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While we’re asleep, the body checks that all our vital functions such as growth, (circulatory systems) and our immune system are in good working order.

نظام الدورة الدموية

Memory consolidation is what happens when information is moved from our short-term memory to our long-term memory with the help of a major part of the brain called the (hippocampus).

جزء من الدماغ

And before you all (drift off) into a peaceful (slumber), I’d like you to ask any questions you might have.

يدخل في النوم بالتدرج - النوم

I (switched to) (vegetarianism) two years ago because I read an article about all the health benefits.

يحول، يبدل إلى - النباتية

So sometimes (it’s a bit of a pain for) my mum, because she’s the one who does most of the cooking.

مؤلم بالنسبة لـ ...

She usually cooks for the rest of the family, then (throws something together) quickly just for me.

يجهز طعامًا ما بسرعة

I’m going to have to (get my act together) or I’ll (be condemned to) a diet of salads and omelettes.

يبدأ في تنظيم نفسه وحياته للقيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل - مجبر على

I’m going to have to (get my act together) or I’ll be (condemned to) a diet of salads and omelettes.

يبدأ في تنظيم نفسه وحياته للقيام بالأمور بشكل أفضل - مجبر على

Did you know that there are about half a million (vegans) in the UK? That’s people who don’t eat any animal products at all.

نباتي (لايأكل جميع ما مصدره حيواني)

I’ve been given lots of useful tips, like you can eat (chickpeas) and spinach for iron to (make up for) the iron you’d get from meat in a conventional diet.

حمص - يعوّض

My family have been supportive about the change, but I (get teased) a bit at school.

يتعرض للمضايقة

I was following a celebrity who was a (veggie).

الشخص النباتي - الخضروات

Stupid reason, I know, but you see beautiful, (glamorous) people on Instagram and you want their lifestyle.

فاتن، ساحر

My dad finds that (hilarious). He’s always (going), 'How can you be a vegetarian if you don’t like vegetables?'

مرح - يقول

Because my diet is a little on the unhealthy side, I take (multivitamins) every day.

مكمل متعدد الڤيتامينات

I also try and avoid rubbish like (fizzy drinks) and sweets.

مشروب غازي

My parents are both good cooks and we had a very (varied) diet.


But later, quite a few people in my class at school became vegetarian, so I was no longer (the odd one out).

المختلف عن بقية أفراد المجموعة / غير المشمول في المجموعة

Anyway, now I’ve left home, I keep having (lapses).

فاصل زمني - هفوة / زلة

Most farms are run in such an (inhumane) way.

غير إنساني

The treatment of (hens) is horrific.


I went to see a (nutritionist) and she said I wasn’t getting enough protein.

أخصائي تغذية

Now I’m a lot more careful and I eat lots of different nuts and seeds, and (pulses) – you know, dried beans, chickpeas and (lentils).

بقوليات - عدس

Can anyone remember the name of these chemicals and how they make us feel? Group A (spokesperson): Are they called (euphoria)?

المتحدث الرسمي - سعادة وحماس شديدين

(Endorphins) and they make you feel (euphoric) or really happy

إندورفين - سعيد جدا ومتحمس

It also improves our capacity to concentrate, which is why doing (PE) at school can actually help you do better in exams.

حصة البدنية

Those who think it’s better for us to do individual sports (put up) your hands.


In my opinion, the benefits of team sport do seem to (outweigh) those of individual sport.


Can you (shout out) a couple of examples of individual sports?Group C spokesperson: Yeah, like, (karate) or swimming?

ينطق بصوت عال - كاراتيه

You won’t be surprised to hear that in order to succeed in individual sport we need to have a fair amount of self-discipline to motivate ourselves, which is (easier said than done) for some people.

في غاية الصعوبة

I’d like you to (have a think) in your groups about the possible advantages of doing sport as part of a team as opposed to by yourself.

يفكر في مشكلة أو سؤال لغرض حلها

Being a team member certainly helps people feel motivated and make an effort to (turn up) and play on a regular basis.

يأتي / يظهر / يحضر

You need to communicate and negotiate with your (fellow) teammates.


And all these skills are ones that (come in handy) in other areas of your life as well as in sport.

يصبح مفيدا

So you can see that there are many (all-round) benefits to being in a team.

من جميع النواحي ، شامل

It worth (pointing out) that our individual successes and failures are completely down to the individual, no one else.

يشير إلى (يذكر شيئا لايعرفه المستمع على الأرجح)

When the fear becomes exaggerated and irrational, it’s a (phobia), which is the most common form of anxiety (disorder).

رهاب / فوبيا - اضطراب

Common phobias include a fear of animals, particularly spiders, a fear of darkness or (nyctophobia).

