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118 Cards in this Set

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T/F Biological and psychological vulnerabilities to anxiety function apart from stressful life events.
T/F GAD is short for generalized anxiety disorder.
T/F Panic disorder without agoraphobia is where an individual experiences anxiety and panic with phobic avoidance of what that person considers an "unsafe" situation.
False (that's with agoraphobia)
T/F GAD is prevalent in the elderly and in females in our society.
_____________ are/is intrusive and nonsensical thoughts, images, or urges an individual tries to eliminate or suppress.
The practice of washing, counting, and hoarding to suppress obsessions and provide relief are/is called ___________.
________________ is a psychological experience characterized by concern about future events, and ____________ is characterized by concern about current circumstances.
Anxiety; fear
In an integrated model of anxiety, which childhood experience appears to make an individual more vulnerable to anxiety in adulthood?
Negative and inconsistent attention from parents
Generalized anxiety disorder is coursed how? how common? and in which gender?
It is chronic, most common of the anxiety disorders, and more common in women.
Why are the majority of people who suffer from agoraphobia women?
Cultural factors make it more acceptable for women to avoid situations and to report their fears.
Marty has a fear of dogs. Which of the following suggests that his fear qualifies as a specific phobia rather than just an everyday fear?
Marty will only work night shifts, a time when he thinks all dogs will be safely inside.
What technique appears to be the most effective treatment for phobias?
Exposure to the feared stimulus under therapeutic supervision.
What is the most essential characteristic of social phobia?
Fear of evaluation by other people
Which feature differentiates post-traumatic stress disorder from acute stress disorder?
The time since the traumatic event occured
Every morning when he leaves for work, Anthony has recurring doubts about whether he locked his front door. He continues thinking about this throughout the day, to the distraction of his work. Anthony is experiencing _____________.
When a person believes that thinking about hurting someone is just as bad as actually hurting someone, that person is experiencing _______________.
Thought-action fusion
D.J. arrived at Dr. Blake's office with a folder crammed full of medical records, symptom documentation, and lists of prescribed treatments and drugs. Several doctors are monitoring him for his complaints, ranging from chest pain to difficulty swallowing. D.J. has recently lost his job because he was using too many sick days.
Somatization disorder
Emily constantly worries about her health. She has been to numerous doctors for her concerns about cancer and other serious diseases, only to be reassured of her well-being. Emily's anxiousness is exacerbated by each small ailment (for example, headaches or stomach pains) that she considers to be indications of a major illness.
Sixteen-year-old Chad suddenly lost the use of his arms with no medical cause. The complete paralysis slowly improved to the point that he can slightly raise them. However, Chad cannot drive, pick up objects, or perform most tasks necessary for day-to-day life.
Conversion disorder
Karl was brought to a clinic by his mother. She was concerned because at times his behavior was strange. His speech and his way of relating to people and situations would change dramatically, almost as if he were a different person. What bothered Karl and her most was he could not recall anything he did during those periods.
Dissociative identity disorder.
Terry complained about feeling out of control. She said she sometimes felt as if she was floating under the ceiling and just watching things happen to her. She also experienced tunnel vision and felt uninvolved in the things that went on in the room around her. This always caused her to panic and perspire.
Depersonalization disorder
Henry is 64 and recently arrived in town. He does not know where he is from or how he got here. His driver's license proves his name, but he is unconvinced it is his. He is in good health and not taking any medication.
Dissociative fugue
In factitious disorder, why is the individual presenting symptoms?
The individual is voluntarily producing the symptoms without any obvious financial or other external incentives.
Mrs. Thompson brought her four-year-old daughter, Carmen, to the emergency room, stating that the child had been vomiting nonstop throughout the morning. Carmen's condition improved over the course of several days. On the day of her discharge from the hospital, a nurse walked in as Mrs. Thompson was giving Carmen a drink of floor cleaner. Mrs. Thompson's behavior is consistent with:
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
________________ describes the experience of losing a sense of your own reality, whereas ____________ describes losing your sense of reality of the external world.
Depersonalization; derealization
The different identities or personalities in dissociative identity disorder are called _____________, whereas the change from one personality to another is called a ______________.
