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25 Cards in this Set

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Are organizations, structures or entities that are officially recognized and established by a government to perform specific functions and services on behalf of the state

State Institutions

Are organizations or entities that operate independently of government control.

Non-state Institutions

Social institutions which provide their members with important knowledge, including basic facts.


Responsible for specific areas such as health, education, defense, and finance.

Government Departments

It is a state institution

Includes police FBI, and other agencies tasked with monitoring public safety

Law enforcement agencies

It is a state institution.

Includes courts, judges, and legal bodies responsible for interpreting and upholding law.

Judicial system

It is a state institution.

Includes public schools and universities. Responsible for imparting knowledge and skills.

Educational institutions

It is a state institution.

Includes public hospitals and health agencies responsible for the well being of citizens.

Healthcare institutions.

It is a state institution.

Includes businesses that are owned and operated by private individuals.

Private companies

It is a non-state institution.

They are dedicated to a particular social cause or mission without the primary goal of making profit often relying on donations and grants.

Non profit organizations

It is a non-state institution.

Like the United Nations, the World Bank or Red Cross operate across borders and are not directly controlled by the government.

International organizations

It is a non-state institution.

Churches, mosques, temples, and other religions.

Religious institutions

It is a non-state institution.

Chronologically graded educational system from school to University.

Formal education

It is a type of education.

Refers to any organized educational activity outside.

Non-Formal education

An example of this is ALS

It is for people who are physically, mentally, emotionally different from the so-called "normal".

Special education

It is a type of education.

Enables citizens to be productive members of society.

Productive Citizenry

It is a function of education in our society.

Develops one's sense of self.

Self actualization

It is a function of education in our society.

It is an inherent character in all societies, it also describes the system of social standing.

Social Stratification

It is an individual's position social structure.


It refers to a higher or lower position.


This theory includes power and prestige.

Werbert Component Theory

Refers to a person's position in the society.


Refers to a lifelong learning process.

Informal education

It is a type of education.

It is assigned or given by society.

Ascribed statuses

It is the ability to influence other people. It is getting what they want despite the unwillingness of others.
