Imagine having a chance to die from just playing America most favorite sport, Football? More than 20 percent of high school students get concussions in just one football season? America’s favorite sports football is played by more than half of the whole population and almost 4 million recorded concussions happened in just one year. Alarmed at the numbers, professionals are trying to make football less detrimental. Since of these high risks, football shouldn’t be played since it can be life-threatening, it can cause CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy), and young children really do not understand the risks. Children really shouldn’t play football. …show more content…
Young athletes may later in their life get horrible illnesses such as Parkinson's, except that they will get it at a young age. " Short-term effects includes memory lapses and early cases of Parkinson's and dementia" (Nordqvist 1). This shows that football can be very lethal with these symptoms. Memory lapses are already horrible but Parkinson's and dementia are worse. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors. This disease cannot be cured and can last for many years or even your lifetime. Dementia is a disease that impedes with your memory, forgetting things such as names and birthdays. In addition, if a concussion is left untreated, it can be very dangerous and it can be fatal (Scholastic Scope Magazine Page 12). This shows that an injury that is usually brushed off is a huge problem. This is one reason why juveniles especially should not play