Alters; switch
Ann was found wandering the streets, unable to recall any important information. After searching her purse and finding an address, doctors were able to contact her mother. They learned that Ann had just been in a terrible accident and she was the only survivor. Ann could not remember her mother or any details of the accident. She was distressed,
Generalized amnesia
Sanchez is always down and a bit blue, but occasionally he becomes so depressed that nothing pleases him.
T/F Women are approximately twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with a mood disorder.
T/F Depression requires some life experience, indicating that babies and young children cannot experience the disorder.
The controversial, but somewhat successful treatment involving the production of seizures through electric current to the brain.
Electroconvulsive therapy
This therapy teaches client to carefully examine their thought process and recognize "depressive" styles in thinking.
Cognitive therapy
This therapy focuses on resolving problems in existing relationships and learning to form new interpersonal relationships.
Interpersonal psychotherapy
An individual who is experiencing an elevated mood, a decreased need for sleep, and distractibility is most likely experiencing:
What is the general agreement among mental health professionals about the relationship between bereavement and depression?
Bereavement can lead to depression in many cases.
Bipolar 1 disorder is characterized by _____________, whereas Bipolar 2 Disorder is characterized by _______________.
Full manic episodes; hypomanic episodes
Treatment for bereavement often includes:
Finding meaning in the loss
Which theory suggests that depression occurs when individuals believe that they have no control over the circumstances in their lives?
Learned helplessness
Which of the following explains why some people refuse to take medications to treat their depression or take those medications and then stop?
For some people the medications cause serious side effects.
What is a strong risk factor for suicide?
Having a relative who committed suicide
This subgroup targets viral infections within the cells by directly destroying the antigens.
Killer T cells
A type of leukocyte that surround identifiable antigens and destroys them.
These are created so that when a specific antigen is encountered in the future, the immune response will be faster.
Memory B cells
What is considered part of the experience of pain?
The subjective impression of pain as reported by the patient, pain behaviors or overt manifestations of pain, an emotional component called suffering
What is an interdisciplinary field that applies knowledge about human thoughts, emotions, and activities to prevent, diagnose, and treat medical problems?
Behavioral medicine
The general adaption syndrome describes several stages people experience in response to sustained stress. These stages occur in which order?
Alarm, resistance, exhaustion
Cortisol is:
A hormone that stimulates the hippocampus to turn off the stress response
Next month Shanti has to take an important college entrance exam. Which factor is most likely to influence whether her response to the exam is positive or negative?
Shanti's beliefs about how much control she has over the situation
Joan has been living with HIV for three years and has just started participating in a stress-management support group. Based on previous research, what might Joan expect from her participation?
An increase in the activity of T helper and natural killer cells
The study of how psychosocial factors influence cancer is known as:
What is a risk factor for coronary heart disease?
Anger that is part of the A behavior pattern
Biofeedback can be used to teach people how to:
Consciously control physiological functions that are outside awareness
What accurately characterizes the effects of denial as a coping strategy?
People who deny their disease may not notice meaningful variations in their symptoms
What three behaviors, all of which can be modified, put people at the most risk for physical problems?
Unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, smoking
Joo-Yeon eats large quantities of food in a short amount of time. She then takes laxatives and exercises for long periods to prevent weight gain. She has been doing this almost daily for several months and feels she will become worthless and ugly if she gains even an ounce.
Bulimia nervosa
Manny has been having episodes lately when he eats prodigious amounts of food. He's been putting on a lot of weight because of it.
T/F One study showed that males consider a smaller female body size to be more attractive than women did.
T/F Attention must be focused on dysfunctional attitudes about body shape in anorexia or relapse will most likely occur after treatment.
T/F Individuals with night eating syndrome consume at least half their daily intake after their evening meal.
Sonia has problems staying awake throughout the day. Even while talking on the phone or riding the bus, she unexpectedly loses muscle tone and falls asleep for a while.
Rama is extremely overweight. His wife suspects he may be suffering from _______________ because he snores every night and often wakes up exhausted as though he never slept.
Sleep apnea
Karen wakes up screaming every night, disregarding her parents' efforts to comfort her. Her heart rate is elevated in these episodes, and her pajamas are soaked in sweat. The next day, she has no memory of the experience. To help reduce these terror, Karen's pediatrician used ________________.
