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5 Cards in this Set

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A cruel lion lived in the forest.

Every day, he killed and ate a lot of animals.

The other animals were afraid the lion would kill them all.

The animals told the lion, “Let’s make a deal.

If you promise to eat only one animal each day,

then one of us will come to you every day.

Then you don’t have to hunt and kill us.

The plan sounded well thought-out to the lion,

so he agreed, but he also said, “If you don’t come every day, I promise to kill all of you the next day!




ust firstly listen carefully to sheikh Al-Hosary while reciting these Ayat. & keep in your mind that listening to Qur’an is one of the worshippings for Allah SWT that would be rewarded for, so listen carefully.

Sure, my teacher, I will do it.