الخوف من الظلام أو الليل

If you have a phobia of one of these things, you may suffer from symptoms such as an increased heart rate, (dizziness), excessive sweating or even a (panic attack).

دوخة ، دوار - نوبة ذعر(هلع)

You might end up (going to extreme lengths) to change your daily life (so as not to) come into contact with the thing or situation that causes your phobia.

يجتهد في القيام بما يجب لإنجاز شيء ما - لكيلا

For example, imagine a friend of yours has a pet (tarantula). If you’re not a huge fan of spiders you may not enjoy spending time in his house., but most of us would( put up with) it.

عنكبوت كبير ذو شعر - يتحمل


If you are an (arachnophobia) sufferer, you would probably refuse to visit him at home altogether.

رهاب العناكب

Also, many phobias are actually (triggered by) a (traumatic) past event.

يثير - مؤلم، صادم

An encounter with a (vicious) dog or falling into a swimming pool and nearly drowning as a child could (feasibly) develop into (cynophobia), a fear of dogs, or (aquaphobia), a fear of water.

وحشي، شرير - عمليا - رهاب الكلاب - رهاب الماء (الرهاب من الموت غرقًا)

There are many of us out there who actually enjoy the (sensation) of feeling scared to death on a (roller coaster) or delight in sitting on the edge of your seat during a horror movie.

شعور, إحساس -لعبة القطار في الملاهي

Millions of us choose to put ourselves in situations where we consciously know we are going to feel scared, like (going on rides) at a theme park.

لعبة في الملاهي

The reaction we have when we put ourselves into these situations – you know, the rapid (heartbeat) or sweaty palms – is in part similar to that when (we’re faced with) a real threat.

نبض القلب - في مواجهة مع...

What happens in those cases is that the body reacts to the danger with what we call a (‘fight or flight’ response).

ردة فعل البشر للمواقف الخطرة

So, when the body detects real danger, it (closes off) any non-essential systems and reacts with automatic responses which enable us to either (put up) a fight or run away.

يعزل شيئا ما عن ما حوله - يقوم بنوع من أنواع المعارضة (رفض، شجار، مقاومة،..)

This energy and lack of pain without any real danger allow us to experience a (sense of) euphoria or an (adrenaline) rush, which explains why we are able to scream and giggle in quick (succession).

الاحساس بـ - هرمون يفرزه الجسم في لحظات الخوف والحماس،..الخ - تعاقب، سلسلة متوالية، تتابع

I’m not sure if I’d call it a phobia (as such), but I absolutely hate needles and injectiobrin.

حرفيا، بما تحمله الكلمة من معنى

When I have to have a blood test, I (can’t bring myself to) watch and I (feel faint) and dizzy.

لايستطيع إجبار نفسه على القيام بأمر ما - يشعر بالإعياء أو الغثيان

I started to feel faint and I (passed out) on the floor of the doctor’s office.

يفقد الوعي

My greatest fear is clowns. There’s actually an official name for it, (coulrophobia), I think.

الخوف من المهرجين

They don’t look at all happy to me even with a big (painted smile). They look sad and scary, even a bit (sinister).

ابتسامة مرسومة - شرير / نحس / مشؤوم

Are you scared of anything apart from (heights)?


I can’t look out of the window (past) the fourth floor.

أبعد من...

I don’t know, they just make me feel (uneasy). And, well, I get really nervous if I ever have to speak in public.


I start sweating and my mind just (goes blank). It’s so (embarrassing) ...

ينسى لفترة وجيزة بسبب الارتباك - محرِج

The fall in (inflation) is the (silver lining) of the (prolonged) recession.

تضخم مالي - الجانب المضيء - طويل، مديد

Careful treatment will (prolong) the life of the furniture.

يطيل من عمر ...

I’m talking, of course, about the First World War, from 1914 to 1918, which resulted in the death of about ten million military (personnel).

طاقم, مجموع الموظفين

Despite the enormous human cost, the war did have some positive consequences. In fact, it was (precisely) because of the nature and (scale) of the horrors of the battlefield.

بدقة / بالضبط - مدى

New weapons were used that were designed to kill on an (industrial) scale, such as machine guns, (tanks) and poison gases.

صناعي - دبابة

These produced (brutal) results: many deaths and about twice as many injuries.


Those injured suffered very severe wounds and this pushed the medical establishment to (build on) recent discoveries.

يستخدم إنجازا أو نجاحا كأساس لتحقيق المزيد

Esultsheir use became much more (widespread) during the war, when they helped detect (fragments) of bombs and bullets buried in (tissue).

واسع الانتشار - شظية - نسيج

(Stretchers) for carrying injured people had also been (in use) before the war..