Scheduled awakenings
Dr. Thompson sees a patient with a chubby face, calluses on her fingers, and small scars on the back of the hand. Tests indicate that the patient weighs slightly more than her expected weight and that she has an electrolyte imbalance. The patient reports that she is having persistent constipation and that she feels as if her heart has been skipping beats.
Bulimia nervosa
Research in bulimia nervosa suggests that it most often co-occurs with __________________.
Anxiety disorders
What is used to measure arm movement as an indicator of sleep activity and sleep quality?
Charlie always felt out of place with boys. At a young age he preferred to play with girls and insisted that his parents call him "Charlene." He later claimed that he felt like a woman trapped in a man's body. According to the book, what disorder could Charlie have?
Gender identity disorder
T/F According to the book, the cause (s) of Charlie's disorder could be abnormal hormone levels during development, or social and parental influences
According to the book, research on the origins of homosexuality has suggested a possible role for all of the following except:
Emotionally distant fathers
According to the book, the most common form of treatment for gender identity disorder is:
Sexual reassignment surgery
What is an accurate characterization of pedophilia?
It is often rationalized by the perpetrator as an acceptable way to teach children about sexuality.
Shane is being treated for a paraphilia by imaginging harmful consequences occurring in response to his unwanted behavior and arousal. Shane is receiving what kind of treatment?
Covert sensitization
T/F Negative reinforcement is involved in the continuance of drug use because drugs often provide escape from pain, stress, panic, and so on.
T/F Research with both animals and humans indicates that substance abuse in general is affected by our genes, although not one particular gene.
T/F The media and parental influences have no effect on adolescent use; it is solely a peer pressure factor.
T/F The expectancy effect is illustrated when a person who expects to be less inhibited when drinking alcohol is given a placebo and acts or feels normally.
T/F To some extent, all psychoactive drugs provide a pleasurable experience, creating positive reinforcement.
In ________________, the clinician and the client work together to decide which behaviors the client needs to change and which reinforcers will be used as rewards for reaching set goals.
Contigency management
The _______________ model involves therapy that helps individuals remove ambivalence about stopping their drug use by examining their beliefs about the positive and negative aspects of drug use.
Relapse prevention
By imaging unpleasant scenes, the __________________ technique helps the person associate the negative effects of the drug with drug use.
Covert sensitization
It has been difficult to evaluate rigorously the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous because the participants are ____________________.
This disorder refers to compulsive hair pulling and is more common in females than males.
Individuals with this disorder are preoccupied with fires and the equipment involved in setting and putting out fires.
The definition of substance abuse according to the DSM-IV-TR is based on:
How significantly the substance interferes with the user's life
The dimensional versus categorical debate over the nature of personality disorders can also be described as a debate between ___________ and _____________.
degree; kind
Some personality disorders are diagnosed more frequently in men than in women. One explanation for this difference is:
Symptoms are interpreted by clinicans in different ways depending on the gender of the person with the symptoms.
Genetic research and an overlap in symptoms suggest a common relationship between schizophrenia and ____________.
schizotypal personality disorder
Criteria for psychopathy emphasize _______________, and criteria for antisocial personality disorder emphasize _______________.
personality; behavior
What symptom is characteristic of persons with borderline personality disorder?
Which theory suggests psychopaths may engage in antisocial and risk-taking behavior to stimulate their cortical system?
underarousal hypothesis
Greeting a new acquaintance with effusive familiarity, crying uncontrollably during a movie, and trying to be the center of attention at a party are typical behaviors of someone with:
histronic personality disorder
What is a true statement concerning borderline personality disorder?
Behaviors in borderline personality disorder overlap those seen in posttraumatic stress disorder.
People with what personality disorder often exhibit childlike, egocentric behaviors?
An individual who is preoccupied with details, rules, organization, and scheduling to the extent that it interferes with daily functioning may have:
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Determine the subtype of schizophrenia: Jane has spent the past hour staring in the mirror. As you approach her, she turns away and giggles. When you ask what she's laughing at, she answers, but you're having difficulty understanding what she says.
