Although the road is difficult to traverse, I know the importance of making the best of it to cross it with little problems. Ever since freshman year of high school, I have noticed peers around me have different views on work ethic. Some students view hard work as an essential aspect of getting into the colleges of your choice. However, other peers have disagreed mentioning that most of this work will not even matter and it’s useless to work hard on assignments that will not matter in higher education. Even though pushing students to their limits in school could be considered as mind-numbing and mundane, it’s a double edged sword that will help lead high school students in the right …show more content…
My father’s education has limited to high school level with some college experience. The reason? He is not willing to do the difficult part of working long hours and studying the material given to him in college. And his high school performance is the biggest reason for the lack of encouragement. By his senior year, my father would begin to understand the importance of putting maximum effort into his education. However, this lack of preparedness affected his ability to finish college. Now, my father works long hours with very minimal pay and stressful work that he never wants to go through and remains to regret his decisions he has made earlier in life. . Why should his experiences matter to me? Well, the life lessons he has shared with me throughout my childhood have taught me to not be like him. He has taught me the importance of taking school seriously and putting the maximum effort into getting a well-rounded education. What if I wanted to support a family when I grow older? What if I don’t want a physically demanding job? What if I don’t want to work on minimum wage and have a less successful life? Well, I have to heed my father’s advice and continue to push myself, even if I want to give up at