نقالات - قيد الاستخدام

The development of rescuing the wounded from the battlefield, by sending in (stretcher-bearers) to bring them back as quickly as possible, was completely new.

حامل نقالة

The modern concept of a (paramedic), who is able to apply first aid in the field, also comes from this time.

مسعف / خدمات الإسعاف

This was extremely (impractical) and carried a very high risk.

غير عملي, لا يمكن تنفيذه

The (rigours of ) the war demanded a better solution and by 1917 indirect (transfusion) had been developed.

المشاكل والصعوبات المتعلقة بوضع ما - نقل الدم ، تحول

In 1917 the (anaesthetist) Henry Boyle invented a machine which could provide a steady flow of oxygen, (nitrous oxide) and (ether).

طبيب تخدير - غاز يستخدمه أطباء الأسنان لتخفيف الألم - سائل كان يستخدم لتخدير المرضى قبل العمليات

And this provided the basis of all the (anaesthesia) machines that followed.

تخدير / تبنيج

So the next time you have an X-ray, donate blood or undergo an operation, (spare a thought for) those doctors, nurses, researchers and patients

يفكر في شخص ما يكون في وضع أسوأ

I was hanging out with Aaron Sorkin and I had an absolute (blast) with Kate Winslet.

تجربة ممتعة

The film was really (captivating) and there was just so much to (get your head around).

جذاب - ينجح في فهم أو تقبل شيئًا ما

As an actor, you learn your (lines) and that’s just a given, it’s a basic thing, everyone has to do it.

كلمات دور الممثل

I’ve been in a few (productions) myself. I can’t imagine learning the lines for this one. How did you do that?

مسرحية أو فيلم

We were able to repeat it over and over again for kind of nine, ten days (straight) before we actually went (on set) and had to start filming it.

على التوالي - مكان تصوير الأفلام وبرامج التلفاز

So by the time we got onto set, (in theatre terms) we were on performance 100 (as opposed to) the opening night.

من حيث، من ناحية - بالمقارنة مع..

If you make a mistake, you’re (throwing) everybody else as well.

يشوش على

I can’t imagine messing up one of those really long (takes) and having to start from the beginning again.

مشهد من فيلم،مسلسل يتم تسجيله

I was wondering if that was something that (drew her to) the role.

يجذب شخصا ما لـ...

He would even have her sometimes write poems for a girlfriend that he might have, I mean he was pretty (outrageous).


I’ve done like ( two weeks’ worth of) interviews …

أمر يستغرق القيام به المدة المذكورة

… even Titanic, some of those effects then that were (pioneering) at the time, you know, they look a bit (clunky) now.

يقوم بشيء ما (أو يذهب إلى مكان ما) لم يسبقه إليه أحد - ثقيل وأخرق

We really do live in the most (heightened) digital age I think ever.

أكثر شدة أو حدة

Steve seems pretty (uncompromising) in his life and career, and I was wondering if, as an actor, there’s anything that you never want to (compromise on).

راسخ لا يتزعزع (لا يتغير) - يتنازل ويغير بعض مبادئه ومعاييره في اتفاق ما

Kate: How I (instinctively) want to play a part, you know, because at the end of the day, sometimes, (when the chips are down), all you have is your instincts.

بالغريزة، بالبديهة - في المواقف الجدية والصعبة

Even if you’re the one who’s made the wrong choice, later on, at least in the moment, I would know that I had the strength of my own (convictions) to say, no.

إيمان / عقيدة

Don’t forget that you can (head over to) Instagram and Twitter and check out my (cheesy) smile! Subscribe to Into Film for more behind the scenes interviews and … I’ll see you next time.

يذهب إلى ... - غير صادق

Subscribe to Into Film for more (behind the scenes) interviews and … I’ll see you next time.

خلف الكواليس

You just want to (get me off your hands).

يتخلص من مسؤوليته عن ...

And so a lot of the (subtext) is (filtered through) the design, and so a lot of the, kind of, the (backstories) of characters, how the characters are feeling, is (represented) in the set and the costume, and the (scenography) of the scenes.

معنى مخفي أو غير واضح - يتسرب من خلال - الخلفية الدرامية - يصور ، يصف - فن أو علم تصميم خلفيات المسرح

I was just lucky enough to be one of the winners that year, erm, which meant that I was (commissioned to) design an opera with The Opera Group.

مكلف بـ

Because I’m still (emerging), it’s nice to feel like I’m still supported, and it’s not like I’m just being left now.


I like a really good (narrative).

قصة ، سرد

One of the teachers teaches us erm, (composition) and the other one mainly teaches us the music history.


تأليف موسيقى - نوتة موسيقية

There’s only three students here, and we have four maths teachers (in total).
