Allowing kids under the age of fourteen to play tackle football can have severe consequences to their young minds. I personally do not like football but I’m sure there are other ways that younger kids can play football without tackling each other and getting hurt. “ Goldstein and his colleagues advocate for no tackle football before 14 because children’s bodies, particularly their necks and upper bodies, aren’t strong enough to counteract the bobbling of the head and shaking of the brain that occurs during tackles” (Kounang 1). Not only does that sound painful but why would a parent want that for their child.…
If you're arguing that the sport of football should be banned completely, then you're being naive, that’s never going to happen considering most of America is in the love with the sport. I understand where you come from though if you're simply arguing that football is a dangerous sport. I even agree with you but it doesn't take away from the fact that there are thousands of people out there dedicating there time and effort into making football a safer sport, and its not just that they're making an effort, they're succeeding wether its new helmets designs or if it’s new safety protocols that must be followed. So make sure you think twice if you're going to talk down about football or decide to keep your child from playing it because there’s more to the sport than just hitting each other, trust me, I've played the sport for a total of ten years and it has made me a more well rounded person in all aspects of…
Since of these high risks, football shouldn’t be played since it can be life-threatening, it can cause CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy), and young children really do not understand the risks. Children really shouldn’t play football.…
Parents should demand to stop youth tackle football and have it be youth touch…
As a parent would you let your son play football knowing that the consequences can lead to his death? Football has a history with concussions and severe injuries that have affected players life later on in the future. Most of the athletes who have received concussions do not realize it until it’s too late, which can be later studied on and see a brain disease such as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). With this research, I would not give my son permission to play football because it causes concussions and bodily injuries, promotes violence, and causes permanent brain damage and death.…
Watching kids in youth football leagues repetitively tackle each other makes some parents cringe, yet football is still one of the most popular sports. Why? Possibly because kids who play football gain more than they lose. Participating in a contact sport has more often than not been the solution to calming energetic kids as well as teaching them the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and competitiveness. And yes, it is true that football is a contact sport and kids may get concussions.…
If my child wanted to play tackle football, I would let them because people are making it safer everyday and I am informed enough to make sure my child is safe. Football is one of the most played sports in the United States; therefore, people are continuing to make it safer. This sport involves repetitive trauma to the head and takes an overall toll on ones body. This trauma can lead to more serious repercussions, if not noticed. This trauma can be subsided with changes to the game.…
Every year hundreds of people die in the world from the cause of a concussion. Even those who survive the dangers of concussions tend to face permanent damage involving learning disorders and even permanent paralysis in certain parts of the body. In “Hard Knocks” by Gabriel Charles Tyler, “Concussion Hazards in Youth Football” by CNN, and the infographic from the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology, it can be clearly comprehended that although the sports that teens play are fun, there are serious dangers that support the argument that schools should ban programs such as football. In “Concussion Hazards in Youth Football” by CNN, the topic of concussions and their life-threatening and permanent results are discussed.…
There has always been some type of debate over football and the risk factors it has on its players. This contradiction has recently increased after the movie “Concussion” was released. The debates over this sport include: should children be able to play football despite the risks it includes? Should NFL players have to change their equipment and their ways of playing the game? Would you allow your child to play this sport?…
Football is one of the most popular sports in America. Parents who love football may want their kids to play football. However, Even though It is good to play sports, It is dangerous to play football. Even if an adult plays football, they can get hurt easily. Children are weaker and more vulnerable.…
Some peoples view on dangerous things are different than others. Football can sometimes be more dangerous than other sports, but you have to deal with it, if it is something you love to do. Every sport has its downfall. But as they stated in the essay, “four out of every 1,000 high school football exposures, resulted in an injury.”…
The Withdraws of Football The benefits that come from playing a sport like are astounding. The extra muscles, the increase in stamina and strength as well as the development of leadership and sportsmanship skills is enough to make any sports fan enjoy the physical activities. Yet with the rise in attention regarding the potential life threatening injuries most football players sustain from the play the field, it brings up the questions many sports fans, and concerned football moms, often ask themselves: is football too dangerous of a sport. With the evidence shown supporting the allegations of football being hazardous, it’s obvious that football is too dangerous to play.…
Studies say that kids who participate in sports and aerobic exercise do better in school and have a higher graduation rate. In my opinion kids should be allowed to play tackle football because it helps keep them fit and healthy and has a positive effect on their learning skills and behavior. As an American tenager who enjoys playing tackle football I believe that football is a fun, safe activity for everyone and it is mandatory that parents let their children play football if they choose. According to the article by Michael Lupton, the biggest health risks in the U.S. comes from not…
I understand the opposing claim, but honestly, it shouldn't depend on a rule whether a child can play football or not. It is just as threatening as any other sport. Why ban just one sport and not the…
In 2007, more than 920,000 athletes under the age of 18 were treated in emergency rooms or doctor’s offices. If that doesn’t say something about the dangers of football. I’m not sure what will. II. Relating the topic to the audience: I bet most of you, if not all of you have watched or played football.…