Determine the subtype of schizophrenia: Two years ago, Drew had an episode of schizophrenia, but he no longer displays the major symptoms of the disorder. He does, however, still have some bizarre thoughts and displays flat affect on occasion.
Determine the subtype of schizophrenia: Greg's cognitive skills and affect are relativity intact. He, however, often has delusions and hallucinations that convince him enemies are out to get him.
Determine the subtype of schizophrenia: Alice usually holds an unusual posture and is sometimes seen grimacing.
Determine the subtype of schizophrenia: Cameron suffers from a type of schizophrenia that is identified by disruption and incoherence in his speech and behavior. He also shows inappropriate affect, often laughing in a silly way in sad situations.
Lately Dom has become more isolated because he believes his coworkers are conspiring to get him fired. He becomes agitated whenever he sees a group of employees talking and laughing because he believes that they are plotting against him.
Delusional disorder
Natalie reveals to her therapist that she hears numerous voices talking to her and giving her orders. Her doctor has just sent her to this therapist for what he believes to be a major depressive episode. She had begun to sleep all the time and contemplated suicide often.
Schizoaffective disorder
If Shawn's schizophrenic symptoms disappeared after about four months and he returned to his normal life, what diagnosis might he have received?
Schizophreniform disorder
Elias believes the government is out to get him. He thinks agents follow him daily, monitoring his calls, and read his mail. His roommate, Cedric, tried to convince him otherwise. However, after a year of this, Cedric began to believe Elias correct and the government was out to get him, too.
Shared psychotic disorder
One distinction used to characterize symptoms of schizophrenia divides them into what two broad categories?
Positive and negative
The greatest risk of having schizophrenia is in those who have a(n) _____________ or _____________ with schizophrenia. Any relative with schizophrenia will make your chance of developing the disorder ________________ than those of the general population.
identical twin; fraternal twin; higher
Raised in a home other than that of their original parents, adopted children of parents with schizophrenia have a(n) ____________ chance of having the disorder themselves. Children of people with schizophrenia adopted into families without schizophrenia have a ___________ than average chance of having schizophrenia.
higher; higher
The likelihood of a child having schizophrenia is influenced by the ____________ of a parent's disorder. One may inherit a predisposition for _____________ schizophrenia that is the same or different from that of the parent.
severity; general
Kelly was a good student until the sixth grade. Her grades slowly began to drop, despite her increased studying. Now as a high school senior concerned about graduation, and with hopes of going to college, Kelly has sought help. She places above average on an IQ test, but shows significant problems with reading and comprehension.
Reading disorder
Eight-year-old Chandra is described by everyone as a "handful." She fidgets constantly in class, drumming her fingers on the desk, squirming in her chair, and getting up and down. She has trouble waiting her turn at work or at play, and she sometimes has violent outbursts.
Six year old Tangelique has a low IQ and enjoys sitting in the corner by herself, where she arranges her toys or spins around in circles. She is unable to communicate verbally. She throws temper tantrum when her routine is changed even in the slightest way or when her parents try to get her to do something she doesn't want to do.
Autistic disorder
At an early age, Dwight became preoccupied with geography and could name all of the state capitals. His speech development was not delayed, but he does not like to play with other children or to be touched or held.
Asperger's disorder
Label the level of intellectual ability and label the corresponding level of necessary support. Kevin received an IQ score of 20. He needs help with all his basic needs, including dressing, bathing, and eating.
Profound, pervasive support
What symptom of dementia is described? Timmy's grandmother can no longer form complete, coherent sentences.
Research has shown that ADHD in children is associated with:
Maternal smoking during pregnancy
The regulated breathing method, a behavioral technique used to reduce _____________, involves taking a deep breath when an episode occurs before continuing.
_______________ is a form of intellectual disability caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome.
Down syndrome
______________ is characterized by acute confusion and disorientation; whereas ______________ is marked by deterioration in a broad range of cognitive abilities.
Delirium; dementia
What disorder can be diagnosed definitely only at autopsy by the presence of large numbers of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles?
Dementia of the Alzheimer's type
Psychological and social influences are important to consider when studying dementia because they:
may help determine the time of onset and course of dementia.