Schizophrenia As Depicted In The Fisher King

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Schizophrenia as Depicted in The Fisher King

The Fisher King enlists the viewer on a journey accompanying two men, Parry and Jack, as they attempt to alleviate the mental burdens life has thrust upon them. While the movie depicts many characters battling their own personal demons, this paper focuses on Parry and his story as he navigates a life with schizophrenia. The movie begins with Jack Lucas, a successful and influential shock jock that inadvertently pushes a violently disturbed listener over the edge, resulting in him shooting up a popular restaurant downtown. The guilt that Jack experiences following his discovery of this news riddles him with depressive thoughts, which consequentially derails his career and personal life. One day,
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Diagnosis for schizophrenia is particularly challenging as compared to other neurological disorders. According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), the symptoms that characterize schizophrenia include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms (lack of motivation, lacking typical needs). For a complete diagnosis, two or more of these symptoms must be actively present for a substantial period over the span of one month and must include at least one of the following: delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech. Additionally, disturbed behavior must be observed for at least 6 months and at least two symptoms must be present during this timeframe. Presence of residual symptoms (flat affect, avolition, decreased emotional expression, decreased speech output) may also be observed during the six-month period. These symptoms fundamentally affect the day-to-day functioning of the patient, causing poor performance in one or more parts of their life, which includes self-maintenance, personal life, career life, or social life (DSM-5,

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