e.g. bell + food = salivation
perspective that psychology

1) is an objective science
2) studies behavior and NOT mental processes

today, (1) is agreed on, but not (2).
unconditioned response (UR)
unlearned, inherent, automatic response to a stimulus (US)

e.g. salivation, natural response to food for digestion
unconditioned stimulus (US)
any stimulus that naturally triggers a response (UR)

e.g. food, triggers salivation
conditioned response (CR)
learned response to previously neutral (but now associated and conditioned) stimulus

note: a response is only a CR if the neutral stimulus alone can produce the desired effect (bell = saliv.)
conditioned stimulus (CS)
originally neutral stimulus that becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus and can trigger a response (CR) by itself