The Castaway Analysis

Superior Essays
As well as being relevant repair is also prevalent in the reading about the Social Contract. Rousseau does a great job with uniting his people. He enforces that slavery should never be accepted. The author makes a point saying that all people are born at the same level of value. One is not great born to be automatically better than another. But once one does feel that he is greater than the other, the unity will then be gone. He explains that everyone’s opinion matters and great minds should always come together. The Castaway can be found in the passage of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Women can be considered as castaways in the section being that they are not given much importance. Much of the rights written in this document, …show more content…
For example, we see that Gandhi was fighting for equality. During this time in history, Gandhi moved to South Africa from finishing school in England. When reaching Africa, he was dealt with a lot of cruel and unjust discrimination due to the fact that he was Indian. This would occur to all Indians in this area, not just Gandhi. This mistreatment was to mainly the Jews and came from racist beliefs by the British. There would be certain laws that would be subjected to harm the Indian people. The quote, “Even the government does not expect any such things from us. They do not say: “You must do such and such a thing,” but they say: “if you do not do it, we will punish you.”(Gandhi,4), shows you that the government was to basically trick these people into leading them to enslavement. We see disaster in the reading relating to the Declaration of Sentiments as they refer to the mistreatment of women. As we can see, women have dealt a lot with being treated in a way that they are given less opportunities than men. Here we still see that women are limited to receiving jobs in the government, the medical field, or even in the religious atmosphere. Women were still not given the right to vote and they wanted to get the same opportunities in their communities as much as men did. “He has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, civilly dead.”(Conference) This quote also helps us realize that when a …show more content…
As I mentioned earlier, Gandhi was known for his theory of using non-violence to get what you wanted. He was able to get people to follow his belief of “Satyagraha”. This was what Gandhi referred to as soul-force. He preached that violence would only make matters worst. Unjust rules should never be accepted in his eyes, being that every law is not just. Gandhi wanted to use peaceful resistance to let authorities understand that he along with the rest of the Indian people do not deserve the mistreatment they have received. Nkrumah was great a showing repair when speaking about the advancement of Africa. He accepts that fact that many have done wrong to the continent of Africa and Africa has gone through a lot themselves, but there is always opportunity to get passed the hump and be great. He pushes that the continent forget about the past and remain peace with all other countries. He shows that Africa should be given more credit due to the fact that this continent is the founder of thousands of rare and important goods for foreign nations. Nkrumah urges the unity of the people of Africa, being that they can overcome the pain from the past. Additionally, we see repair with the Declaration of Sentiments. This document can be compared to the document mentioned earlier, The French Declaration of Right for Women. Women are shown to still be putting a fight for their rights. The Declaration of Sentiments give

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