Why Starting School Should Start Later

Improved Essays
A new warning has just been issued to students: “The tiredness that you feel in the morning may not be your own fault but a product of your everyday habits. Some habits that lead to your tiredness could involve your tablets, phones, video games, or even your after school job!” In the past, children, teens, and even teachers have faced tiredness at least once throughout the day, and many want a solution. Teens face many obstacles when trying to acquire enough hours of sleep, and this problem often leads to a common solution of starting school at a later time in the day, but this solution is not one that solves all problems. There are many scientific details behind starting school later. The hours of sleep actually needed for growing children and teens is …show more content…
Most believe that if teens do not acquire enough sleep at night, that is leads to grumpiness, anger, and aggression. The inability to obtain 9.25 hours of sleep could be led back to many problems. Some inhibitors of sleep include tablets, phones, and video games. Many teens receive these electronic devises at a young age, which teaches them that technology such as video games, television, and various apps are just as much hobbies as playing soccer, running track, or even knitting. Staying up late on these devices interferes with a child’s or teens ability to acquire 9.25 hours of sleep. Although technology usually takes the blame when one does not receive a healthy amount of sleep, there are many other responsibilities that throw a child’s or teens sleep schedule off. Both pros and cons are found in any suggestion. Gina Caimey states that when a school given the later starting time was observed over a certain period of time that the later start time, “increased math and reading scores by two to three percentile points.” (Caimey 13) An increase in percentile points after

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