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18 Cards in this Set

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Organismic Theory

Development is continuous, future development relies on previous development, numerous theories: Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Erikson's stages of development, Piaget's cognitive development theory, Kohlberg's theory on moral reasoning

Skinner's Behaviorism

Scientific study of observable behavior responses and their environmental determinants

Social Cognitive Theory

Emphasize behavior, environment, and cognition as key factors for development


hormones stimulate other glands


interacts with pituitary gland


activation of adrenal glands, age 6-9


Hypothalamus released hormone turns on pubertal systems; pituitary releases gonadotropins


adrenal gland produce more androgens

Behavioral Genetics

Discovers influence of heridity and environment on individual differences in development

Evocative genotype

Environment and correlations

-Correlation occurs when an adolescent's genetically shaped characteristics elicit certain types of physical and social environments

Mediation hypothesis

Explains the links between early maturation and outcomes

Contextual Amplification hypothesis

Cumulative risks: early puberty combined with other stressers=problems

Moderator hypothesis

Concerns conditions or contexts that shape puberty

Piaget's cognitive development theory

Organization: how knowledge is stored

Post formal thought

Greater awareness of complexity of real life


Practical limitations to logical thinking

Vygotsky's sociocultural cognitive theory

Emphasis on how culture and social interaction guide cognitive development

Knowledge is situated: distributed among people and their environments

Knowledge is cooperative: knowledge can be advanced through interaction with others in cooperative actions

Behavioral Decision Theory

1. Identify alternatives

2. Identify consequences

3. Desirability of consequences

4. Likelihood of each possible consequences

5. Integration