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56 Cards in this Set

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dissociative amnesia

DSM-5 Criteria

1-inability to recall autobiographycal information, usually after a traumatic event

2-SOF impairment

3-make sure make its not due to head injury or substances use

specifier for dissociative amnesia
dissociative fugue

-person completely forgets identity and wonders off

Gender difference for dissociative amnesia
selective amnesia
part of aspect of event that a person can't remember
localized amnesia
forgets entire event or period of time
generalized amnesia
cannot remember ones identity or history
comorbidity with dissociative amnesia
PTSD and MDD (bc of guilt)
suicide rate for for dissociative amnesia
goes up after coming back from fugue state
depersonalization/derealization disorder

DSM-5 criteria

1-depersonalization(as tho one is in a dream)

2-derealization-experiences of unreality of surroundings

3-symptoms are persistent or recurrent

4-reality testing remain intact

4-symptoms are not explained by substance or other disorder/medical condition

comorbidity with depersonalization/derealization disorder
anxiety and depression
dissociative identity disorder

DSM-5 criteria

1-2 or more distinct personalities within the same person or experience of possession(seem possessed)

2-recurrent gaps in recall of everyday important information

3-SOF impairment

4-bahvior is not excepted as ones culture or religion

(rule out brain injury and substance abuse/very rare dx and takes a long time to diagnose)

etiology and trigger for DID
90 percent of ppl have a hx of child abuse

trigger- usually stressful event

treatment for DID
reintegration- to train to alters to go back to the host
suicide rate for DID
over 70% outpatient attempt suicide
comorbidity of DID
anxiety, depression and PTSD
Somatic Symptom Disorder


1-at least one somatic symptom that is distressing or disrupts daily living

2-exessive thoughts, feelings and behaviors related to somatic symptoms or health concerns as indicated by at least one of the following:

-health-related anxiety

-disproportionate and persistent concerns about the medical seriousness of symptoms and excessive time

-energy devoted to health concerns

3-duration of at least 6 months

specifier for somatic symptom disorder
predominant pain
illness anxiety disorder


1-preoccupation w/ having or acquiring a particular serious illness

2- symptoms ar absent or mild, but preoccupation is still present

3-high level of anxiety regarding health

4-excessive health related behavior (overly going to doc, taking temp etc.)

5-at least 6 month duration

specifier for illness anxiety disorder
care seeking
conversion disorder

DSM-5 criteria

1-altered motor or sensory function

2-symptoms are not recognized as a medical dx

3-SOF impairment

factitious disorder

DSM-5 criteria

1-purposely faking/forcing disorder

2-presenting oneself as ill

3-absent of external rewards



1-fakes disorder/disease for external reward

ex: money, drugs

Factitious disorder imposed on other
1-faking disorder on someone else or forcing it on someone else

2-presenting the victim as ill

3-absent of external reward

specifier for factious disorder
w/ predominant pain
positive symptoms of schizophrenia


negative symptoms of schizophrenia
-alogia (reduction in speech)


-blunt/flat affect(lack of emotional response)


-avolition (no motivation)

disorganized symptoms for schizophrenia
-loose association (off track)

-behavior doesn't make sense or is silly

movement symptoms for schizophrenia
-abnormal psychomotor behavior (movements coming from the mind that don't make sense)

ex: catatonia- not moving at all for very long periods

waxy flexibility-assumes an abnormal position and holds it for an unusually long time


DSM-5 Criteria

1- at least 2 of these for at least a month


-negative symptoms or disorganized behavior

2-SOF impairment

3-at least 6 months duration

-prodromal phase

-active phase

-residual phase

onset for schizophrenia
males- early/mid 20s

females- late 20s

comorbidity for schizophrenia
substance abuse
schizophreniform disorder


1-duration-last at least 1 month but no more than 6 months

2-at least 2 of the negative or positive sympotoms

brief psychotic disorder


1-duration of at least 1 day, but no longer than a month

2-hallucination, delusions or disorganized speech

delusional disorder
troubled by persistent delusions of persecution or delusional jealousy

(someone following you, someone cheating on you, etc.)

Neurotransmitters in schizophrenia
-related dopamine specific to the frontal lobe (low activity)

-dopamine receptors are too sensative

brain structure in schizophrenia
-smaller hippocampus

-reduction in grey matter in prefrontal cortex

-HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal)

what in the environment is related to schizophrenia
medication for schizophrenia
-antipsychotic (work for positive symptoms and block dopamine binding)

negative risks: higher rate of cardiovascular disease, weight gain, small risk of tardivesyskinesia, sedation

Psychoeducation/psychosocial treatment (therapy) in schizophrenia
very useful after active phase is over in helping recover
substance use disorder
look for these within a 12 month period

-takes in larger amount or over a longer period of time that was intended

-tried to cut down use or regulate use but unsuccessful in attempt

-spends great deal of time obtaining, using, or recovering from effects

-craves substances, especially in typical environment where substance is used (classical conditioning)

-SOF impairment

-risky use of substance

-makes medical condition worse

-puts self in harms way



specify for substance abuse
mild-2-3 symptoms

moderate- 4-5

severe- 6 or more

gambling disorder
persistent/recurrent gambling problem within a 12month period as indicated by at least 4 of these symptoms

-needs to gamble

-restless when tries to cut down

-unsuccessful attempts to cut back

-preoccupied with gambling

-often gambles when feeling distressed

-gambles to get even soon after losing

-lies to cover up just how much gambling id going on

-jeopardizes relationships/job for gambling

-relies on others for money to help with finical hardship caused by gambling

neurotransmitters for substance use disorder

- people take it to feel pleasure of to feel 'less bad'

toxic affect model
social isolation
treatment for substance use disorder

-alcoholics anonymous

-CBT or other psychotherapy

-medications /drug replacement

-antabuse, naltiexone, campral, suboxone

aims towards teens, DARE

social skills training (learning to say no)

Anorexia Nervose


1-calorie restriction resulting in significantly low body weight

2-intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat or persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain ("fear is not reduced with weight loss)

3-disturbance in body perception (weight/shape) or lack of recognition of seriousness of current body weight

specifiers for anorexia nervosa
-restricting type (how many cals)

-binge eating or purging type

-mild, moderate or extreme

comorbidity for anorexia
-depression, OCD, phobias, panic disorder, substance use, and personality disorders
prognosis for anorexia
50-70% recover, but can take 6-7 years

-it is very life threatening (10 times higher than normal population)

bulimia nervosa
1-recurrent episodes of binge eating

2-recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain (exersise)

3-binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior occur at least 1x a week for 3 months

3-self evaluation unduly influenced by body shape and weight (self worth based on body)

4-not anorexia nervosa

specifiers for bulimia
mild:1-3 episodes

moderate:4-7 episodes

severe: 8-13

extreme: more than 13

comorbidity for bulimia
depression, personality disorders, anxiety, substance abuse, conduct disorder

(men-mood disorder as well )

prognosis in bulimia
suicide risk lower than anorexia higher than population

recovery =75%

binge eating disorder
1-recurrent episodes of binge eating

2-at least 3 of

-eating faster than usual

-uncomfortably full

-eating large amounts

-eating alone (embarrassment)

-feeling depressed/disgusted/guilty after

3-distressregarding binge eating

4-at least 1 a week for 3 months

5-nothing else (anorexia etc.)