Women In The Dominican Republic

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Throughout history, women were consistently being undervalued by men. Also, women are always at a disparity and an impediment towards all the men. A colossal amount of opportunities went to men, even in the contemporary era. Henceforth, it wasn't until recently that women have been able to get educated. As early as the 1800s, women weren't permitted to get an education. When women had an education, men considered them a threat and a danger to society. Education has unceasingly been the cornerstone of the Women's Right Movement. Furthermore, as early as the 1900s, women were breaking the glass ceiling. Women didn’t have any rights, until 1920 when women accomplished the right to vote. In fact, many women had the bravery to stand up against men …show more content…
As in the past women weren’t able to step foot in higher education building, such as a university, women have more people who are going to university unlike men. All women ever wanted was to get an education. Today women are “making up 62.2% of university enrolments” (Gatehouse 2013) in response to men who don’t go to universities as much. Unlike in the past, women in the Dominican Republic are now able to have jobs outside of the household. Also, women are able to get jobs in the government. Now women are allowed to fall in love and marry the person whom they love, and not someone who their fathers choose. As more women are getting jobs outside of the household, women aren’t allowed to get fired from their job just because they are pregnant. Maternity is protected by the constitution of the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, women are now permitted to be able to own property in their own name. Even though there have been some changes in the women’s rights in the Dominican Republic, there are still some things that haven’t changed after all these decades. Moreover, the Dominican Republic is still considered a patriarchy today. In the Dominican Republic still to this day doesn’t have any type of gender equality. Women are still not the breadwinners of the household. Men are still considered to pay all the bills in the household. Just like many countries, women still get paid less than men. Even today men are still considered the decision makers of the household. Women are still considered to be in charge of taking care of the children and do all the housework. In the year of 2014 and the month of December, President Danilo Medina amended the Penal Code to make abortion legal in some instances, such as rape, incest, fetal impairment, and if the pregnancy is life-threatening. It all changed a year later when

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